Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

I gave you another like for that on YouTube.. "Generous use of a fat man with atomic payload, mines for Mirelurks, wiped out a whole lot of Named Ghouls, fought off tough Super Mutants.. just another day in the Commonwealth. :) Nice"

I enjoyed how you used Jet during the fight against those Super Mutants, nice watching in slow motion those explosive rounds peppering one of them :anigrin:

Always cracks me up how one's character screams after using some drugs like that, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHRG!  :laughsm:


Thanks Art :)

You probably noticed I'd popped some Berry Mentats too just before getting out onto the roof, as envinced by the pink haze surrounding everyone :gnehe: They're great for seeing where enemies are on the other side of walls and so on.

Art Blade

yes, I noticed  :) I love them, especially at night :gnehe:


Nice action there, makes me want to go play some FO4 again.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Cheers D_B :) I love the firefights in FO4, very spontaneous and dynamic. Good physics and stuff too, the way things and enemies get thrown and rag-dolled about.

That was also one of my very rare uses of a Stealth Boy. The trouble with those is, because you're almost completely invisible for a few seconds, you can't see your own weapon sights which makes it somewhat difficult to aim, so they're a bit of a double-edged sword in combat. They can be useful though sometimes.

Art Blade

worse: you can't really read your pip-boy.


Oh, Ubisoft, Bugthesda :gnehe: Actually, if it was designed by Ubiquitous Software, we would have been detected regardless :laughsm:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I wasn't really complaining about the Stealth Boy, just pointing out the drawback of using them. I like that they did it that way, actually. Being invisible gives you a rather massive advantage, but there's a price to pay - if you're invisible, it means you're invisible to yourself as well. You can't have it both ways :gnehe:

It doesn't really show up in the video, but you're not actually completely invisible. There's a kind of distortion in the air where you are, a bit like if you were made out of water, so that while you can't see yourself, you can see where your arms and weapon are by the distortion. It's a subtle effect, and makes it difficult to aim.

I read an interesting article once about what being invisible would really mean, and it wouldn't be pleasant. For starters, you wouldn't be able to see anything - if your eyes and their retinas are invisible, there's nothing for light to act upon, so you'd actually be blind. It would also badly impact your hand-to-eye coordination, since you can't see where your hands are.

Art Blade

and then comes a time you really, really need to take a dump. That's when it's going to be complicated and ugly. :anigrin:



I've been holding off on manning-up Travis the radio guy this time around. Some of the stuff he says on the radio while he's still in awkward geek mode is hilarious :gnehe: He's not half as entertaining once he becomes Mr. Cool.

Art Blade


I had an interesting thing happen today with my Synth Settlement experiment.

I had a synth pop up at Tenpines whom I'd re-outfitted to my standard settler's kit of ultra light Marine Armor, a The Last Minute (fully buffed w/silencer), Operator Goggles (+4 damage and energy resistance w/+1 perception), and because it was a synth in this case an armored Trilby.  I only give the Trilbys to synths so they can be easily identified.  All other settlers get armored battered fedoras and newsboy caps.

But back to the re-outfitted synth as he was directly sent off to join other synths at Hangman's Alley.  He never showed up as assigned over several real time days and I began to suspect that I'd miscounted and he really had reached Hangman's.  So I put it out of my mind.

This morning I received an alert to defend Tenpines to which I quick traveled and fought off a sizable synth attack on the settlement.  At first I thought that one of the residents had been killed by either my actions or the automatic defenses but when I went to recover all of the fallen settler's gear for future usage I realized that the dead settler was not only wearing an armored Trilby but had a synth component in his inventory.

I'd located the synth that had failed to report in to Hangman's.

I had been by Tenpines several times over the last week or so and had repeatedly checked the workshop for synth intrusions and I would have noticed that one of the settlers present was loafing around wearing a trilby.  The synth in question was never assigned a job and there were four verified humans already assigned to the 24 mutfruits before he ever arrived at Tenpines.

The only thing I can think of is that when I'd reassigned him to Hangman's he'd wandered off a short distance and awaited for his synth buddies to arrive.  Then having collected intel (as he'd sized up the settlement) led the attack.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

very interesting. Especially that you could identify that synth by the trilby and that you knew what you did before that happened. To me this is the first time I've learned of anything related to synth settlers actually becoming something else than assigned synth settlers. It even makes me think about whether or not there actually is a game (engine, lore, scripted..) background, like, turning synth settlers into synth attackers or even make them join synth forces and raid settlements together with the synth soldiers.

I don't think I'll ever see anything like this because I have got a mod installed that removes any attacks on settlements. It has been peaceful ever since.


That is curious. I think you're correct mandru, that is the only explanation I can think of as well to account for what happened there.

Theoretically, Hangman's shouldn't ever get attacked by synths if you have nothing but synths there already. I can't imagine they'd turn against their own infrastructure :gnehe: With no humans present, what would be the point?

Must be the week for odd stuff. In the very early stages of my current game, I'd scrapped everything I could around the Red Rocket just outside Sanctuary, then cleaned out its Workbench and took all the materials back to use and/or store in Sanctuary's WB, intending to establish a settlement at the RR sometime much later (my plan is: establish a few settlements, get them up to snuff and populated to where I want them, then move on to a few more and do the same, until all are fully populated and all settlers geared up before meeting the Concord group. I don't want to be building up too many settlements at once and losing track of what I've done where).

I know I'd totally cleaned out the RR Workbench, left absolutely nothing in it.

That was about a couple of real-time months and 60 Levels ago. So yesterday I was passing through the RR and spotted a bottle I'd missed hiding in the bushes, so I scrapped it. When I went to get the Glass from it out of the WB, to my surprise the WB contained about 20 assorted junk items. I certainly didn't put them there, and there are no settlers. Where the heck did they come from? :huh-new:

I'm wondering if Workbenches in unpopulated settlements generate their own junk over time and I've just never noticed. I know sometimes unemployed settlers will produce the odd junk item, but as stated, there are none at the RR yet.

🡱 🡳

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