Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Cheers mandru :) I did know about the "setstage" command but it wouldn't have helped much here as that quest (Fire Support) only has two stages - listen to "Military Frequency AF95" on the radio and help eliminate the ghouls at the Police Station, which was the stage that wouldn't complete. Maybe resetting the "listen to the radio" part might have helped, but there didn't seem to be a whole lot of point to that. I'd taken out all the ghouls anyway so I figured I might as well just end things then and there. I knew that I had technically completed the mission.

The "setstage" command has gotten me out of trouble on a couple of other quests though, like "The Kid In The Fridge" when it got stuck in a kind of loop - the quest marker would hang over Bullet's head, indicating that I was supposed to talk to him, but when I approached him the marker would jump to Billy - and vice versa, round and round, so that I couldn't get to talk to either of them. It was like being piggy in the middle. There was some other quest which escapes me now which I had to reset a stage of to nudge it along.

Art Blade

I don't remember using that command despite knowing about it. Maybe once. I got pretty lucky with quests working as intended.


Quote from: Art Blade on July 10, 2019, 08:16:21 PM
hehe, right after starting the game, "set stage blah xxx" to jump right to the end of the game, like, "I want to freely roam this map, to hell with those quests."  :gnehe:

You can actually enter this console command:

caqs  (stands for "complete all quest stages")

which will immediately complete every single quest in the game. The Wiki cautions against using it though. They say, and I quote: "Very buggy and may cause the game to crash". Seeing as how this is Bethesda we're talking about, the "may" can probably be read as "will".

I don't know what happens with XPs if you do this, whether you suddenly get them up the wazoo, just the ones for the last quest in the list, or none at all. I'm happy to stay in the dark on that one :undecided-new:

Art Blade

I remember coming across "caqs" while reading through various cheats but really, it never even crossed my mind in earnest to skip all missions right from the start.

Anyone who would like to do that should get Fallout 76, it works like that by design. A sandbox game without sand :gnehe:


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Thought I'd post this here even though it does relate to my win10 upgrade, but is relevant here too.

Finally got my re-install of FO4 working. Turns out one of my mods was outdated, Load Accelerator https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10283 which once I updated it my entire Fallout install worked. What Load Accelerator does is unhooks the FPS limit during loading so that it can use the full speed of the computer to load the game. What normally happens is that the FPS is locked to 60 which is what the game engine's physics are tied to. So, yes, the game is intentionally slowed down during loading screens just to accommodate that 60 fps lock. The mod unlocks that and lets the computer run at full speed (I've seen 600-700 fps during loading screens) and allow the game to load much faster. Though it really only helps when the game is installed on an SSD, spinning hard drive installs don't see much if any improvement.

So I'm back in Fallout if I ever get the itch to play, though for some reason, all my carefully placed objects are now all over the place and some refuse to be placed again in an upright position, like Vim bottles. Can't rotate them either, though I may be using the wrong keys to rotate. Also a couple items now insist on snapping to being placed halfway into the ground or the object below them, so that's a thing too.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Glad you got it sorted!  :thumbsup:

Art Blade

D_B, I'm glad it works again :thumbsup:

Regarding item placement.. I think we have discussed it on several occasions how finnicky the game is about that and I believe most of us have given up on placing stuff in an orderly fashion because items disappear or get shuffled around..

It's not a bug. It's Bethesda. ;)


It's nice that you got it worked out D_B, though it's too bad you had to go through all of that frustration to get there.

Happy gaming.  :thumbsup:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Regarding the repositioning of fallen junk items, I've found that if they've fallen and you just pick them up off the ground while in Workshop mode, they won't automatically right themselves or be rotatable, let alone allow you to place them precisely. Instead, what you need to do is pick them up outside of Workshop mode, so that they go back into your inventory. Then go into inventory and drop them from there, exit inventory and then enter Workshop mode to pick them up. They should then reacquire their auto-righting, rotational and placement functionality.

In other words, the junk items only right themselves and rotate after being dropped from inventory. If you've already placed something and it has fallen, it has to go back through inventory to regain the positioning functionality. Once a junk item has been placed, you can enter Workshop mode and reposition it, but as soon as it falls by itself, it loses that ability until it has passed through your inventory again.

Art Blade

once you've created a tidily arranged exhibition and the next time you return it looks as if someone had been practicing with hand grenades, you'll probably consider giving up creating exhibitions. At least that's what I did after about the second time around.


A little more on junk item placement. Some items seem to lend themselves to that more reliably than others. It doesn't seem to be related to item size, as Typewriters are largish junk items but they are terrible for moving about and falling through furniture after being placed (I've given up on them) and the Garden Gnomes found in Far Harbor have a tendency to just disappear without trace after being placed, even directly on the ground.

There is a particular metal desk you can make which seems to be quite stable for putting junk items on, which is this one:

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I have had several games where I have put junk items on these desks and they seem to stay there forever, as long as I or someone else doesn't brush against them. To guard against that, I put the items towards the back of the desk, hopefully out of harm's way. Desk Fans and Globes, as seen here, seem to be fairly stable items to place, but once again, only as long as they are on a stable furniture type, like this desk.

Even so, it's often a lottery.

There is actually a mod which lets you turn selected junk items into proper Workshop items, i.e. they won't move, get knocked over or disappear:


I haven't tried it so can't vouch for it.


Yeah the two junk items I had a problem with before I gave up was the large Vim bottle from Far Harbor which refused to sit upright no matter what I did. It's center of mass apparently shifted and rotated and it refuses to sit in any position other than laying on it's side half buried in whatever it's resting on. When I pick it up in workshop mode, I can only rotate it on the long axis, it won't rotate end for end. If I store it in inventory then drop it, if I'm lucky it will land on it's bottom and maybe stay that way but usually tips over. So that's a lost cause. The other object I noticed had issues was one of the memorial flags in a triangular case I had sitting on a shelf. It was on the floor so I picked it up and it also refused to sit on it's bottom but instead would only be placed sunk halfway into whatever it was sitting on. After that I just didn't bother and gave up on it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Do you remember where you found the big Vim bottle, D_B? I don't think I've come across it, or if I have, didn't realize I could pick it up. I'm thinking it's at the Vim plant, but I might be wrong.

The only junk items that seems to be un-knock-overable are intact Giddyup Buttercups. You can't even knock them over yourself once you place them, but you have to place them on fairly level ground or they might fall over when you let go of them. They're stable, although I did have one disappear on me once (out of a group of four - maybe the program doesn't like more than three of them Workshop-placed in the same cell or something). There's one big one you can get from Wilson Atomatoys Corporate HQ. It's a one-off, doesn't seem to respawn once you take it. But you can Workshop-place it like the standard ones.


Yeah the big Vim bottles are in the bottling plant in Far Harbor, in the fountain, and it respawns, I have several around. But two of them fell over and refuse to sit upright anymore. When you pick it up in workshop mode, instead of snapping upright like most things do, they are laying slightly canted on one side and nothing you do will make them rotate upright. If you store them and then drop them, they will land on their bottom and if you're really careful you can then move them in workshop mode but any slight deviation and they will fall over. You can't pick them up in normal mode because they are too heavy.

I know I grabbed the large giddyup in the HQ building, but I think I scrapped it by mistake, I never found a larger one after that in any of my inventories. The toy version you get from I think the quest for the inventor ghoul guy I did save and is sitting on a table.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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