Okay, I purchased Far Cry 6 and first impressions

Started by Dweller_Benthos, October 07, 2021, 07:17:24 PM

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OK I bought the game. I watched a couple live streams and liked what I saw. They do have a Twitch reward setup again this time, though it's just a couple cosmetic items this time, FC5 had a nice weapon you got for watching Twitch streams. But anyway I bought it and after something like 75GB of download (for the high res texture pack of course) got into it. You start out in a city where they are arresting people and you need to escape. Rooftop ziplines, sewers, the usual, get to a boat and escape. But your boat is captured and sunk and you are left for dead. You are not, of course, and wash up on the beach, and you go from there. So you get the grapple almost immediately to climb cliffs, etc. Off on the first mission to get the weapons guy, back to camp and upgrade some stuff, the usual. It's a Far Cry game, different character and placement but a Far Cry game at the core. Expecting anything more or different will probably disappoint. I really enjoyed FC5 and it's follow up New Dawn. So this should be right up my alley.

So I looked at the map and was thinking well, it's a pretty big place, and there's another smaller island to get to once you've cleared this one. Here is what I was looking at:

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Then I noticed the land to the right and thought, hey, maybe abother island you can get to? That would be cool. Yeah, it's another island all right:

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I had to stitch together a bunch of screenshots to get the whole thing in. The map is darkened for places you haven't explored and bright for the places you have. So the city you start in is in the upper right on the coast and the tutorial area that I've done is on the small island lower left. That entire island is considered the tutorial area I guess, or at leas the "Quito" region marked Level 1. The other regions are marked for player skill, I expect. I don't know how that compares in size to the last couple FC games but it feels a bit bigger. There's probably an online version of the map somewhere if I were to look. And I'm sure there will be a youtube video soon comparing the sizes of the maps in this game to the previous ones and other games.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Dang, that looks great D_B  O0

I'm going to get the game as well, and am looking forward to trying it out. I've enjoyed the prior iterations but was disappointed in the drug haze and timed events, but managed to get past them. I've never really played many games through (except the AC series), but Far Cry 2 is what got me started in gaming, so I'm interested in all of those, even though I might be a bit disappointed in the direction the developers took.

In any case, I'm really excited to see/read of your experiences  :thumbsup:


I bought the next/current gen (if you prefer calling the PS5/Xbox Fridge X a current-gen device) version. Didn't had a chance to load it up, download was finished the moment I went to bed. Anyway, a few Yotubers have some nice hints an tips on what to upgrade/get the tier 4 guns :anigrin: i'm gonna get it for PC aswell and modders are already tearing the game apart  :anigrin:

Quote from: PZ on October 04, 2021, 07:25:51 PM
Cool... do you know what the secret ending is? I don't mind spoilers at all. In fact, I prefer them  :anigrin:

"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Nice guys! Yeah it looks like FC6 is going to be a fun ride. Will it be ground breaking and dazzlingly new? No, I don't think so, but again, I've enjoyed the previous games so it's like getting a pizza from your favorite place, you know what it's going to be like but that won't tamper your enjoyment of it.

I see, the secret ending is like in the previous games if you do the right action the game essentially ends right after you start, haha. I posted a video of the same type of thing for FC5 where if you never arrest the guy, you just leave and that's it, end of game. Looks like after you get done on the tutorial island, you get a boat and make the decision to leave or continue the game as normal.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Nice!  I like knowing how things are going to end, and it makes the event more fun for me. It looks like a good game, so I'll definitely put it on my list to try.  :thumbsup:


OK so I've had a few hours over the weekend with it and find it quite enjoyable. Again, it's a Far Cry game, expecting anything different will just cause disappointment. There are a never ending supply of enemies to shoot at, if you just stay in one place long enough. There are check points you can overtake and clear with them becoming occupied by rebel forces and can be a fast travel point for you, plus they contain ammo and supplies.

I like the weapon handling, and you can now choose what type of ammo to put in each weapon, so armor piercing for hard targets, soft point, poison, explosive, etc for other targets, and have a gun loaded with each. You can carry three main guns, one pistol type and a flame thrower. You may be able to swap out the flame thrower eventually, haven't gotten that far yet. You also have your back pack rocket launcher which is quite effective against tanks and a large amount of enemies but takes a long time to recharge it's ammo, which it does automatically over time.

One really nice feature is if you holster your gun, you can walk (and drive) around pretty much unmolested by enemies as long as you don't cause any trouble. So if you're in a town and see a soldier harassing a person, you can casually walk up behind them and slice them with your machete. If you just want to drive somewhere, for the most part you won't be attacked, even if you're driving a stolen military jeep or a special car with a machine gun mounted on the roof. Of course, if you linger somewhere you might draw attention, and if you're in a restricted zone, you're immediately attacked, but for the most part you can go anywhere else peacefully.

You gather various scrap to build and repair stuff, nothing new there, and fuel and other supplies. There are various stashes to raid and places to explore. The world setting is very well done, and remember I'm not off the tutorial island yet, I still have to get to the main island. I'm sure there will be boats and aircraft of some type to use, but so far I've just been walking a lot, taking in the scenery witch is very realistic with the high resolution texture pack. There's hunting and fishing, pretty much like the last couple games, though it doesn't look like you have to hunt a specific animal to get say a bigger ammo bag. You can hunt any thing at any time and sell what you get for money to buy upgrades. At least I presume there will be upgrades eventually, and maybe you do have to hunt certain things for them and I've jut not gotten that far yet.

So a very enjoyable game and a huge world to explore, I'm liking it quite a bit.

One small problem, there's a blue screen crash that can happen that appears to be caused by a certain combination of processor, video card and memory configuration that will just dump you to the blue screen and reboot. I've had it happen twice but only after playing a few hours, so it may be a cumulative thing that happens over time, and playing shorter sessions might avoid it until a fix is figured out.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Dang, D_B, you've goe me anticipating the game even more!  O0

I love the idea of having weapons holstered and not being molested by anyone. One question here - if you slice a person with machete, does that trip the alarm so everyone comes after you?

You mentioned poison ammo - how does that w0#k? Is it a stealth thing?  Spreads from person to person? I'd love to be able to send a poison projectile into a target and never be discovered, AC style.


It plays like a mix of Ghost Recon Breakpoint and New Dawn.

Quote from: PZ on October 11, 2021, 07:00:54 PM
I love the idea of having weapons holstered and not being molested by anyone. One question here - if you slice a person with machete, does that trip the alarm so everyone comes after you?

You mentioned poison ammo - how does that w0#k? Is it a stealth thing?  Spreads from person to person? I'd love to be able to send a poison projectile into a target and never be discovered, AC style.

1: No. Stealth has been reworked, an enemy NPC can detect you, but not alert all of the others instantly, so long they do not have the opportunity to fire off a shot. However, enough dead bodies and the alarm will be triggered. I sniped an entire enemy outpost located at the docks outside the city :evil2:

2: Poison ammo can turn enemies against each other, but are poor damage dealers. I personally run armor piercing ammo on all of my weapons. Only way to reliably kill enemies is aiming for the head, or spray them with soft ammo. Almost every NPC have breakable armor now, making them tougher than previous FC games. Now, they are a proper army, so kinda make sense. Using the wrong ammo type will make them feel spongy. There is no ammo toggling option as seen in FC5 and ND. The amount of ammo you carry is reduced aswell, unles you upgrade the supremo backpack with a few mods.

Also, AP ammo is essential, if you want to explore the high tier zones (Esperanza, where you start the game) for high tier weapons. I managed to get the RAT4, MP7, SKS, Urushi AR-C and Zona-51 by looting the chests. Be aware that most caches are in the restricted zone, so be careful  :)
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Sounds quite interesting reading all the posts, but I'll have to wait for awile
because the Standard edition is over a thousand SA Rand.
Respect is earned, not given.


Yeah the poison ammo isn't so great I didn't think, kinda disappointed in it. I never shot someone with it who was close enough to someone else for them to attack them though. But it doesn't do a heck of a lot of damage outright. Like LowPoly, I've put armor piercing in all the guns now. Trying for headshots as much as possible. The regular rifle I'm using does decent against the lower level enemies and the sniper is the same just longer range. When either of those fail it's the full auto gun and up close and spray to take them down. The explosive ammo I can't make yet so we'll see how that goes.

I completely stealthed the last mission of the tutorial, taking out the ships in the blockade that's keeping you on that starter island, so that was cool. Another thing that's cool is you can use the deck guns on the ships, not sure if the opportunity is ever going to arise again, but that was unexpected. Of course, since I wanted to keep the stealth going, I didn't use them, but would like to try it again sometime.

As for walking around with weapon holstered so you can get into position to stealth attack a soldier, you can do it pretty easily. I only tried it in the one small town so far, but walking up to an enemy and slashing them with the machete doesn't raise a general alarm. The other soldiers there aren't linked telepathically so they don't know what's going on unless they see you do it or find the body. As usual, you can pick up bodies to move them someplace inconspicuous. There's also the chain attack with the machete, if two or more enemies are close to each other. I flubbed it the one time it came up though. But you can then go back to holstered weapon mode and as long as your previous actions didn't arouse suspicion, the rest of the soldiers go about their business none the wiser.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


That sounds great, all except the poison bit. It would be cool if the poison worked a bit better. I love how the cloud of poison gas worked in the recent AC games and was hoping the same for FC6. Still, everything you guys wrote solidifies my desire to get the game.

Thanks for posting, guys - very helpful information!  :thumbsup:


Can also mention that there are a few bugs, but I'd guess UBI*bleep* are working on a patch. In November, the first DLC drops. Also, JorRaptor have a few videos about the best items to get in the game. Also learned from his recent video that the standard MG42 is unlocked from a Treasure hunt and not looting random caches  :banghead:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Treasure hunt? I'll have to look into that. I also ran across one of those crates you have to open with a code or something, which I didn't have yet.

So I fiddled with the screenshot function (photo mode) and came up with this:

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Got the full Blood Dragon gear on, which when you wear a full set of any of the gear types (scavenger, guerilla, etc) you get a bonus in various things like finding more ammo, damage resistance, etc. I got this set for having owned Blood Dragon I think. There's also some stuff you can buy in the UBI*bleep* store with UBI*bleep* points, or whatever they call them, so I used up the points I had and got most of them (cosmetic stuff, supplies etc). I also got the couple Twitch rewards as well. This all drops when you finish the first meeting and accept the main mission.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on October 12, 2021, 07:15:42 PM
Treasure hunt? I'll have to look into that. I also ran across one of those crates you have to open with a code or something, which I didn't have yet.

Purple diamonds on the map ;)

The Cipheros crate (or how you spell it, can't remember) require you to find orange stickers around them. Look at the walls for the blue Libertad symbols. Another tip is enabling directional subtitles (tells you the distance from certain enemies/objects etc). Only thing that annoys me are the lack of a FOV slider on console, the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S could certainly handle that with no problems  :banghead:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Ah nice, I'll have to watch for those. I didn't have time to even leave the headquarters island last night, as I fooling around with things and taking photos, lol.

The one crate I saw was called cipher-something? Or crypto-cipher? That doesn't sound right either. crypto-gramma? I don't know I'll have to go back and look again.

Can't believe there's no FOV adjustment, there's so many other things you can adjust, mostly for various disabilities like color blindness, one handed controls, etc, that FOV would be something pretty basic.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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