Generation Zero

Started by BinnZ, April 07, 2019, 04:59:36 AM

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That happened to me too D_B. At first it annoyed me too, but now I just look at it differently; make sure they don't see you if you're not prepared. If they spot you, expect them to come after you, move around you and indeed even go through walls sometimes. Their movement around walls and buildings is quite glitchy.
These hunters can be sons of b*ches really. But the tanks aren't so much of a problem. You have to focus on getting some BIG exploding devices close to them. BIG ones are Gas or Oxigen cannisters and even better; land mines. 2 land mines will finish any tank. And the simpler versions (the orange 'stock' ones and the green army ones) only need one mine and a few more shots of whatever weapon.
You have to find a way to get these devices close enough and if needed blow them up with a bullet. What works nicely is an EMP device. Batteries rigged to produce a short shock to temporarily disable the bots. 
Taking them down with the rocket launcher will also w0#k, but takes time. And if you're unlucky you constantly have to fight those ticks that will be freed by the tank while you're fighting it. So quickly change between the rocket launcher and something like an assault rifle or shotgun. Handguns might also w0#k, but aren't very powerful and hard to precisely aim with.
The hunters I always take out with assault rifles or SMG. Preferably the AK type assault rifle. Deals the most damage per second as far as I know. It used the green ammo, I bet you've seen it around. It is very common, making it easy to replenish. If I can I try to deal as much damage as I can to the hunters with a sniper rifle. But usually that causes them to run onto me, so I have to quickly change to assault rifles.

I can help you get a fully equiped AK since I stored some good attachments on my other characters. What also is vital, is that you get the skills to get better loot. Both from boxes but also from fallen enemies. The latter are even more important imho, because they often drop EMP devices and gas cells that will make a nice bang. It is best if you can scavenge what you shot through while staying on the battlefield, instead of having to go back to a bunker or something to find more ammo in endless loot boxes.

One more thing about hunters; I still have to revive myself often when fighting a group of 5 or 6, but it helps if you move a lot and in case they carry snipers, use cover. I hate the FNIX hunters with the cluster bomb things they shoot at you and will explode soon after impact. If they explode close to you, they almost always kill you. Therefore it is important to keep moving. If they manage to shoot it onto your body you're fucked. Then you just have to focus on revival :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

D_B, that really sounds like hammer time. As in, you're the nail. :gnehe:

Binn, I can really imagine what you do, reading your tips, it sounds like coming from a seasoned warrior :anigrin:


Thanks Binn, and I had a fun time last night chatting and shooting 'bots. I just remembered when you mentioned land mines I forgot to go back to that one truck and pick those up after I emptied my inventory. Ooops.

As for those two tanks (still editing the video, I think I'll make it a bunch of fast cuts of the action parts and cut out most of the reloading and healing and hiding), I probably should have just hid in the house and let them pass by, but they were taking their sweet time doing it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yeah the tanks can be a stroll. However, it is quite easy to pass them unseen if they don't know what they're up to and keep twisting and turning. If you stay in crouching position and move slow, they will only notice you when you're really close and they look right at you.  ;)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

and don't eat bean soup or they might sniff you out.



Had another fun time with Binn this morning and thanks for the help fixing that bugged mission, now I just have to figure out the rest I don't have anymore.

But here's an epic (not at all boring) video. The one I've been working on for a few days. A lot of cuts and transitions, and a custom thumbnail because why not?

First up a short ambush attack on a hunter, goes smoothly enough, then they get back at me and corner me in a house again, this time glitching through the walls to attack me, not fair!

Then Binn joins me to take out a tank and harvester, which wasn't too difficult really, co-op is definitely the way to play this game.

Then I won't be at all disappointed if you just end the video there, but if you are brave you can watch the next bit, more than half the running time of the video, of me taking on those two tanks. A lot of quick cuts as I chopped out 90% of the footage I had so that it isn't quite as boring. Mostly it was running and hiding, healing up and reloading and switching weapons. It was a bit unintentional, but I realized it sort of reminds me of that scene in the original Tremors movie where they are shooting at the creature in the basement and there is just loads of gunfire and quick cuts of them using every weapon they have on hand to take it down. I figure if you're gonna rip off a movie, might as well be a good one. Maybe some people might not think that Tremors was a very good movie, but there you go.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Nice thumbnail :thumbsup:

I watched the entire video and time was flying thanks to the condensed action. I really enjoyed watching this, you made Terminator look old. :anigrin:

What I noticed was how tedious and annoying the weapon/inventory system was. I mean come on, it looked less like a combatant but much rather like a handyman fiddling with his toolbox. :gnehe:


Nice Video D_B! :thumbsup: +1 for all the effort making it so enjoyable :bigsmile:

The trick on that first hunter was NICE! And the hunters stabbing you through walls; so recognizable :anigrin:

You must've felt like a sardine in a tin can in that house with two of these tanks around. Nice footage and well done after all. It's not easy if you encounter them without the right equipment at hand. Clever move on the stairs to prevent the stamping to take effect on your health :)
"No hay luz"


Agree with you Art, looks confusing.
Nice video D_B, just hell on a guy's medical expenses. You need a freaking rocket launching Gatling gun
for those overgrown Lego Toys........
Respect is earned, not given.


Thanks guys, there are a few places I could have trimmed or transitioned the clips better, but I think it turned out OK. I really wanted much shorter clips and even though OpenShot is pretty easy to do that sort of thing in, it's still pretty tedious.

The way the tanks take damage is really weird and I don't know if it's a bug or not, but it seems they just stop taking damage of any kind for a while then after you've shot them a bunch of times, start taking damage again. Binn and I went up against two tanks and a bunch of hunters and were pretty well kitted out, he had land mines which should have made short w0#k of them, and I had a good supply of rockets which also should have taken them out nearly as fast. I think it took us 15 minutes of almost continuous weapons fire to take out one, then the second one went down a little faster. All this time also fighting off hunters and crabs and runners. But the tanks would just stand there and absorb rocket after rocket and it seemed to do nothing. Binn thinks it might have been lag of some kind, but it seems to me it also happens in single player.

As for the inventory, yeah, that is one of my peeves with this game. I really don't like "Tetris style" inventory systems, where some things take up more spaces than others and if you don't have two empty spaces next to each other, you can't pick up that new weapon, even though you have the space for it. Switching weapons from active to inventory and back is also a real pain, and isn't fluid and breaks the pace of the action. Then there's the other problem that Binn has heard me complain about time and again while we were playing is that say you've got armor piercing rounds in your gun, and you pick up some more, sometimes (most times) it doesn't automatically add the new ammo to what's available in your gun, it dumps it in your general inventory. So you have to stop and select the ammo and add it manually. But, you can't just take the new ammo and add it to what's in your gun, no, you have to take out what's in the gun, and it makes a new stack of the exact same ammo that won't stack with the new ammo you just picked up, so you have to stack the two manually, then add them back to the gun. Then, once you are back in the game, you have to switch to that gun, and then it reloads as it thinks you just took all the ammo out, even though it was all done in the menu screen. Seriously, after I loot a large area I probably spend at least 5 minutes rearranging ammo and other stuff so it's sorted with some kind of sense.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Unfortunately those are things that makes one start disliking a game,
you need to be a rocket scientist to figure out your inventory
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade

sounds and looks a lot like the inventory in DayZ which I hated just as much.


I don't have a problem with the inventory because I quickly started using the inventories of all 4 characters. I like the tetris design, but agree on the fact that it is weird you have to empty the gun in order to stack ammo.
However, if you are in a battle it doesn't matter whether there's still ammo in your gun, it will continue shooting the ammo from your inventory. So yeah, when you need the space in your inventory, you need to do a lot of chess to get things sorted, but apart from that I like it. Farther up in the game you specialize yourself; you start picking up only 2 or 3 ammo types from the guns you use most. That saves a lot of space.
I just hope we will get a permanent storage for inventory stuff; weapons, ammo, explosives etc. Now I have 2 permanent storages on my inactive characters, but it would be much easier to just have a safe house plus :bigsmile:

Yesterday I played for quite a while with a random. I didn't have any problem with the tanks like what we had the other day. Everything worked fine, luckily. I took out a bunch of tanks with that guy. He was speechless when I showed him the tactic with an EMP and then rig the ground in front of the tank with mines. There were two tanks next to each other, and I ran up, placed 2 mines and ran off. BOOM! Both down. He was like; "WTF, how did you do that?!"
Well, that was some clever GKID approach 8) :thumbsup:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

🡱 🡳