Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Thanks for the +1 Art.  8)

The mirelurk was chasing the cat almost straight on towards where I was standing. The 4-Claw Drive animation of the cat's movement wasn't simply typical cat movement sped up.

I was surprised to see that there was an animation for a cat to move at "Oh *bleep*" speed.  :D
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


"4-Claw Drive" is a hilarious word creation :laughsm:



There is one thing that always irked me about the "Cambridge Polymer Labs" quest, and that is that if you finish the quest with some of the samples still in your "Misc" inventory, you can't get rid of them.

But as it turns out, you can, using the console.

I found some codes for getting rid of the pesky leftovers. They don't weight anything so it's not like they're a carry burden, but they're just extra items you have to scroll through in your Misc. So to get rid of them, use these "player.removeitem" commands in the console (the codes will w0#k whether you've scanned the samples or not, i.e. if they still show up as "Unidentified Sample [number]" in your inventory. The codes will get rid of them regardless):

Hydrochloric Acid (Sample #11317)
player.removeitem 0009BC88 1

Gallium (Sample #413)
player.removeitem 000A018C 1

Cobalt (Sample #49)
player.removeitem 000A0190 1

Tungsten (Sample #65)
player.removeitem 000A018E 1

Lithium Hydroxide (Sample #3111)
player.removeitem 000A50F7 1

Gold (Sample #611)
player.removeitem 000A50F5 1

U-238 Isotope
player.removeitem 00099CE7 1

NOTE: Unless you've taken them back out of the test apparatus after completing the quest, "Lithium Hydroxide", "Gold" and "U-238 Isotope" shouldn't be in your inventory. But if you did and they are, use the codes above to remove them.

Art Blade

cheers, fragger :) apparently you're becoming quite proficient with those console commands :anigrin:

I remember having had items in my inventory that simply didn't belong there and I also remember having used similar or even the same commands to get rid of them. I don't recall what I had been carrying around but damn, the game tends to create a massive inventory no matter what so it's always nice to be able to get rid of the annoying bits :)


Good find fragger.  :thumbsup:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Cheers gents :)

The console can be a life-saver sometimes. Let's face it, as much as I love this game, it can be buggy at times - certainly not horribly, but bugs there are (which is probably why the devs left the console in). It has come in handy for getting wayward companions back to my side, getting rid of unwanted bodies and things that are supposed to go away after a while but don't (like all those dead people at Covenant), and for getting Carla's cow unstuck from the yellow house's roof at Sanctuary on occasion ::)

I like to avoid cheating, but sometimes if I've lugged a whole mess of materials and components from one settlement to another for purposes of building, it can be vexing to be putting some finishing touches in and finding myself one unit short of Copper or Steel or something, especially if it's the last thing I'm making. Rather than traipse or fast-travel all the way back to the other settlement for one lousy bit of resource, or going out on a scav hunt for it, I'll console it up on the spot. So sue me :gnehe:

Regarding those samples, I got sick to death of seeing them in my Misc list, and since I couldn't scrap them, sell them, or store them, I decided to delve :gnehe: Someone posted those codes on the Steam forum, but the official Wiki is my usual go-to for such things. It's a wonderful source of info.

Art Blade

it sure made my life easier when "helping the game spawn random" legendary items.  :gnehe:


Yeah I got rid of the Cambridge Labs stuff by going back there, and putting them one at a time into the sample analyzer or whatever it is, which is the only place the player can put them, but it can only hold one. So while it's there, you tell your companion to pick it up and since it's a player only item, I guess it just disappears as it doesn't go into the companion's inventory that I recall. Repeat with each item and you're rid of them.

Or the console works well too lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


For some reason I've always been solo on that mission, so I never tumbled to the companion trick. Okay, that's another option then :gnehe:


I made a remark in another topic about how it usually doesn't occur to me to record my gameplay until something funny or spectacular happens, then I'm like, "I wish I'd recorded that". I had such a moment just a little while ago which would have made a really cool little video clip. Oh well.

My mate Hancock and I went to Fort Hagen by fast-travelling to the filling station there, and after taking a few steps I noticed a red dot on the compass indicating that something was lurking nearby which probably didn't want to be my friend. Usually there are a couple of rogue robots or Raiders or a pack of wild dogs hanging around or scrapping with a few wandering Settlers in the area, so I wasn't too concerned about a getting into a major scrap - until I rounded a corner and there was a dirty big Mirelurk Queen just standing around bold as brass in the middle of the road.

I have never seen one of them around Fort Hagen, ever, and having virtually run into one of its legs, it certainly knew I was there. And I'd come without my Legendary anti-animal Quad-Missile Launcher, which I have dubbed the "Critter Blower Upper" and which usually makes fairly short w0#k of big nasties like MQs.

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Thus it was immediately on for young and old. I bolted into a nearby building for cover, only to find several Gunners already in residence, one clad in partial Power Armor. Okay, bad place to duck into. I dodged back out and found another half-ruined house to hole up in, but this one had robots in it. In the meantime, Hancock had been his usual rash self by charging in like a maniac and had already been put on his bum while everybody else starting picking fights with the other everybody elses all around him, while a 30-foot monster bellowed and spat poison at all the everybody elses.

So this frenetic four-way battle had spilled out into the streets, with bullets, grenades, laser beams and globs of monster-spit flying about with gay abandon. I finally found a house that wasn't occupied by uppity bad guys, the half-ruined two-storey job with one upper floor corner missing near the gas station, and ran upstairs where I was able to bead up Mrs. Mirelurk safely out of nipper-whacking range. But someone had set a vehicle on fire and it promptly erupted in a big fireball which sent a Gunner and a robot flying amidst all the lasers and mayhem with the MQ facing me squarely in the foreground. That was the scene that would have looked so cool in a video because I'd just happened to be looking right at it when it happened, but as usual, I didn't think to engage the recording software (I hadn't even thought to have it running, also as usual).

It was a fun battle though and I got five pieces of T-45 Power Armor out of it (everything but the helmet).

Art Blade

wow. That must have been quite the sight :anigrin:

Quote from: fragger on April 15, 2019, 01:13:32 AMeverybody else starting picking fights with the other everybody elses all around him, while a 30-foot monster bellowed and spat poison at all the everybody elses.


Potentially you could rebuild that scene and record it. There are console commands that freeze the AI in place (they don't react to anything) and there are spawn commands for every critter and baddie so you could essentially spawn those groups in the same places while they'd not move a muscle, maybe bring Hankie first and put him where he'd spaz out the best, walk up to that sniper nest and save the game, start the recording and enter the command to put everything back to life. Should be interesting :anigrin:


I have to admit that's not a combination of enemy elements I've ever encountered.  :thumbsup:

If I'm out doing a random rampage and I hear gunshots or other sounds of a fight I invariably sprint towards it.  I enjoy laying low and watching situations where there's a heated conflict in progress.

To prolong the fight when one side heavily outweighs the other I'll selectively prune back some of the dominant group.  :evil2:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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