The Outer Worlds

Started by Art Blade, October 24, 2020, 06:38:43 AM

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- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

Art Blade

This Peril on Gorgon DLC is outstanding. I love it :thumbsup:

Apart from huge maps if you combine exterior and interior and see it as a total, that story line is amazing. If you thought FO4's "institute" was bad then you should brace for impact. Double brace. It's deep and horrible. Excellent gaming experience. And it takes forever. It's not just a flimsy appendix, it's a solid expansion worth a full game.

Art Blade

oh man, FINALLY :bigsmile: I found out that it's a DLC gun and apparently you cannot buy those. Also, it's quite obviously relatively rare. I wanted a 2nd one of those because my first is with acid and it really packs a punch with my character settings (95x8 per shot without crit or stealth attack etc) but I wanted one more with different mods to play around with. Maybe silenced, maybe shock ammo.. I want to be geared up for a sneak attack. The other, acid, gun is for the type of "last resort self-defence emergency situation" when you really want an argument to be over quickly. The new one is to prevent arguments from even starting. :gnehe:

finally I found one
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Art Blade

A few tips on making money

Don't sell everything just anywhere. Money is hard to come by.

- Try to become friends with at least one faction so you can see in your reputation tab that they sell at 25% discount. Then keep returning to vendors of that faction because it also gives you added % (better prices) when buying from you.

- Take two companions that both boost the same skill: either persuasion, lie or intimidation. I prefer Parvati and Felix because they boost persuasion and I've got persuasion levelled higher than the other two.

- equip a "shopping outfit" (actually a speech boost outfit) which in my case comes with a speech boost for persuasion. If you can mod it, add any "silver tongue" mod (there is an advanced one later on). However, the goal is to get one of the speech skills as high as possible, 150+ is optimal, with any help you can get.

- get a perk for vendors buying at +20% (you don't need the sell perk early on because you really shouldn't buy anything early in the game and other perks are more important)

With all of the above, I get probably 33.3% extra money when selling. It's definitely more than 30%. It does make a difference if you sell at a higher price than normal especially when bulk-selling junk, weapons, consumables and armour.

And the final tip, no matter the above:

Unique items aren't "cool" but they sell for a lot more money than anything else. In about 270 hours of gaming, I have found only a handful of cool unique armour and head gear items like the safecracker jacket but never any good weapons. Scientific weapons are also.. strange.. but not really powerful unless you build your whole character around them. But they sell for a lot of money.

I've made well over 60,000 bits in comparatively short time (couple of days) mostly by selling tons of junk (hey, it can easily be a few thousand bits worth of junk in your inventory) and many unique items.

You'll need tons of money if you keep levelling up (tinkering) your whole gear ranging from guns to hats. Don't get too used to your favourite gear (don't tinker for more than 2,000 bits) until you're level 33. Until then you will find better gear. The maximum you can level up is 5 levels above your own, meaning gear of level 38 is the end of the line. And that means that you can only get to the maximum gear level if you pick up stuff that's already close to level 33 or you're going to spend a fortune.

Tinkering about doubles every level.. like 75, 150, 300, 600, 1200. I keep seeing something like 1,500-1,800 and the next level can be around 2,500+ and you can see where that leads to: bankruptcy :anigrin: Unless you keep my tips in mind. ;)

By the way, in case you're wondering how I could possibly get that much junk and stuff to make so much money:

Get either a mod or a perk that highlights items in a +5m radius without looking at them. You wouldn't believe how many items you've missed until you get either one and check your environment again. I find everything like that. Also, my lockpick skill is always high and I use gear and Felix and Parvati.. you may want to check the video about how to get to 150 lockpick with that skill levelled only to 60. The safecracker jacket and head gear with lockpick boost helps but I don't even need those. Anyway, I grab all the stuff that's available and then sell it with 150+ speech skill (same "trick" as with lockpick) at any vendor who gives me 70% (with sell perk) discount and buys at 30+% added value. ;)


Thanks for the tip on the UI, I'll have to look at that. As for the weapon degradation, I have looked at that and repaired, I just hadn't in a while when I made that video. Well, actually it wasn't all that long ago, but I think I picked up that weapon after that, so it might have come to me in damaged condition, not sure if that's a thing or not. But once I get back into it, I'll definitely repair it and tinker it a bit too, I don't think I'd done any on that one at all. I'm talking about the semi-auto scoped assault rifle I used for most of the headshots in the video. The long hunting rifle I used for a couple I had just picked up as it was better than the one I had been using.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

ALL RIGHT.. point of no return.. finished all remaining missions, side missions, tasks, and DLC. And I even found a 3rd "III" shotgun :gnehe:

Time for the finale.

The Outer Worlds' final round *ding*
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Reads like a "boss" mission  ???

Also somewhat reminiscent of heading into the ending of FC2


But, OK, say you've had the game and already finished the main story like that, point of no return, then BAM! the DLC comes out, do you have to start over or is there some miracle retcon that brings you back, like in Fallout three where you pretty much die at the end or wander off into the sunset depending on if you go into the reactor or not, but later once the DLC is installed, you wake up and somehow got better after a massive dose of radiation?

Taking that further, there's going to be more DLC for Outer Worlds, as I understand it, or I paid for a season pass for one DLC and feel a chump, so what's going to happen now when that DLC comes out? I don't know what the ending is you're going to find in there, but I take it that it's pretty final, so what magic are they going to conjure to get you out of whatever situation you get into in that place?

Back to my degraded weapons, just so you know that assault rifle I was using was down to 20-something percent, so it had taken a beating, that's for sure. I repaired it then looking at the other stuff in my inventory, realized I had a better one sitting right there, so loaded the save game to get my repair scrap back, and used the new assault rifle, just need to get it modded and tinkered at the w0#k bench but I ran out of time.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

PZ, yeah.. sounds like it but I don't know yet.

Dweller, the other day I read up on whether or not the game had an open ending and found out that it didn't. So that final mission is it, it will be over, and you cannot leave that place where that mission takes place. That means that no magic will w0#k. I can only think of two options for the upcoming DLC: Load a save from before the final mission or start over from scratch.

Art Blade


I played through for the first time and it was a GREAT game O0

and thanks to savegames, I watched three versions of the end. It went more or less the way I expected which isn't meant as a sarcastic comment but much rather that I'm glad I played it that way as my first.

Essentially, I played the equivalent of the Institute ending of FO4. Like, get that one over with at the start. I did not plan it because I didn't know the game but once I realised that I could "play along," I did. Considering all my acquired flaws, adding that one as well was quite a good match for this playthrough :anigrin: So now I know what it means. And it isn't exactly like the institute ending. Also, many decisions I made found their way into the narrated and illustrated end. I made some good decisions, too, but they were more like "the lesser evil" type of good choices so they fit the overall institute type of playthrough quite well, too.

Also, the credits roll and that's that, no turning back except older savegames or a new start. Which means, before you say "YES" to the point of no return, you should spend all your money (well, you could still spend it once you said YES but only for tinkering) and get your guns and armours and companions' outfits sorted because apart from just a couple of vending machines, you can't get anything any more. So be ready when you say YES.

As to boss fights:

depends on your skills whether or not you have to fight a massive robot (remember my robot phobia.. bad idea trying to solo that one which I didn't) and I tried two of three variants with a savegame, all of which avoided the "normal" boss fight against a monstrous robot that I really didn't want to fight. One would have avoided any fight with it by simply disabling it (but I couldn't be bothered to walk again through a massive map only to get two new companions from the Unreliable for their skill boosts) and another one kind of weakened it so it was no match for my companions and for the last one which completely avoided activating and facing it, I actually ran all the way back to the ship and returned so I had the skill boosts from two other companions.
I kept the spoiler quite vague not to spoil too much. But none of the text in the spoiler section changed the overall ending. That path started quite some time before saying "YES." But there is a dialogue choice during the final mission at one point which determines the final touch, part of the outcome of the story and by that, it changes the narrated ending. With the help of a savegame, that's how I got to see three different endings from within my chosen ("institute") path. Quite cool :thumbsup:

I am really looking forward to starting anew, possibly without any flaws or maybe only the encumbrance one. It's just too tempting to get a free perk for something that can be controlled so easily by simply keeping the amount of stuff in your inventory within your capacity. ;)

One last word about that phenomenal shotgun "III" which I was trying so hard to get before the ending:


The last mission was so packed with that type of shotgun as loot that you really don't have to try hard before you get there if you just want to get it for the finale. So pack some mods and a bit of money for tinkering that gun.. like, found one or more? Run back to the Unreliable or use the one workbench on the map that I came across and fix that gun up. But it's too good to be used only during the finale. I had quite a lot of fun blasting any opponent to atom-sized bits with it :gnehe:


Sounds like you had a great time, with many fond memories  O0

Art Blade

oh man, absolutely. :) I really enjoyed it start to end and I sank a little more than 280 hours into that first playthrough. I'm really looking forward to trying a different approach for my next playthrough, there's so much potential in this game :)



Man, I'm glad you had so much fun!


Hey Art, I'm glad to hear that you got through that final conflict OK.  :)

Some of the walk throughs I've seen for that part of the game have been quite brutal (often fatal  :evil2: ) but I after hearing the details you gave I'm sure it was your meticulous preparations that got you through.  :thumbsup:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

🡱 🡳

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