
Started by fragger, April 28, 2017, 05:00:20 AM

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Respect is earned, not given.


@fragger Nice one.
Literal puns crack me up...

Since I'm at w0#k, I'll just have to pull myself together.

Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.


So the trailer for Sonic the Hedgehog was released on the eve of Ramadan

Looks like he's gotta go fast
What do you call a nervous javelin thrower?

An old man was explaining to his grandson about major things that happened in his life.

"Now most people associate salsa as a Mexican condiment", he said. "But actually we loved mayonnaise". "Wow!", said the boy. "Most people don't know that in 1912 after docking in New York, the titanic's next stop was the eastern shores of Mexico. And below the deck was 15 tons of mayo. As we all know the titanic sank. Now this is why we remember this tragedy in Mexico and America every year on may fifth.. It's known as Sinco the Mayo."
What's Hitlers favourite video-game?

Mein craft.
Isaac Newton in court

"He hit me equally as hard back your honor!"
What do you call it when a russians wifi fails?

What did the sausage say when he won the race?

I'm a weiner.
An ant walked up to me and told me a bad pun, so I squashed it.

Pun ant ended.
Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.

Art Blade

I like the last one and Sinco de Mayo :anigrin:


 :gnehe: There are a few good ones there



"No hay luz"


What kind of salve do pigs put on wounds?



Art Blade


THis is my response to Fragger's joke.
Here's a crappy one:

What do you call a man wit two donkeys?
Level up that health:
cuz dead men do no DPS.



(- at what's linked to, not the groaner, although that's good too - if "good" is the right word :gnehe:)


Art Blade

An explorer at the entrance of a maze doesn't want to get lost so he gets a bag full of marbles and drops a marble every time he takes a turn, making it easy for him to retrace his steps by following the trail of marbles back out. Another guy comes past the maze's entrance, spots a marble and picks it up. He sees another marble and starts to follow the trail, picking up each marble he finds. Finally he sees the explorer at the centre of the maze and exclaims with great joy,

"I think you lost your marbles but not to worry, I gathered all of them for you!"


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