Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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No apologies necessary mandru, I took your comment in the spirit in which it was intended, and indeed, that was a very interesting historical tidbit of which I was unaware - and I consider myself fairly well-schooled in the events of WW2. I should apologize to you for not making my interest more evident :)

I edited my earlier post because once you'd drawn my attention to it, it was bugging me. My slight case of OCD kicked in and compelled me to fix it :gnehe: I should have made that clear too.

I agree about the BoS. They are no less sanctimonious and fanatical than the Institute, and for them to impose their will on the post-apocalyptic world by triumphing over the Institute would be to replace one form of tyranny with another. I was only really curious to see what the repercussions would be, and to see Big LP do his thing at least once. I've never seen the robot leave its gantry, and the only way to get to that point was to clobber the Railroad.

The plan is to try the two remaining ending paths (Railroad and Institute) and sample any new post-story radiant quests and character reactions that might arise, then return to the key saved point and pursue the "peaceful" Minuteman ending. I agree with D_B's remark that it's a shame there is no way to complete the story without at least one faction getting the chop. The Minutemen ending is the next-best option.

I want to express my belated thanks to Art for the time he undertook the Raider route by playing as "Damascene Blade" (great name :thumbsup:), doing the gang-friendly thing at Nuka-World and relating his experiences. I can't see me bringing myself to undertake that course as it's too much against my grain to be such a complete rotter :gnehe: I know it's against Art's grain too, which is why I'm grateful to him for going through with it not just to satisfy his own curiosity but ours as well. Cheers mate, for being a dirty rat so we don't have to  ;)

Art Blade

lol, fragger, and welcome :anigrin:

It was against my grain indeed but I was as curious about that route as you were curious about the BoS. And while I was at it, I went full in :gnehe: I really enjoyed the company of that one raider companion, can't even remember his name now, especially in combo with Damascene's ruthlessness and sarcasm :anigrin:

I was glad when I was able to continue to play my good character with the minuteman ending with everyone at peace and the Institute gone to hell.



Can you give me a hunch on the moment, the key savepoint, for splitting endings? I usually rush a bit and might miss the sweet spot. Don't think I will be playing all those different endings, and as far as I'm able to look forward I think I'll stick to the minutemen, but it's nice to know just in case :)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

Binn, I can't tell from the top of my head and without wanting to read the entire two guides fragger and I wrote, you might want to check them out and simply look for what you need. I suppose mine is a bit shorter and I know I posted a vid in there that describes when to save. It's not that easy, you have to play certain missions up to a certain point, you have to avoid a few things.. that's why we wrote the guides ;)

fragger: ah and thanks for the comment on the Damascene Blade name. It took some thinking and it was supposed to somehow be a fitting match for a blade with a purposeful resemblance to my name while it wasn't supposed to be confused with the one and only Art Blade. :anigrin:


BinnZ, Go here, and about 3 pages down, look for a sub-heading called "An Ideal Save Point".

It's pretty important to follow all the steps which lead up to that point too, as getting the best ending (with the Minutemen) requires the right missions - and even parts of some of those missions - to be completed in a particular sequence.

I know the guide is pretty long but it had to be to cover everything. I keep it up to date and revise parts of it whenever I think it needs it (did so just yesterday, actually).


Well, that Acadia mission was a bit of a bust. I went through with it to see what it was all about. First I had to meet up with a BoS guy named Larsen and his assault team on The Island (they were hanging around an old house south of Rayburn Point). I did that, and the plan was for me to then meet up with them at Acadia and do the deed.

Then things started getting weird. On the map, there was a "door" pip at the Acadia site, but it had ceased to be a fast-travel point. But there was another pip showing over near Beaver Creek Lanes :huh-new: so I FT'ed to Beaver Creek, but there was no sign of Larsen or the team there, and that pip had disappeared. The "door" pip at Acadia was still showing but Acadia itself was still no longer a FT point, so I FT'ed to the Wind Farm Maintenance place instead, which was close by, and made my way from there.

Upon reaching Acadia, I was the only one there - no sign of Larsen, the assault team, or the Vertibird that Larsen said would provide outside support, and I was being prompted to enter the observatory by a pip on the door. Once inside, there was still no sign of the assault team, so I had to take out everybody myself - including Kasumi, who I had long ago sent back to her family in the Commonwealth (?) And I couldn't kill her - once I'd hit her hard enough, she did the sit-down thing for a minute, then got back up and resumed fighting. It wasn't until I'd taken out everybody else that the mission progressed, i.e. I had to meet up again with Larsen, who, according to the map, was now way over near the Echo Lake Lumber settlement. What the heck was he doing over there?

So I fast-travelled to Echo Lake Lumber - but he jumped again. The map now showed him as being over near Kitteredge Pass :banghead: So, another fast-travel, and I finally met up with him and his team, who were in the process of fighting with a pair of Yao Guai in the bush. After dispatching the bears, I talked to Larsen and the mish ended.

Acadia became a FT point again (?) I went back, and inside the observatory was a BoS guy in power armor, but now no sign of Kasumi.

I went back to the Commonwealth and lo and behold, there was Kasumi, back at her parents' place, all hostility forgotten and thanking me for reuniting her with her parents like nothing at all had happened. Er, yeah, okay then...

So this mish appears to be somewhat bugged, at least, in my game. Should you ever take this route, my advice would be to just ignore this quest (called "Search And Destroy") altogether. Larsen and his team will be in a remote part of The Island where you're unlikely to ever run into them. It means you'll have that quest forever stuck in your Pip-Boy quest list, though.

EDIT: I read up on this quest on the Wiki, and what is supposed to happen is that after talking to Larsen at the start, you travel to Acadia, the BoS will go in and exterminate everyone, and you can take part, or just watch. If Kasumi is present, she will be seen walking away from Acadia and you can just let her go (which, as described above, was certainly not what happened in my game). Quest ends when all Acadia residents have been eliminated.

Art Blade

rather weird stuff, but quite some fun to read, that story :thumbsup: :gnehe:


I had another go at it. This time, after talking to Larsen, I waited. A Vertibird flew in, touched down, and the team all got on board. The VB took off - and they all jumped out again, while the VB flew off without them :banghead: Then they all went running off to Zephyr Ridge Camp to fight with the Trappers there, then went running off to fight with someone else... then someone else... then someone else... all the while getting further and further away from Acadia. Apparently they were intent on fighting with everybody on the Island except for the people they were there to fight with.

After following them for a ways, I though bugger this and went on to Acadia. Once again, I was the only one who turned up, and once again, Kasumi was inside the observatory.

So I reloaded and gave up on this quest.

Incidentally, there was one interesting result of completing the BoS ending. I went to Cambridge Police Station, and Rhys apologized profusely for being such a snarky bugger to me all those times before and professed his honour for serving with me. He also now addresses me as "sir" because I've been promoted to the rank of Sentinel. There was also an interesting conversation with Haylen (who had returned to the Police Station). Both of these characters' radiant quests remain available, btw.

There was also a unique exchange with Danse once I caught back up with him.

I may need to edit the "Minuteman Ending" guide. The Wiki claims that you can only max out Danse's affinity level and gain his unique perk if you build the teleporter with the BoS' help, although I seem to remember getting Danse's perk anyway in a previous playthrough, even though I've always built the teleporter with Sturges. At present though, he does appear stuck at 999 affinity points, so the Wiki may be correct. At this point I don't know what effect building the teleportter with the BoS will have if you are pursuing a Minutemen ending. I'll have to get back to that.


Thanx guys for the hand out. I took a quick peak but decided better not to go 'all along that trail' because I think it would kind of 'take the fun out of it'. I'm going to see where my guts and morale take me in this game. Maybe I do end up doing the minutemen ending, maybe it will be different. I will look back later on, see where my trail got me and how things may have turned out differently, but I want to experience it for myself first.

I am currently at far harbour, almost completed it entirely. I wanted to keep all 'factions' there alive and I found that Dima a bit of an asswipe, so I had him killed. All I need to do now is to find a way in getting rid of the fog without mass slaughtering the Atoms. That's going to be something I guess, however, as far as I can see only a couple more quests. At least Arcadia is safe. Was quite a struggle having to get enough trust amongst the harbourers to get the right path unfolded, lol

And I am done with the fog, that creepy dark shizzle over there that keeps everything in the shades, so I have to do something against it. And then I continue on the mainland. I did a nice bit of ranking up. Maxed out my armour, weapon and science skills and also my barter skills. So I think I'm up for the real deal now. Need to max out a few more weapons and then I might be ready to go to nuka world, for instance.

Will keep you guys posted :)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

Binn, it's totally OK to do it your way and find out where it gets you. After all, the guides to the peaceful ending with all factions (but the institute) is in a way cheating the game mechanics regarding story lines because it takes so much preparation for it to succeed. Whichever way YOU go is completely up to you and can't be wrong in any way. :)

fragger, that's really weird stuff you're experiencing with the BoS :anigrin:

If I remember correctly, I only played Far Harbor during my normal playthrough (peaceful ending) and never touched it when I did other stuff, like with Damascene (I should, see how she deals with Dima and all the others there.. I reckon that Far Harbor would end up without a living soul left to tell the tale :evil2: ) so I don't have any memory of what happened with the BoS over there. I really don't think I went there with them. Shows how big the game really is O0


I can totally understand that, BinnZ. It's that kind of game. I too like to discover stuff for myself :) And anyway, if you do have questions, there are plenty of fans of the game here to ask. Apart from yourself, there are 5 OWG members who have played or are still playing it - mandru, Art, T.V., D_B and myself. Between us all, I'd say we've probably amassed a good pool of knowledge (in fact I think this is by far the longest topic on the site, and that's after it was continued on from the old site). If one of us doesn't have an answer, someone else surely will :gnehe:

Art, I'm pretty sure the BoS only end up in Far Harbor if you do the BoS ending, and even then they don't have the same sort of presence that they do in the Commonwealth. I think that after the Acadia business, the only BoS you'll encounter will be at Acadia. It's not like they have Vertibirds flying around like they do in the Commonwealth. In fact when you first talk to Captain Kells about Acadia, he says something about how they'll have to modify a Vertibird for long-distance flight to get there, which is the one you see when you go to meet the assault team on The Island (I assume the rest all stay in the Commonwealth, near the Prydwen and the Airport). After that Acadia debacle, I no longer saw the VB at all and there was just the one BoS guy hanging around the observatory - but then, my mission seems to have been bugged, so that might not be a typical outcome. Even so, I get the feeling that you won't see VBs and BoS troops in anything like the numbers that you do in the Commonwealth.

Art Blade

alright :) I did play the BoS ending but only to get to see that ending and that huge robbie in action :anigrin: I never bothered with anything else, like, I don't think I even touched FH when playing BoS.


Railroad ending complete. In a couple of ways, it was almost as tricky as the Minutemen ending. You essentially have to proceed towards an Institute ending initially, but you can branch off for the Railroad ending instead when a certain decision you have to make comes up.

So the Minutemen, BoS and Railroad endings all come down to the same thing right at the very end - nuking the Institute from the roof of the Mass Fusion building and leaving a big radioactive crater where C.I.T. once stood. The Railroad ending also means eliminating the BoS, basically by blowing up the Prydwen (which leaves a huge mass of flaming wreckage out at the airport which burns for a day or so then stops, leaving an impressive skeleton of twisted framework girders and a mass of debris, like the Hindenburg. Sometime later I went poking around out here, and much to my surprise I ran into Scribe Lucia, the supplies officer. Or should I say, she ran into me - she shot me in the back while I was looking around inside the terminal building... I didn't think anyone would have survived after a giant burning airship fell on them).

So far, I've found the Minutemen ending to be the most straightforward one to pull off (after proceeding from the "ideal" save point for pursuing the various endings, right before the Allie Filmore discussion inside the Institute). The Railroad ending is rather convoluted by comparison as there is considerably more that needs to be done to bring it about. And since I had to actually pursue the Institute ending path for a ways before I could "branch off" to go with the Railroad, the Institute ending also looks like it may be more involved than the Minutemen one.

So far, all ending paths involve unique missions, some of which are quite interesting. The Institute ending is the final one I want to check out.

Art Blade

cool. Enjoy :)

I think the Prydwen incident sounds familiar.. Damascene Blade might remember it, still :evil2:

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