Fallout 4

Started by Art Blade, June 22, 2017, 01:32:01 PM

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Sweet builds fragger.  :thumbsup:

In summation; I'm missing sprint, can't hold breath to aim, V.A.T.S. no longer can be accessed and the Jet add on for power armor for flight is gone too and constant huffing and puffing as if I'm constantly winded.  I think I've been able to pin the underlying cause to the fact that when I examine my Stats in the Pipboy my Action Points (AP) read as --/-- .

***It's funny. --/--  Is a perfect emoticon (slit eyes with pupils) for how I'm feeling about facing a pending total restart of the game***

So in other words the game is saying to me "AP?  What's AP?  ::) "   :banghead:

With some further digging using the search term "FO4 Can't Sprint" which landed me in the Nexux mods forum where I encountered the [Gameplay] coding you had given me Art.  So I read on seeking other possible answers.

One person fixed a problem like mine by wearing power armor into deep water forcing the slow motion animation so when they surfaced again sprint was restored.  It didn't w0#k for me.

Another person had solved this AP shortage situation with the console code "player.setav actionpoints 160".  Once again it failed to make a fix for me.  So without a way to get the action points to display a correct value in the Pipboy I'm at a total loss.  While I hate losing all my settlement builds even though they are nowhere near as elaborate as some of the stuff you guys have the skill and patience to create mine has worked for my purposes.  :anigrin:

I'm too lazy to fast travel to the nearest point where I'm trying to get to, then limp on in the rest of the way, and have to fight with a leg and an arm tied behind my back.  So it looks like a restart is in order if I wish to continue on in FO4.  :'(

Art, on hearing your story about almost killing X6 it reminded me that I've been meaning to mention that my current game has two of them.  One that I've assigned as a sole settler at hangman's Alley and another X6 that continues to randomly haunt the two main approaches to Libertalia.  I think the completion of a mission (or maybe it was just a free roam ransacking) at Libertalia was where I met the full affinity qualification with him and earned his companion perk.

So rather than have him steal anymore of my XPs by stealing kills from me I sent him off to a tiny empty settlement that was hard to properly fortify.  As for the second X6 I've avoided opening conversation with the free floater to avoid potential game killing glitches.

For whatever good that did me.  :D

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

mandru, that X6 story of yours is both funny as in batshit crazy :anigrin: and it is perhaps a hint to your game being bugged beyond repair. Sorry to hear that you're going through such a mess right now, but everything considered, I think a fresh start is the best option.

D_B, hehe, I remember that pic of yours and the gallery of power armour sets you exhibited. Yes, railings were "fun" to get them to w0#k the way I intended them to. "Snapping" in general is a good thing but every so often, it sort of fails. For instance, a slab of concrete wall. You want to place it so it continues in a straight line but no, that thing snaps to the last bit in 90° or -90° angles instead of 0° or 180° and does that at times like a propeller. Fun.

Art Blade

for the first time I've used a cage to catch a gorilla. Placed it, returned, its door was still open, the cage empty but the door frame was sparking as if broken. It didn't say broken but well, I scratched it and put down a new one. Same thing, only this time I lifted that thing up and put it down again, still sparking. I went out of build mode and looked at it, back to build mode and checked the wiring, which was alright, it had power. However, those sparks were strange, was the cage broken or not? I wanted to remove the wire in order to replace it but the moment I removed it, out comes a gorilla. The animation of the cage was broken, not the cage :banghead:

That gorilla is LOUD! Apart from producing snoring sounds, every step it makes sounds as if Godzilla senior was limping around. ??? However, I'll leave it be for now. :)


Sorry to hear about your woes, mandru :( I haven't put in anywhere near as many hours as you guys have and the thought of starting from scratch is daunting enough for me. I can imagine how much of a blow it must be for you to have to contemplate that.

If it comes to a restart, maybe make a copy of your recent saved game(s) first? If you restart and find you still have the same prob, the game might require a fresh install (for your sake I really, really hope it doesn't :undecided-new:) If so, at least you can then load your saved games back in and resume where you left off. I sincerely hope it doesn't come to that though.

Art, apparently gorillas are good for happiness, according to prevailing online opinion. Dunno why - if a wild gorilla was tramping around in my yard I'd be distinctly nervous :gnehe:

Great minds, D_B :anigrin: I guess it's the most straightforward kind of Atrium structure to build if you want to incorporate those tall, peaked wall pieces. Yep, those railings... I spent about ten minutes trying to coax a corner railing piece into place until I discovered there are two of the same piece, one for an inside corner and one for an outside one. Of course, it turned out that I'd been trying to get the wrong one into place :banghead: Even so, like Art said sometimes a piece will attach to another piece in every way possible except the one you want ::) Sometimes it's a touch-and-go thing. You'll get the piece into place but it will be on a hair trigger, so to speak - moving the mouse the tiniest fraction will make it snap into the wrong position. I've had that happen, I get it just in the right place then it snaps the wrong way, or jumps to another existing piece, in the split-second before I hit the button to set it in place :banghead: Then I have to grab it, pull it out and go through the whole touchy process all over again (at least you can reposition parts instead of wasting material by scrapping them and making whole new ones). Sometimes too it's really finicky about where you stand in determining how a piece will snap. But most of the time the system works very well, and is easy to use.

With concrete slabs, I've found that if I can't get a standard-sized wall slab to go where I want, I'll put one of those very narrow corner-pieces in first (the one that looks like a slender column, henceforth referred to as the "column" :gnehe:) The column often seems to snap in to places where a standard slab won't want to go, especially when you're doing corner- or mulitlevel-w0#k. I can then snap a slab to the column and either leave the column where it is, move it to use somewhere else, or scrap it. You can also use the column to "fool" the program into letting you put a slab or window into a place where it normally refuses to snap to. Doesn't w0#k in all cases, but sometimes you can get lucky.

Art Blade

yep, columns are useful in many ways. You can even sink them half into ground and snap wall slabs to them :)

Art Blade

oh, regarding gorillas, it's not an opinion. The game shows a smiley when you look at one in build mode, the same smiley you get for other things that are meant to produce happiness like the pommel horse.

And that smiley is what I'll try to use exclusively next time for a happiness build. No pictures and carpets, just those things that are meant to increase happiness and explicitly show the smiley. :)


Good plan, mate :thumbsup: I've been noticing the smiley on a few things in the Build menu that didn't previously occur to me to be smiley-producers. Can't recall what they were now, but if I find them again I'll pass it on. You'd probably know them already, but hey :)

Art Blade

those cats, for instance :) And dogs, gorillas, all shops except armourer+weapons, the vault88 things except the power cycle, pommel horse and weight bench. I think that's about all. If we find more, we can still add them here :)

Something that boosts your stats, I mean apparel, can be slapped on a mannequin ready for the go go :anigrin: Just put your gear with a certain SPECIAL stats (legendary items and some regular items, like glasses and hats) on that mannequin, best rename them if possible, and then you transfer all your stuff over to the mannequin and pick all the stuff it has got equipped to your inventory. Exchange complete, simple as that, when you're done, return and do the same, this time backwards. :) I use that for a charisma boost along with some grape mentats that also give a charisma boost. Just after I uploaded the screenie it occurred to me that I could put those grape mentats into that mannequin and indeed, you can stash them there, too, and I did that just now. :anigrin:

Like so:

booster pack
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Art Blade

HAHAAA! NICE AVATAR, fragger -- the mechanist! :thumbsup: :D


Cheers :anigrin: It looks a bit like The Rocketeer's helmet (1991 movie, which was based on the old 1950s Commander Cody serials)

I've got my Silver Shroud outfit and Mechanist armour on mannequins. Didn't know you could store stuff other than apparel on them though, neat :thumbsup:


Happiness seems to be a fickle thing. It had gone down to 94% and was still falling in Sanctuary before I made changes. After the changes it stopped falling, then it went back up to 95%. It's still at 95%, but now it has the red down arrow next to it again. I haven't done anything different since the changes I made. Maybe it just fluctuates, I don't know. Anyway, I've got another cat trap set up. Maybe some extra moggies will help.

I'd really like to get just one settlement up to 100%, just one, just once, just so I could know that I did it :gnehe: The next happiest one is the Castle, it's at 88% and rising. It still has a Recruitment Beacon set up and has had one for a while, but newcomers are very slow to arrive there. Typical... When I want a  bunch of people to come to a settlement, especially a well-appointed one like the Castle with 100 defense, an abundance of food, water and beds and all the good smiley stuff in it, they stay away in droves - meanwhile, some scungy little hovel in the middle of a swamp at the bum end of nowhere with a beacon in it and nothing else will have 17 people in it in no time. These settlers must be thick as bricks.

[spoiler text=new sanctuary town centre ]
The new community building in the centre of Sanctuary, where the dorm once stood.
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Marketplace at the east end of town.
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Community gathering place.
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Electric street lighting really helps brighten up the place.
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Art Blade

that place looks lovely, fragger :)

I suggest you start your 100% nearby, at Red Rocket next to Sanctuary. Only use 2 people. One for mutfruit farming, one on the soda fountain from vault88. Some cats and try what we discussed, only those smiley icons. The place is small, short ways, easy to control. That's the one I got to 100% first. ;)

This pic is only from yesterday. Note the Christmas tree on the roof in the centre of the pic.

Red Rocket still 100%
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Art Blade

Quick update on Covenant turrets

it IS possible to get rid of destroyed turrets by opening the console, clicking on the scraps, and using the commands disable (if you see it disappear, good) followed by the command markfordelete (so they're not only invisible but actually gone)


Thanks, but that sounds a tad too "easy" :gnehe: I was more up for the challenge of getting a large settlement up to 100%.

They're very handy commands, those disable ones. I used them to get rid of all the skeletons laying around at Starlight. I inadvertently dropped a concrete foundation on one and all I could hear were bones rattling around under the slab. It kind of creeped me out, actually :gnehe: Before you told me about those commands Art I was having to pull the slab back up to expose the restless skeleton and grenade it out of the way.

Another time I built a structure on top of one and it ended up embedded in the ceiling. There was half a skeleton in a ratty dress hanging out of the roof. Not my idea of chic decor :undecided-new:

I suppose you guys know about how you can move the fast-travel spawn-point in a settlement to wherever you want it? I'm sure you do. I only just came across it myself. I thought I'd mention it in the exceedingly remote chance that you don't :gnehe: It's in Resources>Miscellaneous, 7th item along ("Fast Travel Target", requires 2 Cloth and 1 Rubber. You can swivel it around while placing it to determine which direction you'll be facing when you appear).


Yeah, I did it somehow, as there are no old turret pieces in my Covenant, just the platforms with the new turrets I placed there. Some of the old parts from the destroyed turrets are on the ground but that's about it. I figure I either used the console or the scrap everything mod.
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