GTA Online - The Saga Continues

Started by BinnZ, March 02, 2017, 02:00:32 PM

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Hmm, that is true. Can you play the game without updating it? Like using off line mode? I agree with you that there should be a way to make them optional.  :undecided-new:
Problem is, R* combines SP fixes and MP DLC's in the updates, probably because it's easier for them. They should've made it more like 2 separate games, the same way C0D did that. They do give the startup option for either single player or online, but that's only cosmetic. Maybe they learn from it in the future. I wouldn't be surprised if they will launch a next GTA Online separate, because it's become so popular and so much a game of its own... 8)
"No hay luz"


Quote from: BinnZ on April 13, 2017, 09:17:42 AM
Hmm, that is true. Can you play the game without updating it? Like using off line mode?

I've not found a way to do so - the Social Club app appears to load first each time, and automatically starts downloading things.  What you guys experience as a great thing with all the free DLC, I find problematic because I do not play online, and am forced to download gigabytes of data before I can play, which effectively locks me out of playing.  :banghead:

If someone knows a way to allow you to play without being forced to download anything, including patches, please post.

I don't know why the developers force you to download patches/DLC - like in FC2, my vanilla game without anything patched worked just fine. In fact, the patch broke the "Boots tape" sequences.  :banghead:


Quote from: PZ on April 13, 2017, 12:02:11 PM
I don't know why the developers force you to download patches/DLC - like in FC2, my vanilla game without anything patched worked just fine. In fact, the patch broke the "Boots tape" sequences.  :banghead:

Indeed, I never experienced the sequences the right way, since I had a pre-updated version on my vanilla disc :banghead:

Nevertheless, I may have found your solution guys:

GTAForums; How to stop downloading updates

Try this, sounds plausible ;)
"No hay luz"


Thanks BinnZ - I was able to get the -scofflineonly parameter into the shortcut, and it still loads the Social Club, but this time in offline mode.  Cool - however, continuing on to play GTA5 it responds "Sorry, you need to be online to authenticate" - what kind of bull$ is that!  You can start the useless SC offline, but can't do anything with it!  Seriously? they'll let you start offline, but you actually need to be online? :banghead:

However, I tried something unorthodox and it worked!  I created another shortcut to the game, started it, and Social Club started.  Then the game began to load and sure enough, popped out and began a 1.15 gb update  :banghead:

This time however, I cancelled and returned to the desktop, then used the other shortcut using the offline parameter and it worked!  It completely bypassed the update and started the game.  Then I played for a little while because I had the PS4 controller attached, and what a difference it made for my driving!

Evidently it had been long enough since I last played that the server "forgot" that I had authenticated and wanted to do so again - perhaps this is a "security feature"


hmm, sounds cool, so you are able to play again :)

Nice :thumbsup:
"No hay luz"


Indeed  :thumbsup:

I like to go in to game for a short while and then leave for long periods. Before now, that meant waiting at least a couple of hours each time I wanted to go into GTA5 to the point where I did not go in any longer.  Now I can  O0

Art Blade


Thanks for the workaround PZ, I'll have to try that :thumbsup:


Hope it works for you fragger  O0

BinnZ' w0#k around makes it so I'll actually go in and play around. I liked roaming the map and doing various things.  Plus, the graphics are so good, it was a shame not to be able to go in, however, the need to do the endless updates were a game breaker for me, even though it introduced new (and free) DLC


I can't seem to get that to w0#k. No matter what I try, I still end up having to download those @#$%& updates.

So stuff it, I'm just going to let them run (going by the estimated time remaining, I'll have spent the best part of an hour doing this by the time it finishes). Hopefully this will be the last time I'll have to go through this. For the sake of a game that I only ever dip into for half an hour or so, I spend more time watching the Social Club slideshow than I do playing the flipping game. If I got something useful from that DLC I wouldn't mind so much, but I don't. It may be free, but it's forced on me even though I don't want it and all it does is suck up some of my data allowance while I get nothing in return. That actually sucks in my book :angry-new: Like I said before - why the hell can't their MP DLC be optional? Then we'd all be happy.


Why is internet caps a thing in Oz? Sounds stupid when compared to the majority of ISPs in Europe
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Art Blade

even in Germany, Europe, there are rural areas without or only with poor internet.


Yes, but making you pay for the amount of data you consume is really so 2016 nowadays, except maybe when speaking of smartphone internet.  :huh-new:
"No hay luz"


Had a good run with BinnZ, Seed, Nomad, Misko and Kurokuma in a public session today :bigsmile:

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"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

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