Red Dead Screenies

Started by BinnZ, December 09, 2019, 11:46:51 AM

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My first RDR2 screeny ever:

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"No hay luz"

Art Blade

good one. How did that happen? Had a few beers too many? My Arthur hasn't yet relieved himself.. :anigrin:

I heard a woman in distress so I checked it out. She was locked up in the back. A black woman caged in, two white guys up front.. After they told me I should mind my own business, I did: I used a shotgun on them while I was riding alongside that coach but on the other side. It blew their heads off. The guy is lying down there because I had pulled him off the seat so I could loot him.

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Are there any repercussions to actions like that, good or bad? If you see someone doing something bad and you stop them, do you get a reward, other than looting the corpse, of course? Or if you just decide to shoot someone on the road and rob them, is there anything other than the GTA-like "wanted level" where if you avoid it long enough, it goes away? Or do your actions "pile up" enough to where people will recognize you as either a good person who helps people or a bad person who just might shoot them for the coins in their pocket?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Well, D_B, it's quite different from what you experience in GTA. I found out the hard way. I was inside Valentine, a local town, and there were a couple of O'Driscols (gang members from a rival gang) holding up someone trying to steal his money. I thought; let's shoot them down and help the poor fellow. Well, others saw what I did, ran off and went telling the law (local sheriff) about me killing people.
What happens if that occurs (witnesses telling the law) is that you will get a bounty. And as soon as you have a bounty, that won't go away. You will often find 3 men, bounty hunters, trying to shoot you down all of a sudden. I was so annoyed by that happening all the time (they shoot quite good and I never managed to fight them off) that I decided what the game suggests you to do; paying off the bounty at the local post office. Then you will be clear for that area. In each area you can have a bounty, which makes you 'wanted'. I don't know if there's other ways of getting rid of a bounty, but I know one thing; doing bounty hunting yourself, for the local sheriff, doesn't influence your wanted level.

I am currently trying to find a way to rob an illegal playing hole at the back of the local doctor's home. But you have to do it in a way you don't get caught or seen. That's quite something if it starts with a fire fight with the poker players :P
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

Binn, you never replied to how your first screenie came about.. what was it?


Oh, it was during a mission.... Didn't want to spoil anything. When you go out drinking with Lenny, just before you go rescue Micah in Strawberry. It's a story mission. Think everyone will get the same drunk sequences ;)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

ah, thanks :) I might have seen it on a stream but not in my own game yet.


Quote from: Art Blade on December 10, 2019, 11:15:12 AM
...I might have seen it on a stream...

I should remember that next time I'm afraid to give away spoilers :P
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

lol Binn  :anigrin:

Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on December 10, 2019, 07:45:50 AMAre there any repercussions to actions like that, good or bad? If you see someone doing something bad and you stop them, do you get a reward, other than looting the corpse, of course? Or if you just decide to shoot someone on the road and rob them, is there anything other than the GTA-like "wanted level" where if you avoid it long enough, it goes away? Or do your actions "pile up" enough to where people will recognize you as either a good person who helps people or a bad person who just might shoot them for the coins in their pocket?

There are three kinds of.. what to call it.. evaluations? for what you do or don't do. It's called honour in this game. If you loot a bandit, nothing happens. No honour to be gained, none to be lost. If you loot someone else, let's call them "innocents," you'll lose honour but there's no numeric measure to it, only a type of a slider at the bottom of the screen that transitions from red on the left (negative honour or perhaps notoriety) to white on the right (honour) so those evaluations show up on the right of your screen as tiny red or white symbols when you gain or lose honour. I've seen a cowboy hat symbol for people but there's also a horse's head for, well, horses. I haven't seen anything else so far. So looting an innocent would cause a red hat to pop up and the slider would move a tad to the left. If you're really bad, you'd lose a whole lot more like by killing innocents. You also lose honour if you shoot an animal but don't kill it so it croaks miserably.

You can easily gain honour bit by bit by simply greeting everyone. Like, all the people you see, after greeting a few you'll get a white hat. You can keep doing that. So it's not that difficult to compensate a bad deed with a few greetings.

Everyone you see can be focussed on and then you can either greet or agonise them. Can be funny to tease people because of the dialogue that ensues but it may as well be too much for someone who will then draw a gun.. time to leg it or get into a shoot-out. And that's when the real trouble is waiting.

As soon as an innocent finds out about a crime (like, they heard gunshots) they'll go investigate. If they saw you, they'll try to get to the nearest "law" and report you. You've got a chance there to chase the witness and intimidate them so they won't report you. You could as well just kill them but that would cause more red hats. If you didn't catch witnesses and they reported you, the law will put a bounty on your head the amount depending on how bad you were.

You cannot get rid of the bounty except by paying it off at any post office. Can be tricky if you need to get there through people who know you're a criminal so you might get into even more trouble. Since there are several districts with post offices you can just go to a district you're not wanted and pay off your bounty there.

And yes, good deeds give you a reputation, too. People will be talking about either one so you can hear that in the streets. Bounty hunting (you hunt wanted criminals) will earn you money and a good chunk of honour. Also giving money to the poor, helping people in need.. it racks up as it does when you keep doing bad things.


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Caveman :)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

you're getting about a lot I see :)


Thanks for the info guys. So even if you see someone else committing a crime, like robbing someone, and you stop it by shooting them, that's still considered a crime for you if you're seen doing it? And what if you just happen to find a dead body killed by something / someone else (not sure if this is even possible, just wondering) and you pick up some loot off that dead body, that's considered a crime as well? Your honour would go down?

Just trying to get a handle on how the game handles reputation.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I think if you see a crime and you're alone with the ones involved, you'll get good reputation for helping the victim but I also think it's got to do with adequacy of resources. If someone is being bullied and you shoot the bully then that might be a tad overreacting and probably not a good deed. In such situations you may get an option to defuse it by talking or perhaps by knocking out the bully. I can't say for sure. But there is a way that even if you're forced to shoot allows you to get away without losing reputation: shoot the hand that holds the weapon, not the head of that guy :)

Regarding bodies you want to loot: the loot prompt always shows you an information about who it is you're looking at. If it reads something like "O'Driscol" (a rival bandit gang) then you don't have to worry but if it reads "lawman" you might get into trouble. :anigrin: Rule of thumb: don't do anything suspicious like looting or killing when there are witnesses around. But looting the wrong guy when you're alone at least only causes you a minor loss of reputation which can be made up by greeting a few people.

The real problem is: On the one hand the game tells you that it pays off to be good (yes, you get discounts in stores and so on) and encourages you to be a good guy while on the other hand it forces you to do bad things at least while following the main story, for instance train robberies. Bad guys like Binnatics ( :gnehe: ) get their hands on special weapons earlier and "for free" because they're willing to rob a store's shady business in the back room and that does involve killing at least four people while good guys like me will have to wait until the weapon unlocks in the store in order to pay an obscene amount of money for it. Bad guys make money a lot faster.

I think it's a matter of moral and ethics, how far are you willing to go in this or the other direction? It's a bit like sinning and repenting.

I try to kill only bandits but well, it's tempting at times. I once killed a gold washer when he thought I was bothering him and drew a gun on me. I looted him, stole his horse, and sold it at the stables. :anigrin:

So.. what will it be.. and how often? :anigrin:

to be good or to be bad, hmm.. hmm..
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Art Blade

Expecting a character customisation for online, even though I don't plan to go online except for special reasons, I indeed had to create one. But geeeeeeeeez, Rockstar, seriously?

R* considered that "Art Blade" as well as "ArtBlade" contained a censored word so I was forced to use "Art."

My online character's mugshot
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That is strange, blade as a bad word, damn.

I'm not THE. bad guy, I just play how my gut feels. And shady gamblers ask for it being robbed... if they draw the gun I have to defend myself, don't I?
"No hay luz"

🡱 🡳

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