Do you use an image hosting service?

Started by PZ, February 22, 2017, 10:53:40 AM

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If so, what do you think are the advantages of your hosting service? We're asking because there does not appear to be a reasonable gallery system that is easy to use for our forum. We can do attachments from within posts, and we have a simple gallery, but as has been mentioned, it is cumbersome to use.

I'm using Google Photos and although it works well, I am not familiar with other services.  However, these are some of the features:

  • I can still use Picasa (even though it is no longer promoted) to upload select photos from my PC to shared or private albums - the number of photos is unlimited as long as they are no larger than 2048x2048, however Picasa automatically resizes them
  • A Google photo uploader is available that allows unlimited numbers of photos to be uploaded to online albums.
  • I use an Android phone, and an app is available that allows me to upload a photo directly from my phone, kind of like Instagram - then I can link to a post on the forum
One of the big advantages to using an online host is that the images posted here are responsive - the forum now resizes images using the [img] tag to fit the size of the screen.


I use imgur to post some pictures taken by the phone. They provide different link codes for forums and other platforms. Just remember to make them hidden from the public ;)

Are you able to create a custom gallery system from scratch?
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I have heard of imgur, but have not explored what they have to offer. I'll take a look because I am always looking for something better  O0

lol, it would take longer than I have left to live to build a gallery from scratch that had the features of our old Aeva  :gnehe:


He he, I hope you'll find a solution to this :)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade


I use Imageshack mostly because it was free. Works decently enough, and they've gotten better the last few years in not losing photos like they used to all the time. It seems entire servers would go dark and lose everything on them. Haven't had that happen in a while, though I haven't even looked on there recently.
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