Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Struck a new glitch that I haven't encountered before - the "fast travel" mat won't w0#k at Hangman's Alley. No matter where I put it, when I FT to Hangman's I always appear just outside the front door (the default arrival spot). I've tried moving the mat to various different locations within the site, I've tried storing it and then repositioning it, and I've tried scrapping it altogether and making a new one - same result each time.

Looking online, I'm not the first to experience this bug at Hangman's. There appears to be no fix for it. One guy who posted about it on Steam said he even tried scrapping the mat then allowing 73 hours before going back to Hangman's (the time apparently required for a map cell to "reset" itself) and even that didn't w0#k.

This is my 7th time through the game and I've never had a problem with this at Hangman's, or any other settlement, before. It's not a huge deal since Hangman's is a tiny settlement site and all I have to do when I FT there is walk through the doorway (it places me so that I'm facing the doorway so I don't even have to turn around), and the Workbench is just a few "steps" inside. But it's an oddie.

Actually, one thing I haven't tried is this: Since there are no settlers there yet and I haven't even built anything there yet, just scrapped all the junk, maybe that has something to do with it. Maybe once I populate the place it might trigger a difference. Okay, so the plan will be: scrap the mat, stay away for a game week, go back and set up for settlers (while putting up with the default FT point), let it populate a bit, then try putting down a new mat.

Art Blade

strange, and good luck



It's been a good day for oddities...

I got a message telling me that Egret Tours was under attack, so with Strong in tow I fast-travelled there to sort out the strife.

Turned out to be a bunch of Super Mutants giving the place grief. Strong, the settlers and I took them all out, but then I heard some more gunfire and yelling coming from outside the wall I'd built around the place. So I went out to see what the ruckus was and it was Phyllis Daily fighting with two of my settlers.

Now, when you first go to Egret Tours and encounter Phyllis, there is a speech check or two concerning Phyllis' belief that she may be a synth, and if those checks are passed, Phyllis remains non-aggressive and she hangs around the settlement for the rest of the game - at least, that's how it has played out in all my previous games. She can't be given jobs, but she also doesn't count towards the settlement population stat. I'd already been through all the synth talk with her some time ago in this 'thru and she'd just been regular old Phyllis ever since, until this happened.

When Egret Tours was attacked this time and I found Phyllis exchanging fire with two of my own settlers, I though maybe she'd done the "sleeper synth" thing and had been activated by the Institute or something. It wasn't just the settlers shooting at her - even the settlement turrets were opening up on her. She got killed, but when I looted her there were no synth components on (in) her.

I reloaded to the point just before I FT'ed and played it out again. A soon as I arrived at Egret I made a beeline for the Workbench and used the console to do a synth check before Phyllis got killed and it came up negative. I went outside the house with the Workbench in it just in time to see Phyllis get clobbered again, but this time I think the SMs did it. Couldn't be sure. But it appears she isn't a synth, so I don't know why the settlers, and even the turrets, turned on her the first time.

Anyway, she's out of it. No great loss really, she often just gets in the way anyhow.

Art Blade

strange indeed. Well, you could erect a neon-lit tombstone as close to the place she croaked as possible, commemorating the event. :gnehe:



Actually, I looted her of everything she was carrying (including her duds) and dropped her body in the river.

Hope the water purifier that I built in the slipway works properly...

Art Blade



I don't recall what happened to Phyllis in my game, I barely did anything at that settlement, as I was mostly interested in making artillery positions and it's not in a good location for that.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Regarding the FT mat at Hangman's Alley.  This is a settlement that I've dedicated to collecting the detected Synths that pop up in all other settlements.  I pretty much have provided everything they need to be he@lthy and happy and other than investing the effort to protect them from attacks I leave them to themselves.  It would be amusing (to see how it would play out) to have a Synth attack on Hangman's but so far it's only been raiders and SMs.

My main interaction with Hangman's is it's close proximity for FT to one of the Mechanist's radiant mission locations I use for recruiting new settlers.  Usually when setting up an FT mat using rotational placement it allows you to arrive facing in a predetermined direction.

**(I learned this from my first time through the game due to the fact that there would regularly be a spawn of raiders or Super Mutants under the rail trestle near by to the S.E. of Starlight settlement.  So if I FT'd into Starlight at the main entrance (while crouched) with a properly aligned FT mat I could often get the drop on any unfriendlies before they had the chance to spot me and react.)**

At Hangman's I've unsuccessfully tried every configuration of mat placement I could think of so I could arrive facing away from the door at HM's Western entrance in an attempt to shave off the split second it takes to spin around and charge off after the rogue robots before they have a chance to make their move.

As for Phyllis Daily found at Egret Tours.  I'm of the opinion that she is basically the type of person I refer to as walking wounded.  I think that her psychological scars leave her as unstable as a landmine in a heavy hailstorm.  One way or another I suspect she's predetermined to exit herself from the game.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

Quote from: mandru on May 07, 2020, 08:11:10 AMunstable as a landmine in a heavy hailstorm

wow, what a comparison. :D


- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Have any of you FO4 players ever encountered a living Postman? I've come across a number of Postmen during the time I've played, but they're always dead already with bad guys or wild animals nearby, suggesting that they are the ones who offed him. I'm assuming that these random Postmen are intentionally programmed to be found pre-dead.

I'm also pretty sure the Postmen are a tongue-in-cheek reference to the post-apocalyptic novel/movie, The Postman.

Art Blade

nope, never seen any alive. Somehow this sparks a memory, several clothing items (also other items) exist in two versions: the common dirty stuff and a pristine, clean version. I always enjoyed it when I found those pristine items :)


Quote from: fragger on May 23, 2020, 02:56:10 AM
I'm also pretty sure the Postmen are a tongue-in-cheek reference to the post-apocalyptic novel/movie, The Postman.

Is that the one with Kevin Costner? If so, that was a favorite of mine.


That is indeed the one, PZ. It is a good movie (I haven't read the novel it was based on). I haven't seen it for quite a while, I might see if I can find it. Lord knows I have plenty of time to watch movies these days ;)

@Art, I have a silly thing I like to do in the game, which is collect one of every outfit for my character (all the "clean" and "laundered" varieties where possible, not the "dirty" or "patched" ones). No particular reason, just for the heck of it :) The world might have been blasted to buggery, but that doesn't mean one can't be fashionable :gnehe:

Clean Postman uniforms (and clean Postman hats) are indeed relatively rare to come across. Not like Road Leathers, Scavenger Outfits and Farmhand Clothes, which apparently grow on trees in the Commonwealth.

🡱 🡳

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