Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade


And thank you, mandru :)

Re: your aside about floor naming conventions in the US vs. the UK, we in Australia picked up the same convention from Britain - your first floors are our ground floors, your second floors are our first floors, and so on. I've always held that the American system is more logical, given that if you want to go up the stairs in any sort of multi-floor structure, the floor on the ground comes first and the floor above that comes second :gnehe: As a young guy I worked for a year or so as a concierge in a high-rise motel in Sydney, and on one occasion I watched with great anticipation as a very newly-arrived American gent got into the elevator I was already occupying and pushed "1" to go to the ground floor lobby, only to see the doors open onto a corridor like the one he'd just left (I know, I'm a wicked bugger, but I was keen to see his reaction :evil2: ) I did then explain to him what the deal was with the local floor naming convention. He replied that he'd seen the "G" button (for "Ground floor") on the panel but thought maybe it stood for "Garage", as in an underground carpark (he wasn't aware that there was no such facility in the building). He said it was a kind of odd methodology and I couldn't help but agree.

Interesting experiment with the water purifiers. Quite a while ago I posted about how I'd discovered that the simplest type of water pump you can make (the one which is just a vertical pipe with a pump handle and doesn't require power) can be placed in a garden plot, but won't go in the middle, only on the sides of the plot with the pump's concrete base slightly overlapping the plot's wooden frame. You can squeeze four of those hand-pumps onto one garden plot with some fiddling about. I never tried it with the larger, powered version of water pump. Handy to know if the underhanging base of the pump won't interfere with anything under the floor O0

I built my "utilities" building so that I could place the purifiers in one extreme corner of the pond and wall it off for the reason you mentioned - so that if Queenie popped up, she wouldn't be able to get at the equipment. I just have to hope she doesn't spawn inside the structure... I don't think she can though as there isn't enough of the pond inside the room for her to fit in, and that's taken up with purifiers. It is FO4 though - if that happens, she's just as likely to teleport onto the roof or something, like Carla's Brahmin sometimes does in Sanctuary :gnehe:

Art Blade


- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Hmm... It appears that you can do the "Out in Left Field" side quest for Diamond City's baseball enthusiast, Moe Cronin, twice.

I completed it a couple of real-time months ago, but just a few minutes ago I was poking around Westing Estate, where you find the baseball relics for Moe, and the relics had all respawned there. So I collected them and took them back to Moe. When I interacted with him, the "Looking for w0#k" conversation option had reappeared (normally after completing this quest, that option changes to "Maybe" whenever you subsequently interact with Moe in response to him asking if you want to do biz). I chose "Looking for w0#k" and he gave me the "Out in Left Field" quest all over again.

Since I already had the relics on me, I walked away a short distance while the "Find" and "Completed" message for each relic came up, then walked back to Moe, handed in the relics and got the rewards all over again.

Just to be sure I wasn't imagining things, I checked the Pip-Boy and sure enough, "Out in Left Field" showed up twice in the "completed" quest list - once at the top of the list and again much further down the list, when I'd done it a couple of months ago.

If I stay away from Westing Estate for a while, like a couple of game months or so, it should be interesting to see if the relics appear there yet again.

Art Blade


Wow, like Murkwater Construction, Nuka-World's Red Rocket settlement shot straight up to 100% Happiness as well after the first settler arrived. I think maybe because as with Murkwater, I put in plenty of slot machines and pieces of gym equipment before anyone arrived - 4 slot machines and 7 gym pieces at Murkwater, 7 slot machines and 9 gym pieces at NWRR.

Both settlements also have at least one Guard Post (one at Murkwater, four at NWRR), a Barber Chair, a General Trader store, a Bar, a Soda Fountain and a Phoropter, each of which adds Happiness, but only once a settler has been assigned to it.

Art Blade

that slot machine and other happiness-gear for those 100% sounds likely. My first 100% was the Red Rocket next to Sanctuary which I had stuffed with "happy machines" and it went just fine without any trading or guard stuff :anigrin:


I got and fully ranked up the animal pacifier perks again this time around ("Wasteland Whisperer" and "Animal Friend"), and I found out today that you can pacify a Behemoth ("Stop! Human is friend!") Which came in pretty handy when I ventured to the big substation up the hill west of Natick, near the boundary of the map. I heard the Behemoth before I could see him, but he saw me first and came charging around the corner of the substation, intent on batting me around with the fire-hydrant-on-a-stick that he uses as a club.

But I managed to get control of him, just in time - because at that moment, not one but two Deathclaws showed up, one coming after me and one going after the Behemoth. We each managed to defeat our respective terrible lizards, but then a third one appeared and started doing claw graffiti on Mr. B's back. This didn't go down very well with the Not-So-Jolly Green Giant, who turned and gave the Deathclaw a stern upbraiding with his hydrant before they both began playing tag around the large maintenance shed.

I thought I should run over to help out my new buddy, and was on my way to do just that when a fourth Deathie - a legendary Alpha, no less - came crashing out of the nearby woods full-pelt towards me. I only just managed to bring him down before he reached me, then I went to see how the party was going around the maintenance shed. "Bemo" had nailed his second Deathclaw, but his health was hanging by a thread. Since he was too big to take anywhere (and because his footsteps kept making the ground shake, which was a tad irritating visually) I did the merciful thing and sent him to bye-byes with a single 10mm round.

This all happened after I'd dealt with the Deathclaw that hangs out in Natick (and always wastes the Super Mutants there), a second one up the hill a bit in the small compound with a couple of abandnoned trucks, and a third near the big shed nearby which is surrounded by more abandoned trucks. So seven Deathclaws in all, in the space of a few minutes and in a relative small region.

There'll be a few Deathclaw steaks sizzling on the barbie tonight :gnehe:

Art Blade

damn fragger, that was intense :anigrin:


There's a weird postscript to this story.

A while later, I went to Vault 81 to flog some tools to Calvin and buy some stuff from Alexis. After doing all that, I returned to the elevator to take me back to the surface, and this is what I found in it:


It's the headless body of the Behemoth from Natick. Apparently, the carcass had followed me. But the thing is,
after the doings at Natick, I'd first fast-travelled back to Sanctuary to do some stuff before fast-travelling to Vault 81.
I didn't see any sign of the body while at Sanctuary, and it wasn't in Vault 81's elevator when I rode it down.

I hope this thing isn't going to start haunting me like a ghost...

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Art Blade

maybe you can make it carry your stuff for you if it keeps following you, something like a trolley on auto-pilot. :gnehe:


Yeah that is a weird glitch, and still happens in Fallout 76. A creature you killed a while ago may all of a sudden appear near you or in the air above you, falling on your head. This especially happens when you fast travel right after killing them. In Fallout 76, I had just finished a queen scorchbeast fight where I had helped kill the queen and another beast. I fast travelled to the nearest train station to get rid of some reward stuff from those fights that I didn't want, and as soon as I appeared near the station, the bodies of the two dead scorch beasts landed on my head. They don't do any harm, but it is a bit surprising to say the least, lol. Scorch beasts are very big and the queen is huge, and as the bodies ragdoll around you it can be confusing. Another player who had their camp a short distance away must have seen the entire thing and gave me the LOL emote as I made my way out of the pile of bodies.

Ah, Fallout, sometimes the bugs are annoying, and sometimes just funny.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


 :D lol guys!

I've done a bit of fast-travelling since and Bemo hasn't dropped in on me again, so it must have been a one-off thing.

When I first approached the Vault 81 elevator and saw all that green mass inside, I thought The Blob had taken up residence in there :gnehe:

Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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