Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Ah, okay, I see what you're getting at now. Thanks :)

Art Blade

you're welcome, although it's a pity we have to "buy" quality for such an amount of file size.. however, the alternative (OBS) causes so much stutter with certain games that I am reluctant to go back to it, unless the game remains playable and the vids still good. Which isn't exactly going to happen, that's why I resorted to D3DGear as it is leaves the game alone and the performance in a game is in the end more important than file sizes. :gnehe:

Art Blade

I just checked, a 00:08:50 vid (Ride 2) at 1920*1080 res on "best" setting causes a 4.52GB file which for me takes 01:13:00 to upload. Makes entire playthroughs a tad tedious lol


Art Blade

yep.. that's the downside of quality recording with that program. OBS can do that with a fraction of the file size BUT it uses a lot of CPU power which in turn is detrimental to the game's performance. You can choose OBS if the game isn't demanding, but knowing FO4 isn't exactly a CPU lightweight when it comes to visiting settlements..

Art Blade

nice vid, fragger, you're going to post about, LOL! O0


What are you, clairvoyant? I mean yeah, I am, and thanks for the pre-credit...

I think I'll stick with D3DGear :bigsmile: Anyway, I paid for it so I'm going to flipping well use it :gnehe:

So here it is then (just as Art foresaw :gnehe:), a short experiment using D3DGear to capture some gameplay, then OpenShot to cut and cobble some bits together (and OpenShot is free). I just wanted to see if I could combine a few moments from the game into one video. OpenShot makes it pretty easy to do that once you learn a little (there are some good tutorials on YT from the guy who created it - I learned how to put this together in about 10-15 minutes, with fades and all).

Art Blade

I got Open Shot as well, there's also Shotcut for free which I also got, and both are without dropping ads and all that nonsense, so a pretty good recommendation.

I wasn't clairvoyant. While I was on YouTube preparing to upload a massive file, I simply saw your channel had a new vid and checked it out :anigrin: Of course you wouldn't leave that there without posting, that much was obvious :gnehe:


Actually, I guessed that was how you knew :)

I had a look at Shotcut too when I was searching for a free and fairly easy-to-use video editor, but OpenShot appealed to me more. The user interface wasn't quite as businesslike and scary as Shotcut's :gnehe: I found it more intuitive to use as well, once I got the basics down. A good ten-minute tutorial is worth a dozen hours of hair-pulling trial-and-error O0

Art Blade

yeah :anigrin:

I am waiting for the vid to finish uploading so I can see how long the "processing" at YouTube will take. I guess it will be a little less than the time it took to upload.

Art Blade

actually it was less than 8 minutes.

But I came here to tell you I just *had* to watch your vid again, it's so funny :D


Nice explosions  :laughsm: That MG looks like a MG08/15 (German copy of the Maxim gun) or, maybe a modified Lewis.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Thanks Art :)

I like how there's a brief expanding dome-like shock wave of distorted air when grenades explode 8)

OWGKID, those are all exploding vehicles in the video. If they get shot up or damaged enough they start to burn, then after a minute, they blow up. They're ostensibly fusion-powered, so when they go off, you don't want to be nearby (they'll also be radioactive for a minute or so afterwards). In that last bit, a couple of times you see a small red car icon in the centre of the screen. That means "You are in the blast-zone of a vehicle that's about to explode, so you'd better haul *bleep*" :gnehe: The first time, that bit of wall on my left saved me from harm. The second time, I ran down the stairs, saw that icon, and immediately ran back up, just in time.

That weapon is called an "Assault Rifle" in the game, and the design is completely fanciful (although it is a little reminiscent of a Maxim or a British Vickers MG around the barrel area). This one is semi-auto (default), but you can modify them to be full auto. Like almost all ballistic weapons in the game, you can change receiver types, magazine size, stock types, barrel types, sights and muzzle attachments, with a good range of each. Energy weapons have different sets of modifications.

Some weapons are loosely modelled on real-world ones, like the "Combat Rifle" (a Browning Automatic Rifle, or BAR), the "Submachine Gun" (A Thompson or "Tommy" gun) and a "Handmade Rifle" (an AK-47). The ballistic weapons are almost all old-worldy types, which is in keeping with the quirky retro-future theme of the game. Energy weapons are modelled on pulp-SF kinds of styles, a la Flash Gordon and "fanzine" art. They're a hoot :gnehe:

Sometimes you can get a special variant of a weapon from a "Legendary" enemy. A Legendary enemy can be anything - a human enemy, a robot, a Super Mutant, even an animal of some sort. In addition to being tougher than their fellows, when their HP bar is reduced to about 50%, they "mutate" - essentially, their HP bar refills and you have to knock them down again (they only do that once however). When you defeat a Legandary enemy, looting them will yield a special weapon or piece of armour which will have a feature that cannot be reproduced at a workbench. Legendary weapons and armour pieces can still be modified further at the respective workbenches, just like any others, and they retain whatever special feature they have.

Here's a Legendary example - my heavily modded Assault Rifle from the video: the "Maneater" (I changed its name - you can rename all of your individual weapons).
As you can see, the special feature this Legendary has is that it does additional damage when used against human enemies (hence the name :gnehe:)

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Here's a modified bog-standard Plasma Rifle.

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When you modify a weapon, the program changes the weapon name to reflect the mods. With the mods this Plasma Rifle was given, the name ended up being something like "Overcharged Compensated Sighted Sniper Plasma Rifle" - a tad long-winded. So a renamed it simply "My Plasma Rifle".

One rare Legendary weapon feature you might find is the "Never Ending" one. A weapon with that feature never needs reloading (still uses up ammo though). In my current game I lucked out - I've got a NE Combat Rifle and a NE Combat Shotgun. There is also a NE laser weapon you can get from one specific unmarked location on the map, which I also have.


nice clip Fragger, I may have to look into open shot. The video editing software I have is really old now and was always gltichy. I just did an Astroneer video that was cut into two parts because of file size limitations or something like that. I'd like to be able to upload things like that in one piece.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

usually it's simpler to just upload raw footage because editing takes up a lot of time depending on what you're doing.. I tried it but haven't had enough patience and material. I usually delete anything that I don't upload with very few exceptions.

🡱 🡳

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