Satisfactory (Early Access)

Started by LowPolyOWG, June 09, 2020, 12:11:05 AM

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Art Blade

maybe the trip off planet back home?

Meanwhile.. I was very busy with the last high tech stuff and now I'm very busy setting up that aluminium production. The node is so far away and at the time so high up, here you can see a few bits.. and yes, the YellFac is growing again.. :gnehe:

to bauxite
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what it looks like there
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so far you can't even see the YellFac any more
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taller now
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a lot taller actually :anigrin:
(I left it under construction for the pic)
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Wow, gigantic proportions matey!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :)
"No hay luz"


Could it be possible, from a pure cosmetic point of view, to get rid of these high risen sky bridges? Like, for example, sink them to earth lvl from a kilometer away until reaching the actual YellFac, where it rises just like a small vertical tube (or container column maybe)?
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

yes, I already removed a ton of them around the YellFac building. Those currently visible are either new (like the two parallel high and straight paths) and needed for quick access to a new area (currently because of bauxite) or are old and I haven't yet taken care of them.

The reason I didn't "sink" some of them is that I'd have a tremendous amount of time-consuming w0#k to do just to get down to ground level where I'd have to cope with the at times bizarre landscape. It wouldn't necessarily look prettier, it would simply not be in the sky.

Those two parallel paths that you can see are going to disappear. The top one was to find out (coming from the bauxite area) how tall I'd have to build the YellFac to match the height (done, heh) and the lower one was my first attempt of getting there from the former roof top in a straight line.

Currently I'm building a conveyor from the bauxite node all the way down to the left of the building where the pond with the water extractors are because there I'm going to use the water to process the bauxite ore. You can literally see the height difference from the node to the ground level by looking at the building.


"No hay luz"

Art Blade

I just edited the post, please check again ;)

Art Blade

I'm glad to tell you that I can actually get rid of a ton of those sky bridges, including both of those parallel high paths.

The reason is that I managed to lead the bauxite sideways to the right and then down to the same bridge I've been using for quartz and that's one I had already lowered. Sometimes it amazes me how things appear to fall in place as if planned while in fact they weren't. :anigrin:

But it's not pure coincidence. I always try to find a way to reuse stuff or to combine old with new. That's how my "main stream" (that massive collection of conveyor belts streaming towards the YellFac) came to life, just like now the combo of quartz and bauxite. ;)


Quote from: Art Blade on August 31, 2020, 01:07:45 PM
Sometimes it amazes me how things appear to fall in place as if planned while in fact they weren't. :anigrin:

Shhhhh..... don't say anything, just that it of course was planned that way all along and prepared for in advance! LOL!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


it would have been very easy just not to reveal that :anigrin: However, I think the whole hmm, project? is already kind of literally so over the top that it really doesn't need any extra layer of "genius planning" but instead, revealing that some things weren't planned, makes it more transparent what has been going on. And I think it's not even taking anything away because in the end, the result is still cool and the way of achieving it shows how I actually deal with situations and how I solve problems. :)


Yeah it's been fun watching how you get things figured out. Planning this all in advance would be .... well, obsessive seems to be the least derogatory term, heh. But it seems that a good plan for this game would be, think what you might need, double that, then multiply that by 100 LOL!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

heh :anigrin:

and thank you :bigsmile:

I've been walking up and down on most of those sky bridges that are still left in the landscape to figure out what to do with them or why they're still there. I found a couple of drop pods near them, went to get the parts needed to open those pods and retrieved the rewards: hard drives. When analysed by my base computer, each hard drive offers a choice. One of three alternate recipes (blueprints) for manufacturing processes. Simply put, for instance, use copper instead of iron to get the same thing. It's random what you get and it may be very valuable or completely useless. It's again about choices and "knowing what you're doing" (or going to do with those recipes) so.. definitely worthwhile getting those hard drives.

Actually I just now got my personal favourite alternate recipe: screws made directly from ingots rather than ingots turned into rods turned into screws. That saves me one entire production cycle and I can leave those rods for something else while I can now produce those screws straight away.

I might have to think about how to restructure some production lines (modules) :gnehe:

And I've already dismantled most of the sky bridges :anigrin:

Art Blade

I decided to tear down those extra storeys from the YellFac building.

I don't need them now. Mostly because I found a way for routing the bauxite down the same lane as quartz and since I need water for the basic production, it will take place outside the YellFac building anyway. Same goes for oil. The rest of the stuff I don't need water for will take place inside the building of course and there is still plenty of room. :anigrin:

smaller now and without unnecessary sky bridges
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Wait, hold on up here, making things smaller? That doesn't sound right, no not at all. I think you need to re-do that and of course, make things bigger!   :laughsm:
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

it will happen when needed :anigrin:

I managed to change the screw production to the new recipe without too much hassle. The good thing was that those iron ingots needed for iron rods (huge module) and metal sheets (also a big module) were nearby so I used my "tailback trick" and routed them out of said production modules into my screws module after finishing off the rods still on the conveyor belts to get the last screws out of those.

A minor problem was that those rods needed for those screws were also needed upstairs which is why I had punched through the ceiling in order to use the tailback from downstairs to feed the module up there. Now that I had effectively cut off the supply line for upstairs I had to figure out how to get those rods up there. But it was so extremely crammed up there that I had no way of leading rods in there in any other way. So the solution was to simply route the rods straight from the window where they entered the "screws floor" to the lift where they had been going to before I restructured the screws. That leaves the infrastructure completely intact and now the module upstairs has got undivided access to those rods which will improve production regarding module management. I knew that recipe had potential to change things quite a bit for the better and I made sure it actually did. :anigrin:

Now I've got an even bigger output of screws than before: 2x12=24 machines with an output 40 screws per minute (each) used to deliver 2x480=960 screws per minute. 2x480 has been the maximum load I could handle with Mk4 conveyors. The new recipe gives me 50/min = 1,200 = 2x600 which requires me to upgrade some parts of the production module to Mk5 which can handle 780/min.

But in order to upgrade, I need to produce aluminium-based stuff and all I've got for that so far is a conveyor belt from the bauxite node to the pond next to the YellFac and there are already 5 water extractors in place which is the pond's maximum regarding space to plop them down.

I'll now start to develop my new outdoor aluminium module :gnehe: Maybe I can slap a building around it later but for now it will stay outdoors.

Art Blade

I might have to reconsider.. I am currently thinking of putting the aluminium production right next to the oil. Both need water and there's a lot of water and space to build.

Plus, it really doesn't look nice to set up quite a massive new outdoor module, even if I slap a building around it, it ruins the nice front and side of my YellFac.

🡱 🡳

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