Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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mandru, no, I missed that :banghead: Hopefully it will still be there if I go back.

About my funny robot thing, I still can't figure it out. When I interact with the Robot Workbench, the first thing it asks is which robot do I want to w0#k on, Ada or an Automatron. As soon as I select the latter I get that "You lack the required resources" message (even though I do have all the resources) before I even do anything else. If I hit TAB to cancel the message and proceed to the Workbench, I then actually do see a base Automatron inside it, but I can't do anything with it, neither build or modify. I can't replace it's head with Jezebel's (I get the "lack" message), and her head is definitely in my inventory. I've even tried scrapping the Workbench and rebuilding it, but the same thing happens. I can't transfer Jez's head to it either, it tells me I can't transfer that particular mod, or words to that effect.

I can't see any other options apart from Ada and Automatron in the initial window that pops up. There are Protectron options in the Workbench, but once again I can't build any of them despite having all the materials it asks for.

I'm starting to think it's glitched in some way. It's not the first mission-killing glitch I've encountered. Apart from the Finch Farm debacle I related in m,y last post, I also had trouble getting Clem to ride that bloody bike in Vault 88 earlier today. He just stood looking at it like a dumbbell. I had to go back to an earlier save and build it all again, and this time he climbed aboard, even though I built it all exactly the same way as I did the first time :huh-new:

I just got the Science Level 1 Perk, maybe I'll try building the robot body again next time I'm in Sanctuary (where the Workbench is) and see if that changes anything. I don't see why it would - it doesn't tell me that I'm lacking any Perks.

Art Blade

does Ada have her upgrades? Put her in if you can and see if you can add something like an antenna or some such and after that, Jez. Else, I'm going to check my save games and I'll report back..

Art Blade

oh and that bobblehead will be there, I too missed it on my first attempt :anigrin:

Art Blade

here, two pics. I went to the workbench, created a new bot, and the first entry is the head, and there is Jezebel's head to pick.

AND YOU NEED TO BE AT Sunshine Tidings Co!

FO4 Jez build loc
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that damn bot
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Art Blade

that should fix it. I recall having had the same prob until I realised WHERE to bloody build the robot station.. :banghead:


Really? I haven't even been there yet.

Oh, for crying out loud... I just went back into the game intending to take some screenies to show you - AND IT ALL BLOODY WORKED!!! And the Workbench is still set up in Sanctuary.

As soon as I selected Automatron, everything that was supposed to come up, came up. No "lack" message, and Jez now has her new body. I wonder if it did have something to do with that Science Perk?

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W in T actual F... :huh-new: Oh well, problem solved, it appears. Some flipping how.

Art Blade

bloody hell! I had a mission marker pointing to Sunshine. Well. At least it's sorted  :anigrin: O0


It had to have been that Science Perk, I think. That's the only thing that has changed since the last time I tried it. I can go camping happy now :gnehe:

Art Blade

weird, it should have shown you what perk you were lacking, then. Anywho.. go get 'em, killer :anigrin:


fragger, I don't know if you've discovered this yet but in your pipboy under the Data > Missions headings there will be a list of any currently active missions.  Highlighting a mission with a click will provide step by step details of how to complete each of them as well as add flags to the map.  I was probably in the game for 40 or so hours before I figured out how to use that feature to make getting through some of the stickier requirements easier.

You can toggle on and off all of the active mission flags on the map by clicking on the mission you are currently going after.  Hiding the things screaming for your attention that you are going to eventually get around to helps keep a clear eye on your current objectives.

You probably have already discovered this and only I'm slow enough to go so long overlooking this obvious detail.  :-[

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

actually, thanks, mandru. I was thinking about mentioning it last night but eventually fell asleep before I managed to post anything about that. :anigrin:

I remember that I too didn't figure it out instantly as it isn't that obvious at all despite the fact that you're carrying that pip-boy around with you all the time :gnehe: Sometimes you get too many mission markers, sometimes too few. It's a good idea to keep checking current missions and to decide which ones to set active and which ones to temporarily disable by unchecking them just so you don't get distracted or misled when looking at your compass or map. :)

Today I met little Shaun at the Fort. So that's where he went before I blew up the Institute. Cute. I sent him to Sanctuary. I probably wouldn't have met him because normally I don't visit settlements. Only if I decided to check on their stats and some were off, as was the case here, one bed was missing. Weird. When I went there, Shaun was there. So he was the new guy and therefore without a bed. I only place down beds for people who are already living in a settlement. Well. I'll have to return to Sanctuary and add a bed for him there now :anigrin:

Also today, I decided to visit Diamond City again. I visited DC perhaps 10 times, not very often compared to my total gaming time, and only today I found that chapel in DC I didn't even know existed. ??? The game is certainly not getting boring any time soon :anigrin:

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Thanks guys, but I already discovered the mission functions in the Pip Boy :) I did however only just discover the flashlight function yesterday while traipsing around in Vault 88 ::)

I really like how the game doesn't lock you into any one mission, so that you can go after whatever quest you feel like doing at the time. No time constraints either, another plus.

It's interesting how doing quests in random orders doesn't seem to result in the game getting itself into a knot - at least, it hasn't yet. One of the BoS quests, "Quartermasterly", led me to the northern-most limit of the map, where I ran into the Nakano couple who told me about their daughter Kasumi running away. After finding all of her tapes in the house and boatshed I discovered that she'd gone to Far Harbor, which is also where the BoS quest I'm on wants me to go - except I didn't know that yet.

The thing was, when I reached the Nakano residence, the mission marker for the BoS quest was in the boat at the dock. Boarding the boat (before meeting the Nakanos), there was just the marker hovering over the boat controls, but no prompts of any sort appeared, so I didn't know what was required of me. It wasn't until I'd spoken to the Nakanos and found all of Kasumi's tapes that her father told me I could take his boat, and when I went back to the boat, the controls had became available. So now I didn't know what the story was - was the marker still leading me toward the BoS objective, or Kasumi, or both?

I got onto the Wiki and found that yes, both missions require me to take that boat to Far Harbor. But while reading the Wiki, I found that Nick Valentine would also send me to see the Nakanos - but I haven't met him in the game yet. So it should be interesting to see what happens when I do meet him, considering that I've already partially done the Nakanos' quest.

In any event, after reading some of the Wiki's entry on Far Harbor, I'm going to hold off on going there for a bit. It sounds almost like a whole other game is going on up there :gnehe: I want to explore more of the map I'm in now before I set sail for a new one.

Geez, there's some tough hombres in this world. I scrapped with Swan today ??? I had to dodge those big rocks the great galoot was throwing at me until I could missile and laser him into quiescence. Got his big Power Fist off him though. Dunno if I'll ever use it - I'm more of a guns guy than a fisticuffs guy. I'll wait until I'm up against some easy prey like Feral Ghouls to see how the Fist socks it to them. It's cool how you can get your companion to lug your excess gear. I'm still with Ada at present, so she carries heavy weapons like my missile launcher and stuff like extra grenades for me, and I just get them off her whenever I need them. That's a really cool feature. Presumably the game will tell me if I exceed her carrying capacity, assuming she has one.

Got a plasma rifle, yay! Now I feel like part of an XCOM squad, only in person :evil2: That's a hard-hitting weapon with a boosted capacitor, takes regular Super Mutants out with just one shot. I like how you can rename your weapons. My semi-auto combat shotgun is now The Persuader, my laser sniper rifle is the Zapmaster, my suppressed 10mm auto-pistol is The Whisperer and my double-barrelled anti-robot shottie is the Bot Buggerizer :gnehe:


Forgot to add a few screenies. I'll stick with the downsized ones, they're more convenient for me to w0#k with at my end.

This is me. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.
I've since found better armor than this, and with a right arm, too.
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Found a Gentlemens' Club, although the gentlemen have seen better days. I guess they really are gentle now.
Love the god rays in this game.
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Oh, dearie me. Fat lot of good all that wealth, power and privilege did you.
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Art Blade


Nice club.. I don't think I've found it, yet. :D

The Swan is/was quite something :) I was quite impressed, too.

Nice character, indeed O0


Cheers :) I elected to be a blonde because they have more fun - or so they say :gnehe: It's kind of fun playing around with the character sculpting tools at the start of a game, reminds me a bit of Poser. I was going for a Charlize Theron-ish kind of look.

The club is right across the road from Swan's Pond, directly south of it. It's called the Boylston Club. Look for a red door. There's not much in there, just some goodies and a few pool balls. No bad guys or booby traps or anything.

I'm intrigued by the Freedom Trail, looks like something Dan Brown would come up with. Haven't probed into it yet, I've only been at the start of it, where I talked to the tour-guide bot and saw the "7-A" clue on the plaque set in the ground. I have no idea what that means at the moment. Don't tell me if you know, I want to see if I can figure it out!

🡱 🡳

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