Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Nice stuff, Fragger, glad you've found a way to play that keeps you interested.

One thing about the legendary mirelurk you came across, that is a prime example of "save scumming" for legendary farming. If you know there's going to be a legendary at a certain point, you save just before it appears and then kill it, check the legendary drop, if you don't like it, reload the save, and repeat until you get an item that you like. You can do this a few places that are known for spawning a legendary, or at any time you luck out and have a save point just before a legendary appears. It usually has to be on a state change in the game, usually entering or exiting a building where the world has to load and in the process the dice are thrown to pick what item is going to drop. You can get some really good stuff this way.

The USS Constitution is one of my favorite side quests. In my wanderings I had already picked up most of the items needed to complete the quest and just needed one more and the item from the raiders waiting down below. But watching the ship take off and immediately crash into another building is too funny. The captain should not fall off, he should stay on the ship, which you can go back to, and is a fast travel point from then on that you can use to get into that part of the city fast. I'm pretty sure you can also use the bed below decks to sleep for the well rested (or lover's embrace) perk to be active for the extra XP points. Be sure to go back there and talk to the captain (he should reappear on the ship when you reload, I expect) as there is some after quest dialog and I believe you can get some semi-useful items from him.

Dogmeat isn't the only one who falls off highway overpasses. Pretty much any companion will find it impossible to navigate those bridges. More than once I've heard a thump and there's Piper down on the ground looking stunned, and she also finds a way to be back at my side in no time.

I also used the Vault-Tec suit through most of the game, with armor on top of it. Later on, there's a mission you can do that will get you a skill to add armor points to almost any garment in the game. Very useful to have, and there's a mod that let's you use it on pretty much anything as the original list of items is limited to certain things that make no sense really.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I've still got to do that Constitution mish :)

fragger, I'm sure you're going to find and enjoy quite many more things that relate to the 1950s sci-fi and horror flicks. Or other stuff from around that period of time. :)

Art Blade

I forgot to say, nice pics and story, fragger O0

Here I discretely dispose of settlers. However, they don't disappear.. quite a few are from previous "house cleanings" weeks ago.

Covenant Death Row
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I went for a sight-seeing tour and I soon noticed that something was off..
missing parts 1
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..actually, the gun must have fallen off. Where is my flipping mini gun?
missing parts 2
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Well. Nights are so annoyingly dark..
..so let there be light :anigrin:
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"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Hehe :anigrin:

Thanks D_B. I didn't think the Captain was supposed to fall out of the ship. I didn't realize the ship's new resting place became a fast travel point either, cheers :) Ironsides will no doubt be back on board when I return.

I found a good way to get one of the required components for the Constitution, the one from those surly scavengers that hang out in the nearby house. There was that guy who hangs out in the back room where the component was stored so I couldn't just go in and get it without him seeing me and shooting me in the back, so I went into the room first and removed the chains from the back door, which elicited no reaction from him. Then I went back outside, snuck around to the rear of the house, used a Stealth Boy to sneak in through the now-open back door and nicked the component right from under the guy's nose.

I've noticed that mines and grenades have a pretty respectable blast radius in FO4, more so than in most games. In so many other games, grenades have unrealistically small blast radii and if you're at least just a few game meters away when they go off, you don't feel anything. In FO4, if a grenade lands near you or you set off a timed frag mine, you really need to leg it to get clear in time ???

I've also learned to avoid taking cover behind vehicles. Boy, do they go boom when the fuel tank pops!
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Whether it's for guarding against the dangers of a post-apocalyptic wasteland or for making a bold fashion statement,
nothing expresses your individuality quite so much as sporting spikey armour while wearing a Sputnik on your head.
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Oh, the eyebot helmet, yeah, that's a really cool one. A lot of the armor added with Automatron was really cool, but by then I already had my armor kit that I liked and had good perks on them all, so I only collected the pieces and displayed them on armor stands back at my museum in Sanctuary. Wait until you get to Nuka World, some of the armor there is really extreme.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Luck was on my side today. I'd gone way out east with Ada to get one of the beacons that she needs to pinpoint the location of The Mechanist. When we got there, the place was guarded by two Tankbots and an Assaultron, which I could see through the scope of my sniper rifle. I already knew how tough Tankbots were, having had my head blown off by one along the way (I've gotten into the habit of Quicksaving a lot), so I was debating on how in the world I was going to deal with two of them at once. Those Assaultrons are no small potatoes either.

So I began to creep around the backs of the nearby houses in search of a good defensive position to try to take them out from, preferably an upstairs window where they wouldn't be able get within hugging proximity. I almost reached a spot I'd seen that looked promising - when a Mirelurk Queen reared her ugly head and burst up out of the ground. Holey moley, those things are big and scary! So I beat a hasty, adrenaline-fueled retreat – but instead of chasing me, Her Majesty decided to go after the robots instead. She took them all out for me, but she copped so much damage from the 'bots in the process that by the time she got back around to me, she only had a thin little sliver of health left. A single laser zap was all it took to make her go down like a giant sack of hammers :evil2:

I then found the beacon in the smoking pile of ash which was all that was left of one of the robots.

Nasty specimen! I got Ada to pose in front of it for scale, but of course it looked even bigger when it was still on its feet (and allowance for a little perspective must be made here).
The thing was as tall as a two-story house ???
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The game has an impressive draw distance. In fact, I haven't seen such good draw distances since GTA V.
I'm almost at the extreme western edge of the map here, and I can see all the way back to the city and beyond.
There was some detail loss here due to image size reduction for posting, but in the original screenie I can see the white obelisk at Bunker Hill (green circle)
and the USS Constitution embedded in the roof of the building it flew into (orange circle).
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Great story Fragger, you lucked out with the two enemies fighting each other. It's so awesome when you can get someone else to do your dirty w0#k for you. Even better when you come upon some raiders or gunners fighting bears, deathclaws, or mirelurks, and you think,"Couldn't have happened to a nicer person" lol.

One of the great places to do this is the robot parade display, somewhere along the south west edge of the map as I recall. If you have the hacking skills, you can activate the robots just in time to fight the deathclaw that hangs around there. Fun display to watch.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Man, you guys really do manage to get the most out of a game  :thumbsup:

Art Blade

fragger, you don't have to downsize any pictures anymore. Go back and click on any one of mine, click again (or if yo see it, use the in-pic menu with those double arrows) so you can increase the size. Up to the original screenshot size of the file I uploaded.  :anigrin:


I'm a bit puzzled about something I have to do. I'm doing the missions for Ada and I've reached the point where I've retrieved Jezebel's head and now have to build a robotic body to mount it on. I've got a Robot Workshop set up but I can't seem to build anything in it. No matter what I try to build, it tells me that I lack the required resources (or however it's worded) even though I do in fact have everything it tells me I need. Normally if a resource is lacking, that resource will be greyed out in the menu, but in this case none of them are. I checked them all out one by one anyway, and they are all present and accounted for.

Jezebel's head is in the list, so I definitely have it. I've tried to build the body first and I've tried transferring Jez's head to the workbench, but no matter what I try to build, it won't let me. I see all the Protectron parts in the list of things I can build, but when I select anything I either get the "You lack..." message or the "Build" option is greyed out.

Is there some perk I need? Normally if I do, it tells me so. For instance, if I select "Robobrain" it does show me the two perks that I still need to build that, but it doesn't show any lacking Perks for any of the Protectron parts. I'm stumped.

* * * * *

I had to replay the mission for Finch Farm. First time around it glitched out on me - at least I think it did. I first met Abraham Finch at his farm and during the conversation I got him to tell me about how his son Jake had thrown his lot in with the Forged, and an optional objective popped up to try to bring Jake back home. When I got to the steelworks where the Forged hang out, I started a ruckus and a bunch of them came out to fight - including Jake. Not knowing at that time that this was not supposed to happen, I killed all the other Forged but naturally I couldn't get to talk to Jake in any way - he would just shoot at me whenever I tried to approach him (and weirdly enough, Jake's mother Abigail, whom I hadn't seen or met at the farm, was running around there as well, right in among all the fighting that was happening just outside the steelworks, where she got herself killed :huh-new:) So I had no choice but to kill Jake.

After fighting my way through the steelworks, I finally came to the room where (I discovered later) Jake was supposed to have been all along. Slag, the leader of the Forged, was there, with a couple of prisoners and a few cronies. Because Jake wasn't there, they just stood around doing nothing and I couldn't talk to any of them. The game did however allow me to free the prisoners, at which point the Forged all attacked me. I took them all down and got the Shishkebab from Slag, but of course got a fail for not bringing Jake home. This didn't feel right, so I replayed the whole mish and this time it went down the way it was supposed to, with Jake in the final room with Slag. I got him to renounce the Forged, we fought our way out, and I brought him, and his Dad's sword, home. And this time Abigail was at the farm where she was supposed to have been, to enable the reconciliation between Jake and his Dad. That was a better outcome :bigsmile:


Not sure what could be the issue with building Jezebel a body. If you can build any other robot, as in, you have the materials, you should be able to build Jezebel one. Be sure you have the head in your personal inventory, maybe? It's been quite a while since I've done that particular mission that I'm fuzzy on the details. But I think you just select a body type, then under head types, choose Jezebel's head and it pops on there.

That was definitely a glitch on the Forged mission, welcome to Bethesda games.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

weird, indeed. And yes, I think it's "build a robot including Jezebel's head," not stick her head to any random robot.
Make sure to check the build base menu for "special" build options, if there are any, like that head.


fragger, did you get the bobble-head figure that was immediately behind where Slag was standing when you first entered that room?  I know I missed it the first time I fought my way through the steel works.

Now I make a habit of busting that place up whenever I'm in the neighborhood which is fairly often.  The Slog which is just across the street from there is a fussy settlement for which I've never been able to gain 100% happiness.

Art, if you want to permanently get rid of all those bodies at Covenant you can open the Console, click on one of the townspeople to get their ID code and then use the Console command "disable".  Or if you're looking for a good laugh and inclined to fight them all over again you can use "disable", "enable" and "recycleactor" to get all their body parts reattached before killing them all up again.  :D

By standing back a few meters so you can view and click up the individual's ID codes of the entire group (one by one) you can probably get most of them up and ready to come after you again all in one trip into the Console tweaks.  :bigsmile:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


thank you, mandru :) I know about the "disable" command and then the "markfordelete" command, which not only renders them invisible (but still present) but actually removes the now invisible entities. In this particular case, I decided to leave them as they are, and I intend to find a spot nearby to where I can drag them and where the game will do a cell refresh in a way that it restores everything to factory default and by that, removes anything not belonging into the picture :gnehe:

🡱 🡳

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