Red Dead Screenies

Started by BinnZ, December 09, 2019, 11:46:51 AM

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I like that breaking bad one, the above version :)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

Art Blade

I'd always choose you again, my Sweet Poor Thing.
Thank you for hundreds of hours of joy. RIP, my horse.
And RIP, Arthur, I'll miss you too.
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"No hay luz"


So you finished the story, Art? What does happen to your horses, does the other guy just take them over?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


"No hay luz"

Art Blade

The story isn't over, only Arthur and the horse die which results in you taking over John Marston's character. The horses are gone as well as all your money. Food items, too. But you quickly get access to all the weapons including all of their upgrades and styles.

And Binn JUST POSTED before I could hit the "post" button, lol

Art Blade

Oh, you also get access to all your upgraded outfits and clothes.


Well I'm never finishing it then, case closed. That's just stupid.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I agree - the ending of the game falls way short of a satisfying completion. You die, and then are reincarnated as a different character is just plain stupid.


Surely they could have come with a better way to wrap things up. Put in all that effort caring for your horses and building up your stuff only to lose it all near the end and become a different character? I would absolutely hate that. I think I'm glad I gave this game a miss.


Yeah, I could deal with the main character dying and another taking over, that's not my issue. My beef is with all the stuff you lose, it makes the game less fun to play knowing you're going to lose pretty much everything at the end. And knowing ahead of time with spoilers like that is better than if I'd played the game all the way through, doing all that stuff and having it all taken away. That would really tee me off. Imagine if in Fallout 4, at the end, your character dies in destroying the institute (or whichever faction you do destroy) and another character takes over, but all your weapons and settlements are gone. Imagine the outcry that would generate.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Indeed D_B, I wouldn't be too happy if they did that in FO4. Especially if I didn't know about it until it happened, in which case I would definitely colour the air a bit.


Paying a little respect

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"No hay luz"

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