Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

ah, now that you mention Piper's habit, I concur. :anigrin:

And damn, of all things, why smoking. They could have chosen anything, really. Like injecting heroin, drinking themselves blind, hooking, but no, it had to be smoking.

Art Blade

I think I found the perfect weapon for any human(oid) companion.

However, it is a good idea to use a certain mod that allows for companions to have unlimited ammo (why do settlers have unlimited ammo while companions don't?) and it is another good idea to use console commands in order to add a legendary knee-capper effect.

Use a plasma rifle and change it at a w0#k bench to turn into a flame thrower. :)

My thoughts were these: Companions are more or less lousy shots. Give them a precision sniper and they can't hit the broad side of a barn. Because they are of no use when it comes to long range, they end up getting mauled by whatever enemy homes in on them and start to engage in melee action. In other words, they're almost cursed to be close quarters combatants. Might as well give them something that works pretty well at close quarters. An actual flame thrower might w0#k, too, but the green plasma flame looks cooler and adding that knee-capper to it, they will very likely dwarf any enemy and finish them off within seconds.

I watched Curie take out a massive combat robot in a few seconds and turn raiders into green goo in two shakes of a lamb's tail. :D

Art Blade

Here, Curie had just finished off one deathclaw (see green puddle of goo to the left) and instantly took on another one. See how it goes down quickly thanks to the knee-capping and man, it was a "fight" that lasted just a few seconds. I mean, finishing off both deathclaws. And she didn't have a scratch on her :) I couldn't believe it when I saw her smack that beast with the butt of her gun a few times in between  :laughsm:

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Nice posts, AB - looks like you continue to have a good time in the game  O0


I don't remember the source but I recall seeing a recommendation that Curie was one of the most beneficial companions for covering your back in the earlier stages of level building.  Maybe that suggestion was intended for while she was still in robotic form however she seems to be doing just fine in the pictures above.  Keep her well equipped with ammo for that weapon as companions tend to be overly spray happy favoring quantity over quality.

You can forget about them targeting an enemy's weak points.  :anigrin:

In my current game I've paired with and developed all companions to full affinity earning their individual perks but because my character is something like 225 I've parked them at various settlements and run solo.  I kind of hit a point where I prefer to fight my own enemies in my own style and not allow a companion to jump in and steal the experience points for the kills.

On the down side leaving my companion Strong to guard a settlement for an overly long time is a serious seed for boredom and discontent in Strong.  On a recent visit to the settlement where Strong was posted I was given a double earful of sass and had to hook back up dragging Strong along for a circuit of mayhem and rampage to calm the waters between us.  ::)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

nice. :anigrin: I have Strong populate Covenant. On his own. He seems to be doing well, with that local lemonade-selling robot Deeker  :anigrin:

I used to have all robots there but decided to send them all to Graygarden which is a settlement already run by robots alone. When I went there (for the first time after sending them) to pick up Curie in her robotic form, I couldn't see any of my robots.

I walked around criss-cross in the settlement, bumping into the local robots but mine were nowhere to be seen. Starting to panic slightly, I decided to run around along the border of the settlement. And somehow it was Murphy's law -- if you imagine a wristwatch and the minute hand running around starting from 12.00, panic increasing "by the minute," I found my robots at something like the minute hand's position of 12.55 and myself on the brink of a cardiac arrest.

They had been basically right behind me. But also below me, across a rocky ledge, below the highway. And they were all in one spot, as if cuddling and hiding from the mean local bots. It was funny and sad at once.

mandru, I don't have to worry about Curie's ammo -- Although I mentioned the unlimited ammo mod for my companions, I may not have made it clear that I'm actually using it. You should consider getting that mod for your companions, too  :bigsmile: I am also using a mod that improves their aiming but the mod author tried to be realistic about who can and who can't be a good shot -- for instance, a journalist (Piper) isn't as proficient as a mercenary (MacCready) and you can tell. Still, even Piper is better with than without that mod. :)

And wow.. I didn't know that one could level up so much ??? I am only a proud level 82 :)

PZ, thank you :) And yes, it is a fascinating game and a couple of mods help shape the game into something that is absolutely worthwhile playing.

588 hours so far, tons of enemies killed but only 6 main missions played. :)

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Art Blade

Today I finished all remaining quests in Nuka World and successfully romanced Curie. I got some nice loot and rewards, among which are the nuka-launcher and Oswald's whole outfit. Apparently some of the gangs respawn all over but just in one single spot outside the walls near the battle zone which allowed me to collect a whole lot of those Nuka World gangs' gear. I'm loaded like a freight train :anigrin:


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

Art Blade

Checking my quest log for stuff I could do without touching the main quests, I realised that I still had the robot Ada and her adventures to go. So I went to Graygarden and took her for a spin. Kind of. :anigrin:

I just found the first of those Mechanist's parts and am headed towards Sanctuary to outfit Ada with that thing. At least there's still something interesting to do and she's a companion I haven't "used" so far.

I like Piper (funny) and Valentine (dry-funny, and a good shot) and Hancock (good shot, weird-funny) but not so much Curie (I think she's over the top playing that "French girl" -- I mean hey, it is a robot turned synth and chain smoker, why would it have a French accent and why would it want to smoke? And all her feelings within that synthetic humanoid body.. and her pseudo-scientific comments, with a French accent.. come on)

As to Hancock, as much as I liked him as a proficient companion with good lines every once and then, actually he's quite talkative, he got on my nerves trying to romance ME all the time. I decided to finally use the right-arrow speech/dialogue option (negative) and told him to FU@&%.. to please act professionally, as in no more approaches. I hope that it works in a way that I can still have fun with him -- erm, that sounds odd now. Let me rephrase that. I hope that it now works the same way as it did before he started to romance me. Then he's likely going to be my favourite companion again.

Weird game :anigrin:


I've gone through several builds with Ada, including the sentry bot wheels and the robobrain tracks. Settled on full Assaultron with lazer head and full hydraulic armor. Stealth blade and gatling lazer for weapons...with the tracks she was always running over the top of me when I stealth. She is so much better than any other companion at doing damage (including Danse) it's not even close...YMMV :D

Art Blade

I'm using a robobrain head, Nuka-Cherry-Launcher left hand and Gatling Laser Gun right hand outfit, and she's floating like Codsworth. Quite the flying fortress  :anigrin:

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The Mechanist was a fun quest. The final battle is a tough one, I think I used over a thousand rounds for the gun I was using for that. Then I found there's a way you can sneak past all that if you find the right holotapes, but the fight was fun, but you can do it either way with a save file. There's also some neat interaction at the end if you dress as the Silver Shroud (have you done that yet? If not, do it first). I also kept the Mechanist alive at the end for the extra quests you can get and some other fun stuff, plus my character was "good" and didn't kill if she didn't need to.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Ah, I didn't think of the Silver Shrewd Shroud option, thanks for reminding me. I watched a YT vid about that option. My character is also "good" except for those 9+1 murders.. lol. The +1 was unavoidable as it was one of the chieftains in Nuka World I had to murder in order to be allowed to kill all of his tribal kinsmen and everyone else belonging to any raider clan over there. :anigrin: The remaining 9 must have been collateral early on in the game; I really have no clue who or what it was. Maybe one of them was during the "Art vs Art" random encounter as I think I killed the synth Art second. The rest were likely part of a group who caught a couple of MIRV nukes without me noticing when I tested that weapon. *whistles innocently*


hmmmm.... yes, well, my character kills when there is a need, or just has an itch on the trigger finger, for most of the things out in the wasteland, but for quest related NPCs where you have the option to kill or be nice, I'm usually nice, as there are usually rewards in the form of weapons or loot or more quests if you keep those people alive. In cases like the big dig, I mean, Bobbi No Nose was OK, but come on? Her or Hancock? Like that's a choice.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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