Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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I'm nowhere near that stage yet in this 'thru. I only have to breathe and the bad guys know I'm around...

Art Blade

maybe you can do something about that breath of yours. Like, less garlic, more mint :gnehe:




Yeah, I gotta lay off the Yum Yum Devilled Eggs and Iguana On A Stick

Art Blade

I was thinking, you could as well do the opposite. Max out that stench. As soon as they smell that breath, they either drop dead or start to run for their lives. And you wouldn't have to lay off anything :)


I just ran into a group of The Forged way out near Wildwood Cemetery. That's the first time ever I've come across those guys outside of their base at Saugus Ironworks.

FO4 just keeps surprising me 8) "The game that keeps on giving", lol :gnehe:

Art Blade

I had run into them before, on the outside. Hasn't happened often, though.


Two things happened last night, one odd, one funny.

Odd thing: I'm trying to grow a settlement at Starlight, and it was up to population 5. I had an unwanted settler inside Vault 88, so I sent him to Starlight. A look at the Pip-Boy confirmed that the Starlight population had gone up to 6. That was ages ago - the guy never showed, and no new settlers have shown up there. Usually it only takes a day or two for a transferred settler to appear at the new destination, but it's been close to one game week - no guy, and no new settlers. I'm wondering if something broke, or if the guy is stuck in some weird place inside the settlement. I've looked everywhere, but can't see any bits of person sticking out of any floors or walls. Pop still says 6 though.

Funny thing: A group of Raiders attacked Warwick Homestead, so I went to help defend it. It was a big attack, I counted 11 Raider bodies afterwards. But most of them had spawned in a tight group inside a cattle pen I'd built for a Brahmin, and two of them were armed with Missile Launchers. One of them tried to fire a missile but it hit the cow a few feet in front of him, which took out not only himself but five of his buddies, including the other Missile guy. And the Brahmin, of course... Made my job a bit easier though, except now I'm down one mooey :gnehe:

Art Blade

hahahaha!! :D That's funny, alright!

The settler, hmm. If only you knew his ID. Do you have a savegame that would allow you to see him "again?" Get his ID, use "player.moveto whateverID" and you'll be next to him.


That's a good idea, but I've done heaps since I sent the guy, including establishing two new settlements with all the buildings and everything, which I don't want to do all over again. Besides that, I don't think I have a save from back then that I could use. Cheers for the suggestion though :thumbsup: I'll wait and see what happens. Maybe he'll yet show up. I might try sending a settler from another settlement and see if it unclogs anything.

Art Blade

welcome :) going back to an old save doesn't mean you'd have to go from there, just recover that ID, jot it down, reload your current game and teleport yourself next to that guy so you may see where he actually is. You could also teleport him to you but that kind of isn't what you wanted to know. That's for after you found him. :)


Ah, I see. I don't think too well in the morning :gnehe:

Art Blade

like, under 200 cups of coffee I'm not my real self, that it? :gnehe:


 :anigrin: Something like that.

Anyway, the problem with the missing settler fixed itself. He FINALLY showed up at Starlight, and the pop count there has begun to climb again. Don't know where the guy was all that time - maybe he stopped in at Goodneighbor and went on a five-day bender :huh-new:

Art Blade

wow. :anigrin:

At least he showed up. The AI acts strangely sometimes.

🡱 🡳

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