Goat Canyon trestle

Started by PZ, April 19, 2021, 11:07:47 AM

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[wiki]Carrizo Gorge[/wiki]

I visited this place countless times as a youngster back in the 1970s. Hurricane Kathleen (imagine that... a hurricane in southern California!) back in 1976 wiped out the area in general, but the trestle still stood when it was all over. The railroad abandoned the area because of the extensive damage and we had wild adventures there, including a place the Pinto Basin "Indians" inhabited thousands of years ago.

This video rings back many good mdmories


Great video PZ!

Interestingly I too visited the Goat Canyon trestle many times as a youth.


Just noticed this, pretty cool, certainly seems like they used this as inspiration in RDR2 for the mountain railroads, the track and tunnels look almost exactly like that.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


That's cool  :thumbsup:

It has been so long since I played RDR2 I do not recall if I even got there unless, it is an essential area to visit in order to progress.

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