Thinking about purchasing a video drone

Started by PZ, June 21, 2021, 07:56:41 AM

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I watched their getting started video - does that count?  :gnehe:

They gave me a manual, but it caused me to have more questions than were answered  :banghead:

Art Blade

hire an operator or a camera man.. maybe both. :gnehe:


I might need to. I'm lucky enough to live in a forested area, but that is almost assuredly the death of the drone were I to fly it  :gnehe:

Art Blade

before you fly it, attach a GPS tracker to it so you can salvage the wreck :gnehe:


Fortunately it has a built-in GPS - it even returns home automatically if the signal is lost or the pilot presses the "Home" button on the controller. The only problem is when it is in the trees  :gnehe:

Art Blade

omg  :D

By the way, never transport proximity mines with that thing and call it "home" mid-way.


 :laughsm: :thumbsup:

This drone is pretty cool - has a 12km range, can fly up to the maximum altitude allowed by the FAA, and has a video camera that takes 20 megapixel images and 4k Ultra HD video at 60 fps, and even 5.4k video at 30 fps.

The FAA even requires you to register the drone, and display it's identification number on the body  :D

Art Blade


Man, a 12km range? That's not exactly clear to me because I can see two possible meanings. It could mean that 1) you need a massive radio tower to be able to broadcast 12km in order to still reach that thing or 2) after travelling 12km, it falls out of the sky.

Since I don't suppose a handheld remote control is capable of transmitting signals over 12km, I assume "range" refers to the battery charge that may last long enough to cover up to 12km flight distance.

If that is the case, I wonder, does it refer to a 12km flight without using the camera or does it include a full video recording of the entire 12km trip? Like, "it flies 12km if you're not recording. If you keep recording, batteries will be used up after about less than one km."

I don't suppose the manual said anything about that, did it? :anigrin:


Hmmm 12 km does seem like a good long distance, does it use a cell phone signal I wonder, and get your commands over that, and as long as the base unit and the drone are within range of cell service, it can fly that far? Actually a little scary if you ask me. But yeah I'm thinking it has 12km range on a battery charge under "typical conditions".
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I agree - but that is what the manufacturer claims for the Air 2S (they actually claim even longer flight distance). The video below starts about 10 minutes into this test flight by a user and he reached about 4 miles (6.7 km) out (more reasonable estimate) before calling it back home - kinda impressive

Art Blade


I thought so too - the video was impressive, and I've seen quite a few user videos, all of which report similar with regards to the abilities of the drone. I chose it because it looked like the most idiot-proof I could find.

I just need to wait until this oppressive heat drops before I go find a place to actually test the capabilities.

Art Blade

until then, you can use it as a quadruple fan to blow away excess heat :gnehe:


 :D that's not a bad idea!

On a more serious note, the northwest is plagued with fires. We do not wake up these days without seeing lots of smoke in the air.

What is extremely moronic: some idiots down below us shoot off airborne fireworks, and we live in a tinder-dry area with only a single country road for escape from our peninsula. The Sheriff will not do anything about it because he does not want to spoil their fun.  :banghead:

Art Blade

what.....  ??? :banghead:

Good luck, man. I seriously hope that you live through it without any harm and loss.

🡱 🡳

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