Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Art Blade

Ah, cheers, I've seen them but never built them except in my home plate in Diamond City for style reasons. I'll check them out and see what settlers do with them :) You'll be able to gather tons of recipes for them in Nuka World. :anigrin:

But. As soon as you get to vault88, do yourself a favour and drop a savegame first, then consider it your own test run what you do, and when you're through, read up on the experiments because the soda fountain and other things will be available to you for use in settlements and the way those things act is dependent on what you did during the vault experiments. And you CANNOT undo that, it will stay that way for the rest of your game, so read up on it. It's worth it in case you screw up, you'll know why and how to change it if you have to redo it. :)

Art Blade

just checked, I got 15 recipes for those mixers so far but there are more. Damn, speaking of which, and the vault88, and other things.. I might actually start a new playthrough. Maybe I'll start with Nuka World and then head over to vault88 and stuff like that :)

And avoid settlement beacons  :laughsm:


Don't tell me I discovered something that you haven't...?

If so, I'm glad. Not so I can gloat, I don't mean that. I mean so that I can finally feel like I've contributed something new to the OWG Fallout 4 knowledge base :anigrin:

(Now I'm just waiting for mandru or D_B to burst my bubble...) :gnehe:

I've already been in Vault 88 and done two of those experiments (the bike and the soda fountain), so I'll have to live with whatever consequences I've spawned from those. I tried to choose the most humane-sounding parameters, so hopefully it'll turn out okay. I don't plan on reproducing any of those things elsewhere anyway.

Art Blade

you did :thumbsup: :)

And hey, don't underestimate those experiments and their use for the later game. The bicycle isn't important and I reckon you did the "right" thing with the soda fountain. Don't worry, you won't turn your settlements into rat labs. You're now creating something under weird circumstances for normal use later. However, I recommend reading up on that stuff.

The soda fountain is my favourite thing when building up a settlement's happiness. I did the same as you, trying to get the most humane solutions out of that and in the experiment with that soda fountain, I used natural scents or flavours. That thing and the other things can be used later, put to good use in a settlement. About that soda thingy, my settlers say it tastes better than Nuka Cola. It's funny because EVERY settler loves that thing and they keep running towards it, queuing behind it and all I keep hearing all day is, "MMmmmmh! This.. tastes delicious!" :D


Just ducked out for a spot of lunch :anigrin: Cheers, I'll look into those experiments.

But not just yet. I'm off then. Settlements to manage, things to build, places to see, people to kill...

Art Blade

alright, then :anigrin: Spot of lunch, eh? I reckon I could nip into the kitchen myself and fix something to nibble on while staring at the screen watching my robot finish off some bad guys or some such :gnehe: And maybe have an espresso to wet my mouth with, too :anigrin:

Catch you anon, mate. Looking forward to reading more about your endeavours O0

Art Blade

While he was still available to me as a companion, I sent the synth X6-88 to a settlement, Starlight Drive-In, and assigned him to tend mutfruit plants. When I finished the game by blowing up the Institute, I lost the ability to keep X6-88 as a companion (for obvious reasons he even turned hostile) but the game has maintained his status as a settler, who even now is still employed as a farmer in Starlight. I can't get near him or he'll attack me. I can't order him for obvious reasons. Basically, he should be dead. As demonstrated by D_B who blew him up along with the Institute, the game for a reason prohibits setting the essential status for him, you just can't make him essential (imagine he was essential and survived the nuke, stuck underground in the ruins of the Institute..)

Paladin Danse is a similarly problematic character and companion, being an ex-Brotherhood of Steel, he should be dead but here's the difference: I saved him on purpose (X6 simply didn't get killed, I made sure of that, but I killed his whole meaning of life). So Paladin Danse is my friend and I can recruit him as a companion. If I do, for the time being, I'll be considered an enemy of the Brotherhood of Steel to whom he's a traitor and to be executed on sight. Which would, without cheats, likely get both of us killed. So I sent Danse to X6 and they lead a happy life there. Happiness has increased to 80%, even. :anigrin: Only I can't pay them a visit.

Now I had an idea and it works in a way that X6 no longer is my enemy but I can't order him or recruit him. He's just there and I can initiate a chat (no chat options, just a reply from him or a one-liner to me) and I can trade inventory stuff with him, that's it. So now I can do what I want in Starlight without getting attacked as long as I don't pull him off the mutfruit trees and keep the right bed for him in mind -- because I can't assign him to anything. I have to be careful. But he's alive, counts as active settler, as such he takes care of the mutfruit trees, and finally he doesn't want to kill me anymore O0 As long as I don't set Danse as my active companion, the Brotherhood of Steel doesn't want to kill me, either, so all is good with those two lethal "friends" there. :anigrin:

how I did it

targetID.RemoveFromFaction <faction id>
– Removes target from faction. First I removed him from the Synth faction.

targetID.AddToFaction <faction id> <0 or 1>
– Adds target to faction. 0=friend, 1=ally. Then I added him to the Minutemen as an ally.

Art Blade

Just had two ideas :D

1) while in Starlight, call in a vertibird and see what happens when they meet Danse (not set as active companion) and X6

2) from somewhere else, call a vertibird and fly to the Prydwen, go into my quarters there and then use the "moveto" command to teleport Danse to me, then make him my companion and by that turn the Brotherhood of Steel into our enemy.. and then, together wreak havoc aboard the Prydwen :evil2:

Art Blade


one thing about batch files

I created a couple of different batch files that spawn 10 enemies each, one type x10 per file. Of course I'm in the middle of it, but it's good fun if you call in raiders or deathclaws while in locations like DC or for fun and giggles, in one  of your own settlements. I did that with quicksaves so I could undo the chaos. :)

Art Blade

Right, it was a massacre.

1) Vertibird comes in, X6 and Danse together go completely mental on it (teamed up as settlers, triggered by I think Danse's attack but I have a feeling it was X6, he might still have his reasons)
I board the vertibird and whizz off to the Prydwen

2) in my quarters, I teleport Danse to me and activate him as companion. As soon as we go out the door, all hell breaks loose. I notice something went wrong, yellow names (neutral or friends) and I probably shot one of those. I don't know why there were yellow names but I notice that Danse is leaving to a settlement.

Usually that happens when you do something your companion hates so much that they leave you, likely because I shot or killed someone innocent. Unclear why and how, but I just finish the job by wiping out the entire ship's complement.

In between I notice that the airport's settlement is no longer allied with me. I loot everyone I killed and find several unique armour parts and what impressed me the most, I find Gatling lasers, in particular one of the fiery type. Apparently I'm now enemies with the BoS, even without Danse, likely because I erm, killed a few too many of them. Damn Berserker in me, when that kicks in.. :gnehe:

There were perhaps three survivors, all of them kids. I tried to kill them, too, only the game wouldn't let me. I'm a cold-blooded killer when I'm in a murderous frenzy like that, I don't give a flying fart what I kill. It just went all red.. Alright, I just slap them around a bit and then jump off before the kick wears off too much, a simple jump a hundred or so yards straight down, no parachute of course, just for the rush. Parachutes are for pussies. I want to kill more, no time for a chute, only slows me down. I jump from the flight deck of the airship down to the airport and kill the remaining BoS crew.

I then make a quicksave (dropped a regular save before I started all that in order to revert all this) so I can go through my inventory later to make notes and use cheats to duplicate some items after reverting to before the mayhem.

It was insane  :anigrin:

Star Wars
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Art Blade

I forgot to mention I killed Emmett, the cat, on board of the Prydwen, too. No survivors but those three immortal kids.


Looks pretty chaotic there ??? Some of what you wrote in your last couple of posts is over my head at present, but I'll try to remember to refer back to it when the time comes.

Meanwhile, I found something really cool at Dunwich Borers (cool if you're into off-beat literature). I took MacCready with me to do a mission to clear out the raiders in there. After offing the head baddie of the piece (a woman named Bedlam, which may be telling for what follows) I continued on into the Stygian depths of the place.

I found a wooden door set in a patchwork scrap wall, but when I opened it, the screen briefly went all white for a second, and then the makeshift wooden wall had turned into steel bars like a prison cell wall, and up ahead was a brief glimpse of pre-war miners at w0#k. A few seconds later, there was another white flash and the ramshackle wooden wall had reappeared, as well as several feral ghouls who came charging towards us (the miners and what they had become, I assume).

It didn't end there. Continuing on through this distinctly spooky underground labyrinth, MacCready and I came upon a small cavern at the end with a deep hole full of water in the centre. Upon entering the cavern, the screen did the white flash thing again and a bizarre scene briefly appeared of what looked like a bunch of naked people, bound and kneeling before a demon-like entity in some kind of dark occult ceremony, before there was another white flash and the cavern reappeared, with a bunch of ghouls coming at us.

After dealing with the ghouls, MacCready commented that the hole full of water "seemed like it shouldn't be there". He was distictly nervous throughout the whole journey, complaining about "bad vibes" and "let's get the heck out of here".

For a while it didn't click, but then the name "Dunwich" rang a bell and I remembered. The Dunwich Horror is one of H. P. Lovecraft's novels. I've never read any of his books, but I have a passing familiarity with his unsettling canon of extra-dimensional, demonic "old ones" who, from what I can gather, largely dwell in the depths of the Earth. Most telling is that The Dunwich Horror is set in Massachusetts. Maybe Cthulhu lives down here...

Anyway, I took some RadX and dove into the hole. It was deep and a tad radioactive down there, but at the bottom of the pit was a bunch of stuff that looked vaguely like a huge, distorted alien face. But in the side of the shaft was an opening, and inside that was a short tunnel leading to what looked like a shrine of sorts, with a weapon I could grab.


What appears to be the remnants of a temple or shrine scattered around the water hole.
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The underwater shrine down in the hole. It's blurry because I'm underwater – and taking some rad damage.
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And what might this be?
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"Kremvh's Tooth"? Whatever -  I'll take it. Now let's get out of here. You're right, MacCready, this place gives me the creeps.
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Whoever or whatever Kremvh may have been he might be in need of some denture w0#k, but this incisor of his does some respectable melee damage.
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I love finding these kinds of homages to classic (albiet in this case, rather dark) literature in games. Nice one, Bethesda.


fragger, other than the base game and Far Harbor I won't be bursting any bubbles.  :D

Art, on batch files.  I saw a code to summon a group of enemies from you (or possibly elsewhere) but I tried using a Placeatme console command and couldn't get it to w0#k.  i must have fouled it up somehow.

I blew up the Institute but have X6 living alone at Hangman's Alley (@100% happiness  :) ) and any time I speak to him he asks if we're ready to head out.  There must have been a different trigger that I dodged that has caused him to remain a companion in spite of the destruction of the Institute.

And back to fragger.  :D

The weapon lives exclusively in the #3 slot of my weapons load out.  I never leave home without it.  :thumbsup:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

mandru, hehe, I think you were lucky this time with a bug :anigrin: X6 is supposed to turn hostile and not supposed to stay available as a companion after you blew up the institute :) However, I get the same lines as you described out of him.

Regarding batch files: the location for the file is the same as before. Just a .txt file, let's call this one ghouls.txt / copy paste the following line into it and save it as before.

player.placeatme 001166a0 10; Charred feral ghouls

then type bat ghouls and 10 of those buggers will spawn right in your face. :) And again, if you just copy the part until the semicolon, it should w0#k via console so you don't have to use a batch for it.

I found two types of raiders you might want to try if you don't like those ghouls, or just use both ghouls and raiders, they'll be busy fighting one another (and you, if you don't run away)

player.placeatme 00019567 5; Raider Veterans
player.placeatme 00149c9f 5; Raider Veterans

Art Blade

fragger, that expedition I remember well, it was spooky. I missed out on that weapon the first time and had to go in a second time, great :anigrin:

I took screenies of what you described < here and the following posts. Particularly of the ceremony, and some nice info provided by mandru and KingRat :)

🡱 🡳

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