Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Okay (*burp*) - here's the video showing the way to the rooftop apartment
(I got soaking wet in the rain recording this, hope you all appreciate it):

(NOTE: I posted another reply right before this one, on the preceding page, in case you missed it - because if you did, you won't know why I'm burping...)


I'm currently in Africa (FC2), but if my memory serves me right, there is another way op to that roof as well.
To the  right of the entrance of the "Boxing Gym" https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Boxing_Gym, there is a scaffolding that leads up to some ruined part of that roof.


Interesting, yeah I don't think I got up there that way, so either the way T.V. mentioned or by jetpack.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

haha, hello T.V. :)

very cool, cheers guys.  O0

fragger, for screenshots and videos, try using a weather command. I created a file "weather.txt" inside the FO4 folder to be used as a batch command by simply typing bat weather. Not bad weather but bat weather :gnehe: That batch file is very useful because you won't have to memorise the weather codes and commands. ;)

copy paste those lines: (the first is just a reminder of what that code is doing).

#weather "Commonwealth Clear"
forceweather 0002b52a


Nice video clip fragger, you should post some more   :thumbsup:
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade

oh yes. :)

I just fired up my game to check out that location.

Two things that I find annoying when firing up the game after a somewhat longer hiatus:

1) The game won't even start up because of the mods I run, I need to update the f4se loader (the stupid "creation club" updates are the reason) but OK, that's my personal problem, not strictly Bethesda's fault although in the end they still cause it. :angry-new:

2) I don't know anymore how to bloody holster a weapon. WHY don't they add that to the key map description that, of all things, holding the reload button holsters your weapon. :banghead: Every. Fucking. Time. I have to google that. :angry-new: :angry-new: :angry-new:

Art Blade

I found the apartment O0 AND a full set of classic PA on my way :anigrin: (by the way, I am level 141) The reason it was there: help defend the checkpoint, at the water front.

This vid IS short so I hope you manage to watch it from start to end. ;)

Also, I recorded it 1920*1080p60 using OBS with custom settings, on software mode. The original footage was 11.23 and
678MB, the edited 2.37 version is 279 MB, using OpenShot. Speeding and transitions took their toll, it was a surprisingly long processing time of at least 12 minutes for OpenShot.


Cheers, all :)

Thanks T.V., I'll look for that :thumbsup:

Nice clip, Art. Explosions look cool at night 8)

Last night I found yet another place I hadn't stumbled across before: Warren Theater, near the Combat Zone. It's only a small location with a few goodies inside, but there was a small crowd of manikins on the theater's stage with a motionless Gen 2 Synth hiding among them, waiting in ambush. I spotted him before he spotted me though. Nice try, rubber man :evil2:

Art Blade

cheers :bigsmile:

haha, a rubber man waiting in ambush, that's nasty. :anigrin:

Art Blade

fragger and the rest, have you guys ever found a complete low level PA like the one in my vid after defending a checkpoint? I was level 141..


Yes. I looked into how PA suits (and which model types they are) spawn and learned a thing or two about it.

What happens is this: When you first enter a given map area, or cell*, which contains a PA suit (either full or partial), the PA will be permanently set to a particular model type depending on what Level you are currently on. The Level/model relationships are:

Level 1-13: T-45
Level 14-20: T-51
Level 21-27: T-60
Level 28+: X0-1

So, using the PA suit at 35 Court as an example: Let's say you first enter that cell very early in the game, say at Level 8. That PA suit will then be a T-45 and it will stay that way for the rest of the game. Even if you don't grab the suit at that time but come back for it later, say at Level 40, it will still be a T-45. The only way it will ever be an X0-1 is if you refrain from entering that map cell at all in your current game until you reach Level 28 (the point at which the suit becomes X0-1).

Note that some suits are "capped" at a particular model type. Some will never go above T-45, regardless of player Level. Some will only go to T-51 or T-60. But many will "upgrade" themselves all the way to X0-1. So if you want the highest model types of findable PAs, the trick is to avoid entering any cells which contain them, at all, in a given playthrough, until you have reached at least Level 28. Easier said than done... I guess try not to range too far afield in the early stages of the game.

The site below has quite a useful guide, showing which PAs will upgrade to what model types. The article contains a table of Level/model relationships like the one I included above, but appears to be incorrect. As far as I can determine, the table in my post is accurate.


*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

*So how big is a map cell? It's kind of hard to describe, but to get an idea, the street area in Sanctuary from the loop of road to the bridge would just fit inside one cell. Roughly. But cell interaction is complicated by the fact that when you enter a given cell, you also affect all eight cells that border it. So if a cell contains PA, you will affect that cell by moving into any one of the eight cells that are adjacent to it and subsequently permanently set the model type of that PA depending on your current Level. The "area of effect" then is essentially a 3x3-cell area. This is about the distance between northernmost Sanctuary and the Museum of Freedom in Concord, square).

There is a handy map at this site which shows all sorts of locations, but also shows the cells. The square grid that overlays the map are the cells.



Interesting map, thanks for the link. I've heard that not only do you set loot at a certain level when you enter that cell, but also the level of enemies. Which is why when I go to the Coastal Cottage area and a Mirelurk Queen pops up on the beach, I can take her out with my pistol, since I originally visited that area at about level 15 early in the game. So any enemies that spawn there are now low level and me being level 165 or so, they are pretty easy to take down.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

that.. is extremely useful to know, both yours and fragger's info. Thank you, guys :)

+1 :thumbsup: for each of you.


Thanks Art :) It's always a pleasure to share info about this game O0


Blimey, clearing out Gunner's Plaza on "Very Hard" difficulty - and going in there for the first time this game on Level 88 - AND with no cheats or mods whatsoever - is an exercise in uphill battling. Most of the enemies are clad in various combinations of Heavy and Sturdy Combat Armor and their hit points are whopping. At one point I pumped a whole clip of Spray-And-Pray ammo into a well-armoured Legendary high-ranker and all it did was knock her down to mutation-level ??? Took like another clip and a half to bring her down. I went in with over 1,400 rounds of .45 S&P ammo and came out with 67, as well as seriously depleted 5.56 ammo (for my Assault Rifle), plasma and fusion cell. On average, it took most of a 100-round S&P clip to bring down one Gunner. And the joint is full of them.

I took a full suit of X0-1 Mk VI Power Armor (with Prismatic coating to deal with the laser-zappery that I knew would be coming my way) and before I even got the atrium cleared the goons had knocked one arm right out of action and severely damaged the other. All the pieces took extensive damage. I was solo, no companion.

I like to take the external fire escape stairs on the western side of the building to get on the roof, so I can get the drop on the Missile guy and the Fat Man guy from above and behind. Then I go in through the doors on the upper floor, which lead to the wraparound balcony of the atrium area, which was where I took the hardest clobbering. On the right as you enter is a room with three or four baddies in it, and if you can sneak in unobserved, you can lob something substantial like a Mini-Nuke or a rapid quad-group of Missiles into the room and take them all out before they know what's going on. But on this occasion they somehow got wind of me and spilled out before I could bomb them, and I copped a hiding, especially from some high-ranking clown with a Fiery Auto Laser Rifle who kept setting me alight. Another guy managed to take me unawares from right behind and started laying into me with a souped-up Power Fist. He was the bugger who wrecked my suit's right arm. I knocked him over, then blew his head off with a shottie in a fit of pique.

And when I got down to the basement, there were three - count them, three - Legendaries among the Gunners waiting for me in there...

But I got through, despite having my *bleep* handed to me. There is a good haul of Bottlecaps to be taken from all the desks and filing cabinets in that place if you have the "Fortune Finder" Perk. Got several hundred worth.

🡱 🡳

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