World Map of Corona Virus Sars-CoV-2 / Covid-19

Started by Art Blade, March 18, 2020, 06:00:02 AM

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Art Blade

The best you can get in order to see how far and fast this pandemic spreads. That site uses various official sources and keeps updating frequently.

"Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University (JHU)"


Interesting. Now where did I put my hand sanitizer?
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Doesn't really w0#k for me. The only thing that's showing is a graphic with statistics, bottom right, about the development of infections in- and outside China, and total amount of recoveries.  :undecided-new:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

you don't see the massive world map with red round zones representing the outbreak? Damn


Nice overall representation of how fast a virus like this spreads. One big factor is the ability of the virus to remain viable on surfaces for so long.

My wife and I have instituted practices for returning home so we do not infect our surfaces. We have a single potentially contaminated area right off the garage, and then disinfect anything that actually enters our living spaces.

No guarantees though.


Quote from: Art Blade on March 18, 2020, 10:05:12 AM
you don't see the massive world map with red round zones representing the outbreak? Damn

Now it works... damn :o
"No hay luz"


Lucky the company mrs is working for installed a system where all staff can w0#k as normal from home, the most senior
staff having a video conference every weekday morning at 08:00, even the receptionist's cell phone is acting as a switchboard,
she receives all calls then diverting it to the right person.
The company started their lockdown a week before our President announced the country lockdown.
All is working fine except mrs nex and I are now in a battle of who's "office" (my former study, mind you) it now is....    ::)  :'(   :banghead:
Respect is earned, not given.

Art Blade

in times of the coronavirus, spammers have got more time, too. But this one beats it all.  ??? ??? ???

corona spammer
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Last Night our President extended the lockdown for a further two weeks   :-\
Respect is earned, not given.


One guy was saying yesterday that our remain in place order will likely remain until the end of May, and today someone was saying maybe until July.

Art Blade

Future plans are to maintain social distancing when opening shops and stores and everything later this year.

The main thing is: the virus is highly infectuous and being transmitted while the carrier doesn't even know they're infected. If everyone started to live like before the outbreak, we'd get an uncontrollable mass-infection resulting in the health systems to collapse. In order to achieve herd immunity, about 60% of the population will need to be immune and without vaccination that's not going to happen. Natural immunity (having survived COVID-19) is probably around 15% of the population which is not enough. Vaccines are key and likely not going to be available this year.


Art Blade

very likely, yes.. this crisis is of such epic proportions, a global crisis, that we're going to see a lot of changes and life won't be the same as before. With changes I mean predominantly health systems. It has been stupid to turn health systems into cost-effective machines which essentially only resulted in less capacity, smaller salaries and less availability. Now those countries who were especially effective in cutting down costs will have to pay the most, both with human lives and with money. If we're really unlucky and I bet we will be, the coronavirus won't disappear but instead stay like influenza and keep going around the world in a similar fashion. Only it's more dangerous so once available, vaccination will likely be mandatory. In the meantime, the global market will change in a way that dependencies will be fewer or less exclusive. Like, the whole world wants to buy cheap stuff and that comes from China. When China cut its ties during the outbreak, the rest of the world ran dry. So we'll likely see a better spread, not only cheap countries but also local industries in order to prevent that type of collapse. And that obviously won't come cheap. It's going to be very interesting. Let's just hope that people learn from all this and try to improve the future.


Just think due to the Covid-19 in 20 years time our country will be ruled by
children homeschooled by alcoholics
Respect is earned, not given.

🡱 🡳

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