Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Still... really cool to experiment like that  :thumbsup:

Art Blade

Quote from: T.V. on September 17, 2017, 06:19:13 AMI found out how to open / close a powered door from two buttons, without having to use both buttons.

I have been thinking about the whole picture and came to one conclusion: Whatever we do with gates doesn't change the fact that one of those two (virtual) physical switches will show the wrong state. Picture this: both switches are initially set to ON and show a green light when powered. If you manage to close the door with flipping one of them to red, the other one will still show green, while the door state (closed, no power, off) equals red. And the other way around (open the door with one green while the other switch is still red while the door state is on, pwered, green).

So in order to have both switches show the correct state, we can't help but use both of them. And for that matter, just one OR-gate works perfectly well.


Back when they were released, I saw a lot of reddit posts about how the logic gates didn't w0#k, or gave the opposite output of what you'd expect. Since I didn't understand them to begin with, I never tried any of them. Once I figured out how to get my lights turned on, I didn't need to go any further, lol.

I actually played a little bit this weekend. I decided to get the free stuff from the creation club. At first I was going to boycott everything there, then decided that if they are giving stuff away, I'll take it. They won't get a red cent out of me other wise, though. So I grabbed the two free armor suits. The one is just normal radiation armor with a new design and funky helmet. It just appears in your inventory. I put it on a manikin in my display area and never used it aside from walking around in it a bit to check it out and look at the stats.

The other is a new set of power armor, the dreaded horse armor. Apparently this is a joke or Skyrim reference of some kind that I'm out of the loop on? Anyway, it gives you a mini-quest to go get it. It's in the Atomatoys building and there's a little story behind it (very little) but amusing. I walked there from Sanctuary as I figured that would give me a bit of a refresh of the game before I grabbed it. I found I am so out of practice, it's not funny. Luckily I'm at such a high level and have weapons that pretty much kill normal enemies with one shot, so there's not much to worry me about walking around. But it was a fun walk and a good time with Piper again for about half an hour then I put the new armor on display and that was about it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Hehe, it's weird how after some time you seemingly forget how a game works that you spent hundreds of hours on. I know that "returning to an old game" feeling, too :) Well, you'll get back into it but the tricks and quirks might take a little while for them to return to you.
Meanwhile, I'm finally doing what I had on my want-to-do list: Trying to build a vault in the open. :anigrin: I'm currently in the middle of it and I'm pleased to say that I managed to integrate two styles seamlessly. It was a bit tricky as I first did the concrete style for the base and then the bloody vault style stuff did not snap into position as I had to start building on top of the concrete floor. I was lucky that I managed to align it manually well enough that I can actually build flush, see the flush mount concrete door with the switch sitting snug in the vault wall. :anigrin: However, it's w0#k in progress, but I want to show you some pics. Look how the biggest water purifier is part of the vault now :anigrin:

Open Air Vault Project
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DB, the horse armor is a joke/homage to the horse armor in Oblivion iirc  :)

Art Blade

The vault stuff is very complex and extensive. And usually twice as much w0#k as with concrete because walls (if you can be on either side) need a front and a back side, meaning two pieces. Corners need corner pieces, then there are lots of things that only exist in vaults.. in other words, a TON of parts. Not everything can be combined just like that, either. Atrium and domestic, for instance.

The "wiring" is cool, it's actually mostly wireless. The vault generators supply every part of the vault with current. All you need to do is slap a special vault power conduit at a wall, it will snap into it smack centre. After that, the surrounding elements (walls, floor, ceiling) are supplied with power, useful for those lights that don't need to be wired. At the time, this vault technology prevents "power off" switches like for those doors.. they're self-sufficient and cannot be switched off. Which is why I keep the concrete walls on the outside and some "classic" power wiring, the switches and powered doors (particularly, switching off the power with a remote switch to close the doors) still w0#k.. hehe :gnehe:

In case you were wondering why I first created a floor with concrete instead of using those vault supports, they just snap into place nicely while the vault supports don't. They're bloody finicky and that takes too much time and isn't fun to w0#k with. Once you start building with the rest of the vault stuff, however, it's the same as with concrete (usually it works nicely) but unfortunately, no matter what you use, sometimes the game doesn't seem to know what's obvious and you keep fiddling with one piece that keeps flapping about rather than snapping into place.

Art Blade

Two more pics, showing the "prison" :D and a view through one of those windows. As long as you don't put in the actual windows (they're bullet proof) you can shoot through those "open" windows. Perfect defence :anigrin:

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Nice build Art, and u picked a good spot for it :)

Art Blade

cheers :) Yes, the Starlight Drive-In is about the only huge empty space I know. The vault building is massive already and I'll likely have to change a lot :anigrin:


KingRat, I thought that automated ammo factory was beyond cool.  Thanks for bringing that video clip to the thread.  O0 +1

The wiring for something that complicated must be a nightmare.  :o

I saw that he was having a problem with materials jamming on their way to the Sorters at the top of the Lift Conveyor.

Not that I know anything about the actual assembly of this mechanism but I think he could have solved that issue with one of the Vacuum modules (shown elsewhere in the layout) to grab items out of the Lift Conveyor hopper as soon as they appeared.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

sounds pretty cool, that idea about the vacuum. Suck up all the stuff and slowly spit it out back on the conveyor belt.. I imagine you're right about that assumption, mandu  :)

Art Blade

Regarding vault-building: I have to say that DLC is quite wonky and slightly buggy. Sometimes it is impossible to snap parts into place where they belong while other times it is possible to snap parts into place where they don't belong at all. I had to scrap the entire wall structure around the water purifier because I couldn't finish it (seal it off) with a roof (its parts just wouldn't snap into place) Takes more time than it should, like that :angry-new:


I caught about the last half hour of this stream today, and after watching some of the upload tonight I noticed he does a tour from about 13-23 minutes in. I like it, but it's more than I'd be interested in doing.>

Art Blade

impressive. Same here, more than I'd like to do.


Yeah, pieces not snapping where you'd think they would is one of the biggest gripes people have with the settlement building mechanic. The popularity of mods like place anywhere will prove that. I also liked the vault parts for building "en plain air" (sp?) as it were. Even though the "outside" parts are supposed to be mostly hidden by the rock of an underground vault, they still look pretty good when used as an exterior building. I just wish they had released the vault parts with the original game and I wouldn't have spent so much time with the junk walls and stuff you got to use back then. As it was, I tore down most of the stuff I built originally and rebuilt new structures with the concrete and vault parts.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

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