Red Dead Screenies

Started by BinnZ, December 09, 2019, 11:46:51 AM

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Art Blade

nice, did that, too :thumbsup:

for some reason it reminds me of this.

our brother Grizz has passed away..
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The horses actually look sad there, awwww....

Now my horse, a little snake appears 20 feet off the trail and he goes nuts and doesn't calm down for five minutes.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

hehe :anigrin: I think snakes are the ultimate scare monsters for horses. Oh, and bears. :gnehe:

Guys, I am SO happy.. in over 1,100 hours I only now found my second "Sweet Poor Thing." It is so rare but so good.. if you ever find her, keep her. :)

SPT is back
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SPT no doubt! :gnehe:
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Nice, a little carry over from before. Is it just a random thing to find one?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yes. You need to encounter members of the Murfree Brood AND they need to have their own horses. You don't see that happen very often.


I think the one time I did, they were driving a wagon with some dead bodies in the back and the horse pulling the wagon didn't look too good. I didn't look closely at it to see, as I looted everything in the wagon and dumped the bodies in the river. I think I left the wagon and horse there, I should have at least freed the horse but at that point I didn't know how.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

so you know how to by now, that's good :) Apart from freeing horses of abandoned wagons and stuff, you can ride them (make them a temp horse if you like, those draft horses are cool) or instead of freeing them, you can drive the whole thing to the fence at Emerald Ranch to sell it. A wagon/cart/stagecoach/whatever is worth $40 and a fun drive to the ranch. :bigsmile:


Yeah at the time I couldn't sell the wagon so I just left it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

skinned standing wolf
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Apart from the whole picture looking strange and cool at the same time, here's what happened that led to it:
A pack of three wolves attacked out of the blue. I could see and kill two of them with a comfortable distance between them and me (and my horse) but the third wolf managed to approach without me spotting him until he was right next to the horse. Actually, I only knew he was there because of the red dot on the mini map right next to my position so I started to look around and down until I saw him on the ground to my left. I could barely aim down at that steep angle (I switched to the M1899 pistol for a better angle) and finally managed to kill him with a couple of shots. Only then the horse found it was about time to complain but only one or two pats calmed her down. That was pretty amazing. I then got off the horse which hadn't flinched nor moved when I killed that wolf, and I skinned all three of them. What you see here is the wolf that died in its aggressive stance without falling over, not even after skinning him. What you also see is how close he was to the horse that still hadn't moved from where I killed the wolf. The pic shows the positions of the horse and the wolf at the time of the attack. Like frozen in time. Crazy.

That's why I love this horse. I bet every other horse would have freaked out, bolted, thrown you off, or otherwise reacted in a rather uncontrollable way. This horse just stopped when I wanted her to, in order to kill the wolves, and didn't even flinch when the wolf was at her ankles.

You could almost think that the pic showed the wolf worshipping the horse and sacrificing his own life (and pelt) to the goddess of all horses. :anigrin:

As an aside: I searched the net to see whether I could find any information about this particular horse. I came across one site that claimed to list all horses. Well, they listed over 60, including online horses and that particular unique horse Buell and other unique horses you get from special editions but they did NOT list my horse. Which makes it even more special than I knew it was. :anigrin:


Pretty weird, and I wonder if it's a feature of that horse (if it is, I'll go find one, I hate when a horse freaks out as I mentioned elsewhere, because there's a predator nearby) or if the game just glitched for a second and the two AI routines didn't realize they were so close to each other and supposed to be interacting.

Funny even after skinning the wolf is still in the same position which makes me think it was a glitch, the wolf got stuck and never moved.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

yep, he may have spawned "under the horse" so to speak. As to the horse, it's not immune to fear. It can very well freak out. But from my experience, it's much easier to calm her and she's not easily spooked. Her health and stamina levels are better than most of the other horses, even the expensive ones. Not the best but damn good. Her speed and acceleration are above average compared to other "free" horses, you'll typically find speed/acceleration value combos of 2/2, 3/2, 4/2 and a few racing horses with 4/3. Only the w0#k horses get 3/3 and she's a w0#k horse (with 3/3) while all the other Tennessee Walkers are among the "cheapest" riding (not w0#k) horses and therefore typically only get a 2/2 rating and of course a lot lower stamina/health value of 6/6 while she's got a nice 7/8.

It really is a good horse, not joking. I'm seriously using her as my preferred horse as John and that was the case with Arthur, too. You can still change horses in the stables if you feel like it but you should deffo keep an eye out for her and test her. :)


The rarity if this hose amazes me too. I think it is so little known because it is not so good looking. And indeed its stats are quite special, too.

Art, that site, do they also provide accurate information on the horses of your companions? Like Dutch's horse, and Hoseas, and Sadies multiple horses... most are strange and often good looking, and I was just curious. Take for instance the purple huge Horse Sadie is riding early epilogue 2. That thing is massive, a beast really! I don't particularly like the coat, but I do find it intriguing enough to want to try that breed once ;)
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

Art Blade

I've put up an unlisted video in the vid topic for you guys that shows SPT and a wolf attack.


I'll definitely keep an eye out next time I run into the Murfree Brood. Last time I encountered some, they had no horses, only on foot. I made short w0#k of them. I just hope it's not a one time thing because I'm pretty sure the horse pulling the wagon I saw early in the game was very like yours, and if you only get to see it once, that was it for me.

I also think they made it intentionally a better horse and not so good looking, as an Easter egg sort of thing, as usually most people wouldn't take an uglier horse or even give it a second glance, but it turns out it's one of the better horses in the game and probably one of the best free ones.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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