Generation Zero

Started by BinnZ, April 07, 2019, 04:59:36 AM

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58 rivals now:

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"No hay luz"

Art Blade


Going to be running into each other at that rate, lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I made it!

I farmed 64 rivals, and have them all wander the land in my GZ game 8)
Took a lot of time. I think a couple of hours per region. Somewhere around 3 hours per region making it, with 8 regions, around 24 hours. Hmm, no must have been more. I could have completed the task last weekend already, but me and D_B went on a rivals killing spree on the DLC island. Primarily because with all regions full of rivals there's not much more to find to kill, and because I wanted to farm more attachments and weapons from the DLC (KVM 59 and KVM 89) and also because I was dead curious to find out whether my plan, killing existing rivals after switching to guerrilla difficulty worked.
The latter is yet a bit unsure, but I did get one experimental weapon drop out of those rivals we killed (I killed 9 in total and D_B was with 5 or 6 of those kills). That, 1 out of 15, is still quite a lousy score compared to before but at least something dropped. A lot better than the 0 out of 40 when I killed rivals on adventure difficulty.

I think I will do that again, kill the rivals on Himfjäll Island. For more chance on DLC weaponry. I still need the KVM 89, gold version. I 'only' got the blue one. And then at least I have something to do before the patch comes out. But first: here's proof:
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Some stick together as a gang, look at those hunter rivals on the Archipelago region:
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"No hay luz"

Art Blade

amazing, and crazy. :anigrin:

Funny how you managed to turn nothing into something, a private challenge. Binn "Challenge" Z, our man doing his thing :anigrin:


Yeah and some of those rival fights went on forever, they take a serious amount of damage, being huge bullet-rocket-grenade sponges. I think I spent 500 rounds of 7.62 in the experimental AG4 on that one tank we fought. All the while Binn was shooting it with rockets. Dozens and dozens of rockets. To change things up now and then, I'd switch to the experimental .50 cal and shoot a couple clips with that.

Honestly if people think that's a challenge, I don't know, I thought it got boring after the first five minutes. Fifteen minutes later of that, we finally killed it. Not a challenge, not fun, boring.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Agreed Dweller, there's not much fun to be had in watching one enemy soaking up all your ammo. After a while you think "Why am I doing this again? Oh, that's right - for fun" :gnehe:


Totally agree guys, that is not fun. I changed my strategy a bit regarding rival farming, and hoping for cool weapon drops. Now when I go out fighting them, I go on easy mode first, to kill every bot around then and even weaken them enough (shoot off their guns and fuel tanks) before switching to guerrilla mode. And it works. On my next rival killing spree, I got 2 more exp. drops. A .50 sniper and a glock. 2 out of 9 this time, so yes, on 'guerrilla mode' they still drop acceptable amounts of experimental weapons. And apparently the loot they drop is randomized - generated at the moment you kill them, and not at the moment you 'create' them.  :)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

that may allow for "save scamming" IF you can go back in time with a save game and repeat killing the same target until it drops something useful.


I tried that... often when for example the game crashes you see that little of your progress regarding killing or damaging enemies had been rolled back when reloading. However that does not apply to killed rivals :(
"No hay luz"


The game auto-saves so often, you'd have to take a backup of the game file before starting the session, then try it, close the session, restore the save file, try again. That would be time consuming for sure.

Binn & I had a short session this morning before I had to get lunch, same bullet sponges, but the fights were at least a little entertaining. But they get so resistant to damage on the high difficulty that it just becomes an exercise in how long you can stay alive to unload as much ammo into them as possible.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

might as well watch paint dry. Takes as long but is less exhausting.


FINALLY :main_glasses:

I found the KVM 59. Turns out it IS indeed a temporarily available weapon after all. I found that out due to this in-game message I found yesterday:
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It didn't really explain anything, except that there was something happening during those dates apparently, but a quick google search revealed their facebook page with some additional explanation. Indeed a temporary festive surprise, and indeed; "here's your chance to once again get your hands on the Experimental KVM59! Kill a Rival and you might just get lucky."

With my 64 rivals ready to be dealt with I had lots of chances actually, so this morning I started dealing with them, one by one, on GUERRILLA difficulty of course to have at least a decent chance to get an experimental weapon drop. I also picked a paper and noted how many rivals I took down, how many of them dropped a weapon and how many dropped more useless clothing. :P
After killing 12 rivals without a single weapon drop and lots of annoying encounters with hordes of extremely lethal enemies, switching back and forth between adventure and guerrilla mode I was already losing my morale. I was actually thinking of leaving the whole freaking game behind, a game that seemed only to let me down time and time again. And then I found this Harvester. Rival lvl 4 of course, and I took it out. Well, it took me out a couple of times first, but then I took out the Harvester and checked what loot it had on him. Heavens!!!! I found one:
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The event lasts until next monday, and I have somewhere around 50 rivals left still. So anyone wanna take a shot at it today, or tomorrow maybe, let me know.  :)
This seems to be our own 'legitimate' way of obtaining the weapon for now, and although the weapon drops and difficulty levels are still not fixed yet, this method has proven to w0#k.  8)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

nice, and a nice read, too :thumbsup: :)

From what I've read and heard from you guys ever since the game has been out, the current objective seems to translate to "take out armies of moving fortresses the size of a death star made of billions of tons of super-hardened steel, incrusted with multiple layers of armour and weapon systems."

The only thing in your pic showing your ammo and weapons that doesn't seem to quite fit the scenario mentioned above is..


..a handful of fucking Birdshot Ammo.


"No hay luz"

🡱 🡳