The Outer Worlds

Started by Art Blade, October 24, 2020, 06:38:43 AM

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Art Blade

nice :anigrin:

as to the lemon, it's for SAM, a cleaning bot. Probably a symbol for a cleaner with citrous power ;) I said it before, don't mind the symbols. Like, the other symbol (for Parvati) doesn't at all remind me of a special powerful blow with her hammer. It's just keys.. one, two. First and second active (accompanying) companions, as shown top left of the screen.


Thanks for the info Art, I'll try to remember that but probably won't. And if I do, I won't remember to actually use them.

As for the highlighting stuff, does that w0#k with enemies who have been turned to piles of dust by a specialized weapon? That is the biggest issue I have to find, the generic loot stuff laying around I have no problems finding, as those are placed in the world for you to find, so they are kind of obvious. It's enemy dust piles in tall grass that are tough to find.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

it doesn't w0#k extremely well for those heaps because even though they are glowing, they're glowing a lot less than other objects. But it's better than without and I think I found most of them. The easier solution is to use weapons that don't burn or melt enemies to flat piles. ;)


With my melee level at 10 all my team's weapons are biased to plasma.  Even their melee secondaries.

Hmm... I need a weapon that kills enemies and compresses them into shiny easy to spot crystalline lumps.  :evil2:

The videos I've viewed about skipping the Hope to the secret base all have the Board's guards having directions from Adjunct Akande to let me through.  Unfortunately in my case she's a pile of ashes on her office floor.  So it looks like I'm due to travel into uncharted story line territory.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


How about a giant flashing "LOOT HERE!" sign with an arrow, floating above all ashed loot piles? I'd go for that. Wonder if there are any mods ......

Skipping the Hope to the secret base? No idea what you're talking about, you must be way beyond me in the story lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

lol Dweller :D Yeah, I used mods in FO4 and one of which highlighted very nicely all lootable stuff. I wish games did that without help of mods.

mandru, I like that office line hahaha :anigrin: My first playthrough was soon based on the corporate story so I didn't turn her into a pile of ashes. My 2nd (ongoing/paused) playthrough isn't that advanced yet but I'm not going to repeat the same story line. Which means, I'm interested in how it works out for you :)


Sorry D_B, I didn't think anyone was slower than me at slow-poking through the game and nose-poking into every corner.  I probably should have stuck that forward looking info behind a Spoiler warning.  :-[

I've found an armor type that is not showing up in any of the web searches I've tried but is seriously worth mentioning.  Retrofitted Heavy Power Armor seems to be touted online as the most powerful armor in game but those guides have not comprehensively updated their game facts with the release of the Gorgon content.  Retrofitted Heavy Power Armor is good but the Expanded Heavy Power Armor eats it for breakfast with sprinkles like the Fairy Bread preferred by 9 out of 10 Australians.  ;)

The Expanded Heavy Power Armor is very sparingly dropped by the Colossus Marauders on Gorgon.  It gives massive protection and can be fully Tinkered and Up Graded on the w0#k benches making them even more powerful.  If you look up an image of the Colossus Marauders the difference between this armor and the less powerful version can be easily visually spotted by the addition of a generously proportioned jaunty green shoulder wrap.  8)

By spending probably far more time than I should have roving around Gorgon I've been able to pick up four sets of this Hephaestos branded armor.  That's two sets for me with augmentations biased towards different skill needs and a set each for my two companions.

While making an escape out of a highly contentious situation from deep in a steel maze my team and I (in this armor) played the role of Bullet-Sponges and sprinted out quickly back to the ship instead of tactically taking the travel time killing everything that we encountered.

The damage received was so minimal that we barely needed to rebuff our shoes to put the shine back on them.  :anigrin:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


No worries Mandru, spoilers don't bother me one wit. I never really understood that whole thing but I guess it bothers some poeple.

I haven't even gotten off um that planet .... I keep forgetting the name, the one with Fall Brook on it. Monarch? Think that's it. I usually only play on the weekends when I have a few hours time all in one block to play uninterrupted, so my progress is a bit slow lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

mandru, I just had a déjà-vu  :anigrin:

Quote from: Art Blade on November 15, 2020, 10:38:38 PM
The Gorgon something something DLC looks promising. Very nice visuals, a huge map as far as I can tell, and I found the first power armour (without needing power) and it's even an Expanded Heavy PA. By comparison (always remember that attributes, skills, perks and level affect guns, armour and other stuff) my "normal" armour ranges somewhere between 50-90 after tinkering to the max, depending on which one I'm using. That PA came as high as 114 even without tinkering. ???


Ah!  Sorry Art I wasn't trying to steal your thunder on that discovery.  It seems my aging memory keeps getting shorter and shorter.  That is except for the stuff I'm trying to forget. :banghead:

A further note on the expanded heavy P.A. is that I've recovered a set of that armor that does not have the green shoulder wrap.  Other than that all stats seem to be the same.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

don't worry mandru, it didn't even remotely feel as if you were "trying to steal [my] thunder" (nice expression by the way, never heard that one before :) ) I was merely amused by your statement which told me that you were obviously as surprised by the stats of that kind of armour as I was. :bigsmile:

As to your memory (lol at being unable to forget what you wanted to forget) it is completely OK, once more, as I think by the time I posted about that armour, you were so far from fully grasping the meaning of my post that you likely read, noted and then forgot about it simply because it didn't (yet) bear any meaning. Now that it does, you may appreciate my own surprise back then. :)


You're probably right Art.

At that point in time I hadn't even launched the game and was still researching and stressing over what kind of character build I was going to set up.  ::)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


I've completed my first run through TOW and I'm pleased with the purchase.  Initially setting up your character was a bit overly stressful.  So much so I believe with my next build will follow exactly the same template for my character for this next run through.

Besides in the Fallout and Far Cry games I always preferred being the over powered crack sniper.  It's what I do. :evil2:

Killing Adjunct(?) Akande early led to an interesting twist in the end game.  Initially I went in to meet her with boosted Persuade but no compromise dialog options were offered and it was a kneel to her will or die.  She drew first.  ;)

End game with no Akande

In place of the video chat with Akande right before you meet the mega-boss the Chancellor came up on the screen.

Normally you'd come across the Chancellor earlier as you w0#k your way through the prison.  He is in a makeshift studio in the process of making a public announcement about the capture of Phineas Welles and his being repentant and once again becoming a productive citizen.  But that was total hooey, they were attempting to extract info before feeding him to a pre-chilled hibernation pod.

This time the camera room was empty and the Chancellor's guard mecha's were absent as well.

The Chancy was a real namby pamby and was a fused pile of plasma charged ashes on the floor faster than what Akande went down.  I kind of would have liked to grab him by the throat.

It was far easier than killing him in the studio as his sturdy guard mecha's were now totally missing and had not been edited into that change in the game.

Ah well. ::)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

🡱 🡳

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