Satisfactory (Early Access)

Started by LowPolyOWG, June 09, 2020, 12:11:05 AM

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There's the thing (forget what it's called) that requires a four input assembler, and each of those inputs have to be fed by other assemblers that create a manufactured part that each require two or three inputs of other materials .... like in Jaws, only instead of a boat "We'll need a bigger planet"  :laughsm:
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Art Blade

Time for an update:

Looking back a couple of hours of gameplay.. note the rock in the back to the left, and of course this "building" on top of a rock in the centre, behind which the space elevator is partially visible.

Quote from: Art Blade on July 12, 2020, 08:52:38 PM
And my new toy: glass floor and windowed walls :bigsmile:

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Well. You know I've been working on optimising my factory building to fit in the modular setup. But there have also been some changes to the rocks mentioned above. Hehe :gnehe:

those rocks
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the yellow thing to the right in the pic above is this here:

yellow building

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all floors are made of glass (looking up from the ground floor inside)
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Pic below: You can see from that point of view that the top floor is 4 windows tall (1 more than the rest) so the most massive machines fit under the roof. The roof is accessible hence the stairs leading outside and around to the top. Also note how small the rock appears to be now. Like a decoration for the plaza in front of the building :anigrin:

view from the iron ore miners
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closer look at the pillar.
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Below the following quote: note the industrial containers to the right for size comparison, they're still as tall as before but the factory has grown a bit taller :gnehe: And I moved the space elevator which is sticking out in the background.

Quote from: Art Blade on July 22, 2020, 01:41:00 PM
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optimisation in progress
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yellow building with containers
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As to the new rock, I made my way up there because I want my HQ to be higher up than my factory is tall. Wasn't the case any more with that "small" rock and the big building :D Only access via hyper tube. Here a few impressions:

going there
(the black line appears to be massive
but it's just a power line following the tube)
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slightly different perspective
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view back to the factory
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and a "slightly" different angle (yellow building to the right)
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Well. That's what has kept me busy and it's been fun :bigsmile:

Art Blade

mini update

I closed that gap (the black line between ground and first floor) in the facade of the yellow building. It was actually a height difference of one floor tile, resulted from connecting two independent build areas. To close that gap, I had to lift up the entire ground level and all window/door elements. While I was at it anyway, I thought I might do that as well.

yellow building closed gap
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(here is the "before pic")
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Great pics, Art :thumbsup: You've been very - well, industrious :gnehe: A lot of w0#k has gone into that, impressive!

I love the factory building, that actually looks quite real-world. It looks heaps better with the gap closed up, too.

In the "going there" screenie (the fourth-last one in the preceding post), the land in the background on the right actually reminds me of a golf course :anigrin:

Art Blade

thanks, fragger :)

And no, there are no golf courses yet :gnehe:


Pretty cool, all that space inside, now it needs to be filled up!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

Thanks, and indeed. However, since there is no time limit for anything, I can build for as long as I want. :bigsmile:

And I need more space.  :anigrin:

I was wondering what to do with all the stuff in the containers that used to be scattered around inside the building. Well, not going to shift them around again so why not integrate them again, right where they are?  So built a wing :anigrin: Now the industrial containers are "encaged" and in the building again. Many of them, not all. I'll have to think about the ones still outside, like the whole oil-plastic stuff which will be needed in the factory for the current (and upcoming) game objectives.

However, I was rearranging the ground floor outside the building as well when getting rid of "the gap" an that led to various things that I wanted to (re)move. One of them was the lower hyper tube entrance to the rock platform.. so I thought it would be nice to be able to move back and forth between the rock and the factory's top floor. Which is why I had the building "grow up" to reach the rock's top level.. :D

So now there are several extra tall floors for the super big machines (and smaller stuff, whatever is needed) being added. And indeed the top floor entrance is level with the new rock HQ so I moved the hyper tube from there horizontally to the factory building. :gnehe:

I also secured a hidden power line between coal generators and rock HQ (for the hyper tube) that will remain independent. Even if I need to switch off the factory, the power plants and HQ and all hyper tubes will remain powered independently. :bigsmile:

Here the construction w0#k in progress..

yellow building expanding
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Art Blade

man.. that building is so tall, I needed an express lift. It is a hyper tube, this time "properly" installed using wall holes for decent entry and exit points, wall mounts to guide the tube vertically and straight, and wall outlets for power supply (remaining independent from the factory power grid) needed for hyper tube entrances that also w0#k as exits. All of that installed inside the rightmost massive yellow column which is also intended to make the building look stable, having to support a massive upper structure. :anigrin:

yellow building express lift
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Reminds me of the beginning of the book, Brave New World where it describes the "birthing facility" building or whatever it was called. "A squat building of 34 stories" or some such, so how BIG does a building have to be to look "squat" and be 34 stories tall? I think Art is trying to find out, LOL!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

LOL yeah :laughsm: As to how BIG.. there's been something on my mind for some time now and you'll see it when the time is right for it. :gnehe:

Thing is, before I started that yellow squat building, I had never built anything with walls and floors and all that, I just used foundation tiles to create an even ground and some higher level grounds, and of course those simple sky bridges.

Now I've realised how much fun it is to build and it will also come in handy later. :)

here you can see it, all floors and stuff in place
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and using the express lift
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Art Blade

I've realised that what has kept me busy after the Yellow Factory building had reached its (for now) final form and size, particularly the height I don't plan to change any more:


All I've been doing while reaching the final stages of the building was looking for "loose ends" such as hyper tubes leading to the far away resource nodes all over the map. And since the building is pretty tall now, and got a really spacious flat roof, I decided to make that roof my centre of operations. So I moved the HUB and everything your base is composed of once more and connected all the hyper tubes to that roof top. Now it's really a hub AND from there I can see everything :)

Now I have to take care of those conveyor belts streaming stuff into the factory..

Maybe I should come up with a name for that factory in a yellow building... Yellow.. Factory.. "YellFac:bigsmile:

Funny anecdote: I had two hyper tubes leading to different far-away locations and thought I'd save some space by putting both entrances side by side. I then approached the left entrance from the left so I would use the tube I intended to use. After a minute I arrived at the destination, hopped back in and.. surprise.

The moment the left tube spat me out, the right tube sucked me in mid-air and sent me on a trip to the other location. ??? I had no choice but to walk all the way back and put some space between those two entrances :anigrin:


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


So, you could, accidentally, build a tube system that can't be escaped from? Just put the ends next to each other in a loop and you'd go on forever? Be funny to do that on a multiplayer situation, and sabotage someone's tube system, lol!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

err, what? ??? You're crazy, man :anigrin: a loop should w0#k, yes, but you won't be able to sabotage someone else's tube system that easily.

You'd have to go to their tube's end point where that player is, perhaps cut out a segment of their tubes, continue it with your own tube, and, completely unbeknownst to that player, install the loop's end right next to their entry point. Sure will catch them by surprise.. It's almost like replacing the candles of someone's birthday cake with TNT sticks hoping they won't notice..

🡱 🡳

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