Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

ah, alright.. I think I can leave it where it is. Its ruins won't bother anyone as it's just a little empty space between a ruined house and the powerhouse. Might even be the best spot as one can take a look at it on the way into or out of Sanctuary.

Yep, quite an amount of time, I admit. When you were playing FO4 while it was new, I was still recovering from my excessive FO3 experience and I had just enough of Fallout at that time. Now, after some time between my FO3 and your FO4, I'm obviously enjoying it again. I might have to skip the launch of FO5.. :gnehe:

Oh. Wow. It is so, so far from imaginable here to lose power.. there might be a power outage if a bulldozer accidentally digs up and cuts a power line but that happens like once every twenty years? I don't even remember the last time I was without power. So, having to build a shed with a generator sounds like a survival report to me. Anyway, good for you that you are able to build one and capable of doing so yourself. I hope that you won't need it too often. You might otherwise have to build a petrol station to be able to fuel it.. :anigrin:


Nice :) I still think GTA V is my most played game in the Steam list. 778 hours ???
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Quote from: Art Blade on October 20, 2017, 08:43:41 AM
... You might otherwise have to build a petrol station to be able to fuel it.. :anigrin:

Funny thing: the builder of my house actually burried a 1000 gallon fuel tank to sell gasoline to the people in the bay for their boats.  Like a fool when doing construction about 30 years ago when I first moved here, I had it dug up and disposed of. Right now I wish I still had that fuel tank.

Art Blade

that's crazy :anigrin: Well, get a new 500 gallon tank and as a side effect don't worry about an old tank that might leak or crack or blow up (probably just when there's a power outage..) :)


 :D you're correct - the old tank was rusty, and I have a new plan - get a 450 lb propane tank as a fuel source. I already have one for my kitchen range, and it lasts at least 3 years before it needs refilling. I suspect that a similar tank for a generator will do quite well.

Art Blade


We have two 100lb propane tanks, which run the house hold stuff, cooking, hot water, and heating, and the generator is also hooked into that as well. I think the longest the generator has had to run since we got it was just over a day, maybe 36 hours? As I recall, that used about half the supply of propane and it wasn't full to begin with, and that was also using heat and hot water and cooking. Normally in the winter we get a delivery about 2-3 weeks or so, depending on how cold it is. So basically an extra delivery of propane to top off after the power was out for a day.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Sounds like you have a good setup D_B  :thumbsup:

I'm working on getting something similar, probably will have it finished by next year.

Art Blade


Well, I finally donned some power armour and joined the ranks of you Fallouterers, courtesy of my amazing friends Art and BinnZ who made me a present of FO4 - not just the game itself but the season pass and everything 8) I'd been interested in the game for a while after reading about all the experiences here but as I'm going through a bit of a rough financial patch lately I've had to move new games right down near the bottom of my list of frivolous things-to-get. Art had been on at me for a while to give the game a go but I couldn't afford it (well, I could but I couldn't), so he took pity on me and helped me out :gnehe:

(I'm not struggling for cash as such, but I'm not exactly rolling in laurel wealth either. I'm essentially income-neutral at present so I have to watch the pennies, especially with Christmas and all coming up).

So a big shout out to Art and BinnZ, two of the most big-hearted guys I've ever known O0 If either or both of them ever come out here, they're gonna get the royal treatment, whether they want it or not. Thanks so much, guys :bigsmile:

Anyway, on to the subject at hand. I haven't played a FO game before so it's all new to me. There's quite a bit to take in if you're a raw newbie to the franchise ??? But I'm getting there. I played for a couple of nights but then daily hard physical w0#k (on my w0#k For the Dole program) and nightly house-rattling thunderstorms have kept me off the PC for the last few evenings. The thunder is rolling in yet again even as I'm typing this so I might have to keep it relatively short :huh-new: I don't like having the computer on when storms like these are about.

FO4 is a fantastic-looking game, I'm impressed by the graphical w0#k that has gone into it. I've been to the Red Rocket just outside Sanctuary, scored a suit of power armour and the minigun from Concord and have since ranged as far as Lexington, where I tried to clear the Raiders out of that abandoned auto plant, but I keep running out of ammo. I came close, pretty sure there were only a few of them left, but a shortage of ammo - like none - kept me from completing the mish. I haven't found any really outstanding weapons yet apart from the MG - just that pistol you find in the vault, the common array of pipe-based guns, a double-barreled shottie and a species of laser rifle (can't remember what it's called, but it's the one that you have to crank the handle on to get a charge up).

I haven't done any building yet, apart from beds for the Concord refugees in Sanctuary. I'll w0#k up to that. I want to get my head around some of the other stuff first, before I start spending resources on structures which, due to my lack of construction expertise, I'll probably make a hash of.

I may actually start over before long because I've learned enough so far to realize that I could have made a better start. For instance, the dog and I went into the Super Duper Market in Lexington where I exhausted all my ammo fighting off hordes of ghouls (the last few I had to clout with a tire iron) before discovering the dormant security robot just inside the front door which I, in my own inimitable style, completely missed on the way in :banghead: He would have come in very handy for helping me deal with those ghouls.

I don't know whether it's just me, or if it's because I'm not very far in yet, but I get hamstrung by a severe shortage of ammo. I even resorted to using God mode to get through a couple of tight spots, which is something I almost never do in games. For instance, after the debacle at the auto plant I went to the (relatively) nearby police station and ended up with so many ghouls chasing me around the streets it was like being in a scene from World War Z ??? I had to God it up to have any chance of surviving.

I better leave it here. The storm coming in looks nasty. Thunder's getting louder and the sky is so dark I had to put the light on - and it's just after 5:30pm on daylight saving time :huh-new:

More to follow.


Nice to hear from your Fallout experiences Fragger! Little as I know about this title I do know that I saw Art Blade running around constantly accompanied by one or two shoot-em-up robots who somehow never seemed to have ammo issues at all. The only problem having these guys around is that they don't leave much to shoot for you, and the fight might actually be over already before you know what the hell attacked you in the first place :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

The game can be quite tough and I used to play FO3 before I got this. I've cheated in both.

The ammo problem sorts itself out if you keep the god mode enabled. In order to keep it somewhat "balanced," put your difficulty to the second last which is NOT survival. I think it's called very hard or some such. Like that, you'll get bullet sponges for enemies and that's probably what you're experiencing right now.

For some reason, at the very start of the game, you indeed seem to constantly run out of ammo and need to choose from your weapons so you make use of the different types of ammo that you somehow collected when you had yet again given yourself over to that bloody looting addiction of yours. Which is the essence of Fallout. :anigrin:

Grab mods, mate. You need a companion and why not keep the dog at the time? I do. Check the first posts for mods. Get a mod that makes your (human*oid) companion shoot more accurately AND makes them turn ONE bullet of the ammo type they need for the weapon they're supposed to use into INFINITE ammo. Just give them a gun and a handful bullets and done, they'll never drop, they'll keep on firing. And the dog can jump around going after enemies or collectibles. Nice. :)


Pretty cool, fragger, both your benefactors get a thumbs up, nice job!

I did the same thing in the super duper mart, also running low on ammo, I went to the right after entering, if I'd gone to the left and found the robot first, would have made it a ton easier. As it was, I found him at the very end, as I circled the interior of the building counter-clockwise from the entrance.   :banghead:

But you are in for a good time, I think. I enjoyed the game for about a year of real time, intermixed with some other games of course, but I played it all through 2016 and into this year, after counting the DLC stuff.

As for ammo, yes, you will be short at the beginning. Don't follow the main quest just yet, you need to be geared up and supplied a bit more for that. Just wander around the north and west areas of the map and scrounge everywhere. Use VATS to get a better aim and make those bullets count. w0#k towards the perk that lets you find more ammo, that's a good one to get early. Don't be afraid to just run away from a fight if you are super low on ammo.

I think there's also some machines that will make ammo (not sure if that was a mod or not), but usually by the time you get the materials needed to build one, you already have so much ammo you don't know what to do with it, and end up selling it for money you have no use for.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on October 26, 2017, 08:07:18 AM
Pretty cool, fragger, both your benefactors get a thumbs up, nice job!

Same from here!

Hope you have a great time in the game fragger, and be sure to post your adventures  O0

Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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