Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


26,000 posts ??? I'm still a ways from cracking 5 digits :gnehe:

Well, I found a way around it. There's an option called "Auto Move" ("X" by default) which is about as close as I can get. Hitting X in Workshop mode will start me moving forwards, either running or walking depending which I have toggled, and hitting X again will make me stop. While I'm moving, I can still steer left or right with the mouse. I can't strafe with it though, but at least I can move around in Workshop mode now.

So it's a workaround, without me having to change a control system I've used for over TWENTY YEARS of gaming :gnehe: I'm not changing that after all this time - I'd just as soon not play.

Art Blade

hehe very good solution :thumbsup:

you should go back to the ship see if the cap responds now ;)


It took me a while to get back to you - I was in the middle of Vault 114, where I found Nick Valentine and busted him out. That was a fun escapade, with all those throwback Tommy-gun toting gangster types :gnehe:

Art Blade

ah, enjoy the time with Nick - don't worry when he'll take you to Far Harbor as it doesn't interfere with the main quest but if you don't want to, pay attention to the quest marker. Anything to the uppermost end of the map (and apparently outside) is Far Harbor. Ignore it and play it later, works just as well.



Glad you got it sorted, Fragger, control issues are always a sore spot with me (I have a weird config that's grown since the early days, I don't use WASD I use QWAZ - lol). I spent probably the first week while playing FO4 getting the config the way I like it. The problem is, they don't let you change all the bindings. I think this is a symptom of it being developed for consoles and they don't bother to put all the options for movement in the PC config screen. I could change the normal play keys just like you, but getting the ones in build mode to make sense took a bit more doing, and eventually, some heavy custom modding. F4SE allows you to set the key binds for everything, but the script you have to edit is not marked in a way that makes it easy to figure out what each entry changed. Then there was the issue of the on-screen prompts for what key to use, especially in build mode, as they were hard-coded in several files in the game. So I could change what key was used, but if I wanted the on-screen prompt to match that key (as I needed, because I couldn't remember all the keys) I had to manually edit several files with another editor to make those w0#k.

Same goes for No Man's Sky, I could change some of the keybinds for the play part of the game, but not for build mode or photo mode, and I had to manually edit a config file to get what I wanted, but never found a way to make onscreen prompts w0#k for that game. But I never looked very hard either.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Art congtatz on 26K posts!  O0

Maybe I'm too familiar with having to find ways to w0#k around things that don't function the way they should.  Perversity of the inanimate and idiosyncratic behavior of almost everything I own.  :banghead:

fragger, here's a "Mohammad to the mountain" thing.  As long as a wayward settler is hanging out within the build area of a settlement you could try scoping out their immediate surroundings to find a good spot for an isolated garden, jump into build mode and drop 6 mutfruits near them and assign that settler to them before they can wander off.

Same goes for assigning a bed to that problematic settler.  Rather than having them wander around every night trying to find one unoccupied.  Once they've set to w0#k on their own little garden you can drop a concrete floor block nearby toss on three walls + a wall with a door (add a short ladder to step up if necessary to access), tack on a roof, and toss in a bed.  Then standing where you can see both the bed and the settler (without having to change your position since that was the problem) assign that settler to his own sweet little hovel.

Lights in buildings don't necessarily make settlers happy but a bed with a roof over it definitely does add to settler happiness.  There is an actual Console condition used to determine if a specific bed is considered covered or not.

Other than some decorations (like bedroom doors, paintings, exterior flags, and carpeting) is for your own personal esthetic.  ;)

While on the subject of settler happiness there is the problem that arises with Synths posing as settlers.  I always switch my settlers out of wastelander clothing and into character unique clothing so that while a settlement is small (5 or 6 settlers) I make a save point and kill all of them using a weapon that doesn't bust them up into unidentifiable chunks.

Then searching the bodies I scan for any of them with a synth component in their inventory to identify who needs to be culled out.  Heh, there have also been settlement's Brahmins killed that are synths as well.  So kill them up too because synth components can only be detected on a corpse.  :evil2:

If a synth is (or synths are) confirmed make a note of what they're wearing so you can go back to your save point and from a crouched "undetected" position snipe them using your best one-shot kill weapon so that the rest of the settlement is not alerted.  Once the deed is done you can stroll up and loot the synth without upsetting anyone.

This also sets up the situation where anyone new who joins a settlement will stand out wearing non-settlement clothing and they can (after making your new save point) be sniped from an undetected position.  Then upon inspection be looted or if they pass the screening (after a load game at that last save point) be greeted into the community with new clothes, a better weapon and ammo.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Nice tips, Mandru, especially about synths posing as settlers. I never had too many, and they go away if you destroy the institute, but before that, I had a mod that would detect synths and send out electric shocks that would disable them and make it so you could just shoot them without disturbing the other settlers.

Also, to increase happiness, trap cats and give them a cat bowl and they will wander around the place making everyone happy. You can buy dogs from a couple different traders and give them a dog house and they will increase happiness. Later in the game, you can trap gorillas and they will patrol the place increasing happiness, and defense I think as well.

As mentioned before, having robots in the settlement will decrease happiness as they are set at 50% and can't change, so they bring down the average even if all the humans are very happy.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I never cared about synths nor not synths. In fact, Sanctuary with 30 people is at a constant 90+ happiness and there is Curie (synth body) and Shaun (synth boy) and Nick (coolest synth ever) living peacefully along with the rest.

My Red Rocket settlement with two people has been at 99/100 ever since I reached 100% September 11, 2017. I know the date because I wrote it on a wall in the garage there. :anigrin: I can't tell what in the end was the reason for 100% but it is a semi-science in itself. All I can say is that I slapped in everything there is, kept their ways short, and made them pass 5 cats (placed the bowls near the door of their bedroom) on almost every small trip around the house (the cats are strategically placed between bed and soda fountain which all settlers instantly are and stay attracted to and it comes with the vault88 DLC)


Very cool tips and strategies there, gents O0

Well, I spent most of last night and a good deal of today playing Bob the Builder in FO4 :bigsmile: And I had lots and lots of fun doing so!

I cheated by giving myself plenty of Steel and Concrete to play with (and nothing else, apart from a modest cheat of Oil, more on that below) and proceeded to totally wall up Sanctuary. I only left two entrances – one at the bridge, and one near the trail that leads to Vault 111 (as that's a handy route out of town if I want to generally head north). Apart from those, there is absolutely no way in. Well, there is one way, but I don't know whether enemies would use it. There's a sloping, run-uppable fallen tree lying against the roof of one of the houses, which will allow access to that house's roof, and thence into town. The tree trunk is outside the build area so I can't enclose it or scrap it. I created a small minefield of frag mines around it outside the town, but I don't know for how long, or even if, they will stay there. Otherwise, there are a number of turrets which can cover that roof.

I created a very narrow, tortuous choke point at the north entrance and one the width of a section of concrete wall at the bridge (I did put a doorless doorway there originally, but Carla's pack Brahmin kept getting stuck in it, so I took it out). Each entrance is covered by a mix of machine gun and laser turrets. Should any bad guys venture in, they'll find themselves in a nasty field of turret crossfire with no immediate cover to hand. And should they get through that, there are more turrets in town covering all areas.

I figured out how to get electric light happening, and made good use of the conduiting system to illuminate my digs. After turning Sanctuary into a fortress, I then went about lighting and decorating my place (pics below). Essentially, it's made to look like a bar on the ground floor, and the upstairs floor is my sleeping and storage area.

[spoiler text=Here's some piccies]
The Frag and Crown Hotel is open for business! These shots are all on the ground floor. I'm still decorating upstairs, will do some pictures when I'm done.
I tried to put some bottles on the bar, but no matter how much I tried, I couldn't drop them on the bar without them falling over. I have almost a complete set of pool balls, still need a 7 and an 11.
I know where I can get them, but it means a risky steal off someone. I tried to rack them up on the table, but my patience wasn't up to the task.

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I still want to do something with the far end of the room.
There are two stripped sets of power armour lurking under the stairs (my good armour is in a rack elsewhere).
I might move them into the opposing corners like a pair of old suits of armour in some posh manor :gnehe:

I like how the electricity will power the juke box and TVs as well as the lights.
I want to see if I can get the neon alphabet working too, so I can make a neon pub sign.
If they w0#k like that... I seem to remember seeing that they require power, so I assume they do.

To make the town look a bit more lived in at night, I went around putting in gas lamps all over.
I like those because being merely decorative objects they don't require power, yet they still throw a bit of light.
I got sick of the place looking all dark and dismal at night. It almost looks festive now.
The many lamps are why I treated myself to some free oil, just 100 worth.

To avoid loading too many pictures, I made collages out of these eight:

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Of the bottom two shots in the last pic, the left one shows the choke point at the bridge. The big open slab on the right has been floored but I don't know what I'm going to put there yet. I took this shot from the roof of my joint. Directly below, where you can't see it, is a wall going right across the street between my house and the one over the road, to the right. There is also a wall between the left side of the bridge exit and the first house – so if they want to get into town, they have a wicked gauntlet to run - through the choke point (which has a laser turret staring straight down it), then across open ground (under the fire of four more turrets and MacCready in a high guard post with his scoped rifle) towards the bottom left of the picture, the sole way through. There used to be a gap between a hedge and the corner of that lower-left house (the one with the cooking station outside it) but I filled that in with wall. The only way then is through the narrow gap between the hedges near the Workbench building and several more high-mounted turrets. They can't even take cover in the cooking station house on the way in because I walled up the door with a concrete slab.

The pic on the lower right shows a cool little meditation grotto :lamp: I didn't plan it, the shape of the wall just suggested it to me. Why the heck not, eh?


Pretty nice fragger, I like the pool room / bar area. I never got around to really making a fancy setup like that, just plopped a pool table down and dropped the balls around here and there.

One thing about making an impenetrable fortress of your settlement. If there is an attack, and they can't get in from the standard spawn points, the game will just cheat and spawn them inside somewhere. So I found it's best to leave the perimeter somewhat porous and just surround the spawn points with heavy turrets of whatever type strikes your fancy.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Thanks, D_B. On both counts :anigrin:

I actually hit the build limit for Sanctuary and maxed out the SIZE meter (top right in the info bar along the top of the Workbench screen). All of a sudden, I couldn't build any more stuff - when I tried, a message appeared saying, "Nothing more can be built". I had to scrap some stuff to finish what I was doing. Apparently, each Settlement has a different build limit, and when the SIZE bar fills, that's it - you can build no more stuff in that Settlement. It has no relation to how many Settlers there are.

HOWEVER - I came across this cool little trick online. I tried it and it worked. The guy who posted the tip said that he has built heaps more stuff since doing this without any problems. Here's the procedure:


Step 1
Travel to the settlement that you wish to remove the build size limit from. Then go to the Workbench and stand in front of it.

Step 2
Bring up the console, and while the console is open, left-click on the Workbench. A series of numbers and letters in white should appear at the top center of the console area.

Step 3
Once you see those numbers, type the following two commands in the console (and press Enter after each one). Make sure you type these commands exactly, including spaces and numbers (or just copy/paste them from here). The commands are:

setav 349 3675555555.00
setav 34B 3675555555.00

*NOTE* If you don't feel like counting them, there are seven 5's in each command.

After you've done that, exit the console, then open the Workbench menu. If you have done it correctly, bingo - the SIZE bar is empty again!

You must do this for each Settlement whose size meter you wish to reset - this trick does not do them all at once.


It should be okay as long as you don't then go and build an insane amount of stuff in the Settlement. I'll let you know if there is any funny business.

About the neon letters - sorted. Unless you know this already (you probably do, but I'll tell it anyway), you don't need to connect a wire to the letters. As long is there is a conduit or pylon nearby (probably within a slab's distance), the letters will just light up:

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The "OPEN" sign is cool. Each letter lights up one after another, the sign then flashes a few times, then repeats. The letters you place yourself don't, however (although I've heard tell there's a way to make them do that). Your own neon letters snap together when you move them close enough, so it's not a fiddly process.

Art Blade

very cool pics/building, fragger :thumbsup: :) It looks really great, that bar and I like the oil lamp look of your Sanctuary. :)

And yet again.. why don't you guys search OWG first, more precisely, just only this topic..

I wish I had known what you were up to so I could have reminded you of a post.. Oh well..  :-X

Quote from: Art Blade on July 05, 2017, 06:32:00 AMI came across a simple solution  :)

Unlimited settlement building size
- Open the console while in front of the w0#k bench, then click on the bench so it shows an ID ending in [EP]
- type "getav 349" to see limit 1
- type "setav 349 100000000" to set a maximum (practically no limit)
- type getav 34b to see limit 2
- type "setav 34b 100000000" to set a maximum (practically no limit)

Done. You'll notice the progress bar top right has emptied.  :anigrin:


 :anigrin: I wonder why Bugthesda insisted on having a limit. Perhaps lazy game design? :huh-new:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

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