Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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One thing I noticed when watching his vids, he has another tour from a year ago, that he never scrapped the barge. Scrapping the barge, leveling it, and building a hotel/restaurant was my first project there...still, he's doing good for playing on PS4. That other 12 min. tour is on his original buildings which have all been scrapped from what I see of the new one.

Art Blade

I have been quite busy with the open air vault. I learned a good deal of how that stuff works, too. I haven't finished the building yet but here, just a quick glance  :anigrin:

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Pretty cool Art.  :)

Your version of the Starlight Drive In settlement looks a lot different than my elevated barracks over the concession stand and the separate ground level shopper's mall for the merchants.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Quote from: mandru on September 19, 2017, 07:15:01 PM
Pretty cool Art.  :)

Your version of the Starlight Drive In settlement looks a lot different than my elevated barracks over the concession stand and the separate ground level shopper's mall for the merchants.

Both of you guys have a different setup than what I did on my current play. I built up around the screen with an elevator to my private rooms on the top floor. Loaded up more mods & a couple updates last night and when I restarted the boxes were back on the barge all mixed with the hotel :D Ya, had to quit and redo the load order to fix it. Not the first time I've had scrapped things reappear so I kinda knew what I had to do. I'm a bit concerned about missing menu items though; wanted to place some monuments but can't find them?

Art Blade

What a horror show, KingRat ??? And yes, I'm familiar with changing or disabling mods and the aftermath. Like, all of the lockers with all of my collected assorted stuff were gone along with the mod I uninstalled. I then knew that I actually did use that mod and I had to just put it back in again :gnehe:

mandru, thanks :) And yours sounds picturesque, you don't happen to have a screenie? :)

Indeed, I took a completely new road and allowed myself to get carried away in the process :anigrin:

There is a collection of different structures that I haven't used yet (particularly support and wide halls) and two major types of structure that I have been using.

One of those is everything related to "Atrium" which essentially is meant for a spacious centre part of a vault. Generally speaking, it encourages building wide and tall. You can tell those parts in the pic: they look somewhat white, like the windows above the concrete wall and the weird tall dome somewhat in the centre, the base of which starts one above ground level and goes all the way up spanning a little more than three storeys without allowing floors -- it creates a hall, the top of an atrium. The other parts like those with the windows are for whatever big building projects you might have in mind.

Those parts have always got a mirror part, like a back and a front side to build one complete element. That's why you see (in the pic, the "roof") structural details like a big X across one building block on the "unfinished" back side of a part while you see a very detailed finish on the front side of the part. So in the pic the shiny nice polished front sides point inwards, to the inside of the building, while you're kind of looking at the back side (the arse) of each of them :laughsm: I would have to slap on mirror counterparts on the outside so you'd see a finished product but that's exactly the problem: you can never finish it as there will always be open connections waiting for a part to continue and you can't terminate those parts. You need to remember that a vault is basically the inside of a bubble so you can indeed finish the inside of the vault nicely and neatly. That's why in the pic you see the bare backs. I don't care about the outside when the actual life is meant to take place on the inside.

Then there is the other type of structure that I have been using, it is what you can see in the pic as blue surfaces. They might be red (utility type like cafeteria, clinic and so on) as well as blue which is for the domestic type (like rooms, security, overseer and so on) and which is what I've been using so far. Those structures w0#k more like a tunnel system (hallways) and they include doors behind which you can build rooms or more hallways. They also include stairwells and flights of stairs so you can really go wild in all directions.

The fun part is that those domestic/utility structures can snap to the backside of any atrium part's rear side that has got either an X on it or a window or a door.

Now you should be able to imagine why I've been building all the time :anigrin: On the inside I don't want to look at any rear end of any of those structures and that means connecting parts and parts and parts.. it's kind of horrible because if you want to change a two-sided wall, you need to change the back and the front and if you created a wall of say, an atrium front and a domestic part snapped to the back of it, you'll have to sift through all those build menus until you find the corresponding part in the domestic section and then go out and fight your way through the building menu until you end up with the corresponding atrium part. And so on.

A lot of w0#k and trial and error, but generally a lot of fun :)

Oh I just noticed that in the centre to the left of the pic, there are actually a few white walls connected to a blue component. That's when I actually used front atrium wall parts on the "back" (outside) of domestic parts. :)

Art Blade

Added a catwalk on the outside and started building the 4th floor. The catwalk leads from the door outside on the third floor around the corner and up some stairs and from there into the room on the roof. I'll fill the roof with more structures. :) "Roof" is a temporary description :D

I cranked up the images (they were taken at night)

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Looking good Art, and large :D You using the USO/UCO mods by any chance? I have the USO in my library, but it's suggested it's better to use them on new game so I haven't enabled them yet.

Art Blade

no, it's mostly vanilla, only a few lockers come from Homemaker.

Art Blade

bloody hell, they updated the CC with some 52.5MB for TWO new items but the update ruined the current version of F4SE again  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: Now I have to wait for the update so all of my mods w0#k, particularly the achievement enabler. THIS IS SO ANNOYING


at least they already left a note that they're already working on an update :thumbsup:


I guess those are 52.5 MBs with mods ::)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

correct, that's why I said "CC" not "Fallout4"  ;)


I've got no screen shots of my time in the Fallout games.  The long reason cut short to one word - Steam.  :banghead:

The way Steam has set up the Fallout games my Print Screen button no longer makes a capture that I can feed to MS Paint and post.  I know that one of the Function keys makes an image grab and displays it on the Steam site but when I tried to add friends so they could look at my screen shots I receive a message that adding friends is not allowed on this account.

I don't need screenies for myself and I tried finding a w0#k around to no avail.

If you remember Art a while back I'd asked for your Steam user name so I could add you as a friend with the thought that once I'd established that it would w0#k I could start a secure forum thread where we could share user names and view screen caps there and I could show off the few captures I had at that time.  But after spending the better part of two hours trying to figure out how to fix the "No Friends Allowed" with negative results I threw my hands in the air and gave up.  :(
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


That's really weird, mandru, must be the permissions for your Steam account aren't set properly? I don't recall doing anything special when I installed Steam, and when I wanted to add friends, I just added them. Strange.

But when you use the F12 key to take a screenshot, it will save the file to disk, and then when you close the game, it will pop up a dialog showing the screenshots you took during that session. You can then click the "Find on disk" button (or something similar) and it will take you to that folder on your hard drive, then you can just drag & drop the files you want to share to a new gallery entry in the forum software here on OWG.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

it is weird.

mandru, I remember vaguely and I remember your quarrels with steam. It's a pity. :(


I don't think I've ever tried to "add friends", I just made (almost) all my screen grabs public... KingRat13 if anyone is willing to check to see if they can view.
Edit: just checked and see 3 for friends and 3 private... I'm just going to make them all public although they're not very interesting :D

🡱 🡳

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