Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Quote from: fragger on December 03, 2019, 01:41:31 AM
@T.V., what kind of quest was that? Sounds like it might have been one of those "Scavenger's Note" or "Raider's Note" types which typically send you to find some stuff in a container.
I think it was one of the radiant quests given by Holdren at the Institute ("Hypothesis"), or Rhys at the Cambridge Police Station ("Cleansing the Commonwealth"), and the goal was to bring down the super mutant in the room just behind that barred door.


@mandru and T.V., thanks for the info :)

The Explosive Minigun may be somewhat overpowered, but I'm finding it's coming into its own on Far Harbor Island (and to a lesser extent, Nuka-World) where big nasties like Fog Crawlers and Hermit Crabs tend to be substantially tougher than Commonwealth critters. The Minigun makes short w0#k of them.

So it lives there now. I have my main base of FH ops at a settlement on Longfellow's little island, where I made a heavy weapon stand for the Minigun to rest on, and I pick it up whenever I go to FH. Don't really need it in the Commonwealth.

Art Blade


Yep, do the Captain's Dance with it, makes short w0#k of all those mirelurks.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


This is my new favourite rifle - "Old Reliable", a unique "double-shot" lever-action job sold by Dejen at Acadia on Far Harbor Island:

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Check the damage rating (circled). With modification, it's an exceptionally hard-hitting rifle, even more powerful than the .308-chambered "Overseer's Guardian" (another double-shotter). It only holds five rounds in its internal clip, but with the "Quick Hands" perk it can be reloaded in a couple of seconds (although your character animation always loads five rounds into it, even if it still has a couple on board). It fires .45-70 ammo, which can only be obtained from The Island's merchants and looted from some Trappers.

It's a rip-snorter. Even on the highest difficulty, once modded up with an Advanced Receiver it'll knock down just about any regular Commonwealth enemy with a single shot. I even took down an unsuspecting Mythic Deathclaw with just one round to the head, delivered from fairly close range with a sneak-attack multiplier courtesy of a fully ranked-up "Ninja" perk. This combo (a non-V.A.T.S. shot) can inflict well over 700 damage. Can't wait to try it out against some of Nuka-World's resident bullet-sponges.

Makes a good hearty bang too when it's fired, like a proper rifle should :gnehe:

Art Blade


Man that's a powerful weapon!  :thumbsup:


Yeah I think I carried that for a while when on Far Harbor, to keep with the local ambiance. Not sure if I did much adding on to it though.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Synchronicity strikes YET again... Recently we were talking about the chained door at West Roxbury station and how some of you guys got sent there during a quest - well, I finally drew that quest, to get a piece of tech for Hayden from a trunk just on the other side of that door. Over two years now I've been playing this game, and despite doing dozens and dozens of radiant quests for Hayden during all that time, I've never been sent to that location before :huh-new:

Art Blade

 :D well, the game still surprises after all the time, good O0


That it does. Just a few days ago I found a location I'd never found before, a church basement with a couple of Ferals in it in South Boston (I think), accessible by a subtly-placed basement hatch.


Quote from: fragger on December 26, 2019, 11:55:55 PM
That it does. Just a few days ago I found a location I'd never found before, a church basement with a couple of Ferals in it in South Boston (I think), accessible by a subtly-placed basement hatch.
Guess it was the South Boston Church https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/South_Boston_Church, between South Boston High School and the Castle?

Just had my own first time experience, when I got a "Raider Troubles" mission at the Nuka-World Red Rocket settlement.
"A nearby gang of Raiders has been terrorizing... etc.", I thought it would be a local gang, but it appeared to be those in Drug Den, not so nearby after all...  ::)

Art Blade


That is indeed the right church, T.V. Regarding your Nuka-World Red Rocket mish, it's pretty cool if a seasoned FO4 veteran like yourself can have a new experience - even if a relatively trifling one O0

You FO4 players are probably all aware of the following, but I'll put it out here anyway (you may not be aware of ALL of these):

Interacting with certain Settlement objects will give you a temporary "S.P.E.C.I.A.L." boost. Namely:

+1  Strength: Weight Bench
+1  Perception: Phoropter
+1  Endurance: Power Cycle 1000
+1  Charisma: Barber Chair
+1  Intelligence: Vault 88 Overseer's Desk
+1  Agility: Pommel Horse
+1  Luck: Slot Machine

You need to choose your boost wisely however, since only one boost can be active at a time. Example: You just interacted with a Weight Bench to gain a Strength boost, then you immediately used a Pommel Horse to get an Agility boost. The Agility boost will overwrite the Strength boost, i.e. you will immediate lose the Strength boost.

[Verification pending] Whichever boost you choose, it will remain active until such times as you interact with a different Settlement object to get a different boost. Otherwise, there doesn't appear to be a time limit on boosts, as far as I'm aware.


Yeah that's right about the vault equipment boosts. But I think I recall there being a time limit though? Maybe not. Probably in the wiki.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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