Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade


and yeah.. here's a pic I prepared in case you'd post about it. :gnehe:

plutonium well
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Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on December 02, 2017, 01:14:10 PM
Yeah, the cars in Fallout are all nuclear powered

More like a rolling nuclear bomb?  :-X They did perfectionate the process in the official FO4 lore, if I'm not mistaken. But yes, the radioactive waste of uranium fuel is a hazard for million of years to come. Look at Pripyat, the town is still inaccessible after 30 years
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Nice post D_B :thumbsup: Yep, I've learned not to take cover behind vehicles when I come under fire in FO4 :gnehe: They certainly do go off with a bang! It looks really cool when they do that, not just the explosion but the visible air distortion of the shock wave. Same with grenades and mines, great explosion effects. At least you get a warning when a vehicle is about to go critical within clobbering distance of you, a little red car icon. Then you need to bolt, quickly ??? I had the satisfaction of watching two Super Mutants get hurled by an exploding car the other day. The car was half-buried under rubble, and one of the SMs was on top of it when it went up. So did he, right over the roof of a nearby house and into the street on the other side :evil2:

A fission-powered car would be awfully dangerous, a China Syndrome on wheels just waiting to happen. One serious traffic accident and the reactor casing ruptures, the pile falls out and cooks its way into the street, and several city blocks are lethally irradiated for millennia. Great :undecided-new:

Fusion, if it could be made efficient, would solve all our energy needs for a long time to come. The fuel required, hydogen, is the most abundant element in the universe, and there are no toxic by-products from the process. It truly would be a clean source of energy. In fact, the main by-product of fusion is helium, which the Earth has a limited supply of and is an important component in things like refrigeration. Once Earth's helium is gone, it's gone for good. Being lighter than air, a lot of the world's natural helium is simply drifting away into space. With fusion, we would be able to replenish it.

But as D_B said, the trick is getting the fusion process to start, which takes a staggering amount of energy at our current level of knowledge and tech. The returns are simply not worth the cost. Not at this remove, anyway.

As for hydrogen, two-thirds of the Earth's surface is covered with it. It just needs to be separated from the oxygen atoms that it's bound up with in the form of water.

I think you're right though, Dweller. The devs don't seem too clear on the difference between fusion and fission.

Art Blade

the cars already blew up quite nicely in FO3 which is when I learned, long ago, to stay away from them when in a firefight just as well as when shooting them up for fun, which I did a lot. When you reported your first encounter with a car going off and taking you out, it made me chuckle :anigrin: I think it must have been quite overwhelming when you realised that those seemingly harmless car wrecks exploded so violently. :gnehe:

It does look very good in the twilight of a dawning day or at dusk when you still see enough of the environment around it. Fun as it might be shooting them up from a safe distance, I can tell you from my FO4 experience that you should be careful still because in the vicinity might be one or more friendly people whom you really don't want to kill out of carelessness. I have a dozen or so murders in my stats that I can only explain with random car explosions or perhaps some hand grenades, carelessly thrown away :gnehe:


I've seen cars fall off one of the elevated freeways while I've been sprinting across the landscape landing with a crash but i'ts still in perfect (if aged) condition and nothing happens.  That is until I accidentally brush past it at speed in my power suit and Kapow!  :D
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


Sometimes I heard shooting and then a massive explosion nearby, in rare cases my screen went white even, and I never knew what it was. Sometimes I found dead robots nearby, sometimes raiders, once I found a burning car wreck and a couple of Brotherhood of Steel bodies alongside some raiders and Super Mutants, all dead. Made me wonder what the hell had happened there. Probably some stray bullets set off a car and that caused a permanent cease fire.  :anigrin:


I suspect that the two sources for those mysterious explosions are from nearby outbreaks of hostilities of the games various NPC factions either setting off one of the cars or one of the Super Mutant Suiciders who are packing a mini nuke armed with a proximity fuse.  When I hear a nearby skirmish I usually charge in and try to join the party to see if I can colleect goodies and possibly drop a Suicider with a headshot so I can score yet another mini nuke for my stash.  :anigrin:

On some occasions it's one of my Provisioners tangled up in the snarl so it's usually worth checking out the sound of local fighting if it doesn't drag me too far off my current objective.

There is a small shack with a still that blows up and kills the moonshiner I've encountered several time.  Fortunately for the moonshiner he gets respawned for a later date when I once again happen to stray too close to his place of business.  ;)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

AHHHhhh... you're most certainly right, I never thought about those suicide bombers. That makes sense. And if he blows himself up and along with him one or two cars.. hehe, yep. I think that's the reason. I always thought it reminded me of a nuke rather than a car blowing up, especially when the screen goes white.  O0 I like to shoot a suicide bomber in the arm so he blows himself up and all his friends with him :anigrin: Doesn't always w0#k but even if it's just him, I still appreciate the fireworks  :gnehe:

And man, that moonshine distillery.. I think I was like fragger and his first car going off when I stuck my head in that shack and it blew up in my face :D Usually I don't come past it so I only saw it maybe once more and the guy in there was already dead without me noticing any explosion. I was late for the party it seems ;)


I've been looking at Settlement development a bit more recently.  It seems that some settlements are impossible to make happy and others are too greedy of my time to stay happy.  So back to building but even though I've a pack rat hauling everything I can get my mitts on there are some building materials that are tougher to acquire. 

So for the PC I created a list of the materials found in Fo4 and printed it off on card stock in a font size easy for me to read for quick reference with the Console Cheats.

The format for use after opening the console is "player.additem (Material ID#) (Quantity)"

For example to add 2000 Asbestos to your personal inventory would be player.additem aec5c 2000

Here's a list of all building materials.

Acid                                  1bf72d                             Fiberglass                      aec61

Adhesive                           1bf72e                             Gears                            6907e

Aluminum                         6907a                              Glass                             69085

Antiseptic                         1bf72f                              Gold                              aec62

Asbestos                          aec5c                               Lead                              aec63

Ballistic Fiber                    aec5b                              Leather                            aec64

Bone                                aec5d                              Nuclear Material              69086

Ceramic                            aec5e                              Oil                                 1bf732

Circuitry                           6907b                              Plastic                            6907f

Cloth                                aec5f                               Rubber                           106d98

Concrete                           106d99                           Screw                             69081

Copper                             6907c                              Silver                              aec66

Cork                                 aec60                              Springs                           69082

Crystal                             6907d                              Steel                               731a4

Fertilizer                           1bf730                            Wood                               731a3

Fiber Optics                      69087

(Sorry I copied and pasted my list and after 40 minutes of adjusting the lines that was as straight as I could get the columns.  I can only hope that after posting this it doesn't get even worse  :-[ )
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

easier to post it like this

player.additem 001BF72D 5000; Acid
player.additem 001BF72E 5000; Adhesive
player.additem 0006907A 5000; Aluminum
player.additem 001BF72F 5000; Antiseptic
player.additem 000AEC5C 5000; Asbestos
player.additem 000AEC5B 5000; Ballistic Fiber
player.additem 000AEC5D 5000; Bone
player.additem 000AEC5E 5000; Ceramic
player.additem 0006907B 5000; Circuitry
player.additem 000AEC5F 5000; Cloth
player.additem 00106D99 5000; Concrete
player.additem 0006907C 5000; Copper
player.additem 000AEC60 5000; Cork
player.additem 0006907D 5000; Crystal
player.additem 001BF730 5000; Fertilizer
player.additem 00069087 5000; Fiber Optics
player.additem 000AEC61 5000; Fiberglass
player.additem 0006907E 5000; Gear
player.additem 00069085 5000; Glass
player.additem 000AEC62 5000; Gold
player.additem 000AEC63 5000; Lead
player.additem 000AEC64 5000; Leather
player.additem 00069086 5000; Nuclear Material
player.additem 001BF732 5000; Oil
player.additem 0006907F 5000; Plastic
player.additem 00106D98 5000; Rubber
player.additem 00069081 5000; Screw
player.additem 000AEC66 5000; Silver
player.additem 00069082 5000; Spring
player.additem 000731A4 5000; Steel
player.additem 000731A3 5000; Wood


Yep Art you're right.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

I was able to reply like that so quickly because we actually had the list already in this topic.. :-X

Quote from: Art Blade on June 24, 2017, 06:51:36 PM
I found a great tip regarding those weapon and whatever crafting -- the junk you need to scrap first and use for crafting later. It is cheating - create a batch file and run it from the console..

Art Blade

mandru, sorry, I didn't know what you were up to. I could have reminded you of that post (we actually talked about it in August) and I would likely have saved you a lot of trouble. :(

Because batch files aren't exactly your cup of tea (thinking about the August discussion), I have been thinking what might help you the most. And I think that I found a solution that you might enjoy :)

On your PC, on your desktop, right-click an empty spot (neither on any icon nor on the task bar) and select from the now available menu the "new" option and from there "text document" (or "rich text" if you like because it allows various font sizes and text formatting) and create a new empty text document.

Mark all the entries from the list in my post by left-clicking next and to the left of the first line (of the junk entries) and don't release the mouse button, just drag the pointer down so all lines are highlighted, then release the mouse button. You could test marking text right here in this post.

Right-click anywhere in the highlighted text and select "copy"

Minimise the browser, open your text document

Right-click into it and select "paste"

optional: now you can press CTRL and H (find what:  5000, replace with: 2000) so you don't have to manually edit the amount.

close the document and confirm that it shall be saved (that's faster than finding the save option first and closing the document afterwards.. since you need to close it anyway, just confirm that you want to save the changes)

Now you can open the text document at any time (keep it open in the background while playing) and just alt-tab between your game and that document. You can select the line with the stuff you need, highlight it , copy it..

alt-tab back into the game, open the console

press CTRL and V to paste it into your console, hit enter



There is a chance that the junk names confuse the console -- if the game doesn't add the stuff, only mark the line until the semicolon and don't highlight the part starting with it, like so:

might not w0#k: player.additem 001BF72D 2000; Acid
so only mark (and copy) player.additem 001BF72D 2000

Maybe now it's easier for you to get your head around the mysterious batch files: I saved the text document as "junk.txt" in the FO4 main folder. I open the console, type

bat junk

and hit enter. The game then "reads" the text file, understands and executes the commands and ignores the comments (the junk names) and in the end it fills my inventory with 5000 of each item. Best do that when standing right in front of the w0#k bench so you can transfer your inventory junk to the w0#k bench without having to walk, overloaded as you will be.

A lot easier that way.. once the junk is transferred from your inventory to the w0#k bench, it will be loaded for the next couple hundred hours of gaming I think  :anigrin:

I hope this post helps you, mandru. :)

And just so you know, now it's 5:45AM, I spent 75 minutes writing, editing and improving this post. I'm catching up with you it seems :gnehe:


Very cool info from both of you, thanks muchly for your time and effort :thumbsup: :)

I'm pretty sure I've killed a couple of people I wasn't supposed to. One I'm not sure about... There's a church in the Cambridge area (can't recall the name) where, upon entering, I find the resident priest engaged in a firefight with several ghouls. I've gone in and helped him deal with the baddies, but then he turns and opens up on me. The first time I thought I must have hit him accidentally and so he classified me as an enemy, but since then, no matter how many times I enter the church, and no matter how careful I am not to plug him, he turns on me every time. Usually some lone character in the game who has a name is a potential missions or goodies source, but this guy is always hostile.

Another time, when I was doing that mission to clear the Forged out of their steelworks and recover Jake, there was some dude running around amid the fighting outside who had a specific name, but he went and got himself dead before I could make his acquaintance. Not wishing to reload and fight all over again at that time, I let it go. I can't remember his name, but I think I was not supposed to let him die if I could avoid it. He too was fighting against the Forged, so I assumed he was a possible ally, although that's certainly not guaranteed. I couldn't find his body either, it was like he just disappeared after he died.


fragger, if you do come back across Jake's body either outside Saugus Iron Works or actually in the top smelter room (where I had a similar experience with a dead Jake even after significant time had passed) opening the console and clicking on Jake's body to display his reference ID,  typing in one long word recycleactor, and then hitting Enter you may be able to revive him and finalize the Finch Farm quest as I did.

Art I did everything you said right up to the point where you saved "text.bat" into the main FO4 folder but after 20 minutes of searching it seems to be completely missing when I search on the click path This PC>Windows (C:) and thoroughly digging through both the Program Files and Program Files(x86) folders.

I do see the Steam File listed in Program Files(x86).

When I right click>Properties on the FO4 game start desktop icon to find the target it gives the Steam URL and the related game start ID but there's no folder that says Bethesda or anything about FO4 to deposit the "text.bat" file into.

Maybe it's because my PC is set up in Raid0 or maybe it's because Steam has totally hacked all access to FO4 files off of my computer.  Maybe because every inanimate object I've ever come into contact with is idiosyncratic to the max.

I don't know.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

🡱 🡳

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