Far Cry 6 member videos

Started by LowPolyOWG, October 16, 2021, 03:45:23 AM

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Nice videos D_B  :thumbsup:

I wonder sometimes why UBI*bleep* doesn't incorporate mechanics from their other games. For instance, horses can swim in AC: Valhalla, which might not sound like much, but makes a huge difference when trying to cross bodies of water without a boat.


Yeah I was kind of surprised about the horse not being able to swim, but UBI*bleep* is using the water as a barrier to getting around. The player can swim in it anywhere but you will get attacked by sharks, barracuda or jellyfish as a deterrent. So I expect they just made horses balk at the idea of swimming because they don't want to get attacked lol. Horses are smarter than people? Maybe? heh

I didn't have any time last night to play and might not tonight, we'll see how it goes. Probably why my progress is so slow lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on October 27, 2021, 08:06:23 AM
... Horses are smarter than people? Maybe? heh

:laughsm: I'm thinking so!

By the way, how are the sniper weapons?


The one sniper I have is nice and it's the starter one I guess, or I got it from the season pass bundle, not sure. But with a silencer and armor piercing rounds it does good, if you get head shots. That's one thing I've found is the enemies are really heavily armored even if they look like they are just wearing a shirt (FC2 mercs, anyone?) so getting head shots with pretty much any weapon is the way to go, until I guess you get better guns, which from the videos and live streams I've watched is later, or I'm just really slow at playing the game. I just got around last night to flying a helicopter over to the guy you're supposed to meet to start the next part of the game. Or I guess I could have gone to one of the other people for one of the other factions, you can go anywhere you want from the start, but I was near this guy so that's where I went. Didn't have time for much else beyond that.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


The MS16S? Yeah, you can use that. Besides, you just need AP ammo/headshots. Bodyshot damage is rather awful, compared to the previous entries. Even my Vector with AP ammo struggles on body shots  :banghead: On the fly ammo switching isn't available and that sucks  :angry-new:

Of the snipers I have tested, the MBP .50 cannot 1-shot someone in the body with AP. The SVD require at least 2-3 body shots to kill. Gear system is kinda a mess, you cannot save loadouts, forcing you to switch between pieces everytime. You can at least change their appearance. Buffs you buy from the cantina is bugged, you can buy every buff, quit the game and start it again. All buffs you have bought will be marked as active  :anigrin:

Anyway, I finished this week's insurgency and are now at 8000 moneda :anigrin:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Not sure the names of the guns I have, I *think* the sniper is called the Yara something? Or Yaran sniper I don't know. I have the big scope on it and either the American or Soviet silencer. The other weapon I use the most is an iron sighted something also with a silencer on it, though that might be the home made one, or if I changed it, same as the sniper, either the American or Soviet one. I use that for most medium range shots and pop head shots maybe 80% of the time with just the iron sights. Then I think I'm using the FAL for a full auto weapon but really rarely use it, I consider it a failure if I have to get that out in desperation and spray and pray with it.

I finally met up with Philly and the other chick at the plantation who was beating up the soldier to get information and got the Montero camp but that was all I had time for and didn't do anything with the camp like building anything. I tried flying a plane and found the controls a little too arcade-like, it didn't fly like a real plane or even like the planes in FC5 that I recall. Helicopters are also a little arcade-like in their controls but anything more realistic would be too difficult to be any fun, so those aren't too bad. I also tried the parachute thing, whatever it's called, where you have to get rolling up to a certain speed then pop the parachute to take off, that was weird and I crashed more than I flew it really.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Thanks for the information guys - looks like the Far Cry franchise is still following the same plan. Sniper weapons are my favorite because I like to kill from afar without anyone knowing where the shot is coming from.

Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on October 28, 2021, 07:56:28 AM
...the enemies are really heavily armored even if they look like they are just wearing a shirt (FC2 mercs, anyone?)

:laughsm: :thumbsup:

That was the real problem for me in FC2 which is still my all-time favorite (maybe because it was my first open world game). I appreciated the game all over again, especially modifying the AS-50.

Quote from: LowPolyOWG on October 28, 2021, 11:21:12 PM
The MS16S? Yeah, you can use that. Besides, you just need AP ammo/headshots. Bodyshot damage is rather awful, compared to the previous entries. Even my Vector with AP ammo struggles on body shots  :banghead: On the fly ammo switching isn't available and that sucks  :angry-new:

Of the snipers I have tested, the MBP .50 cannot 1-shot someone in the body ...

A .50 cal should nearly cut someone in half, so even if they are not dead, they should be 100% incapacitated - sounds like FC6 needs to be modified  :gnehe:


Another live stream, about 10 minutes in I review my weapons, so the Yaran sniper, the MS16S and the FAL.

The rest is doing some missions and trying out some of the extra things to do in camp. I still get easily distracted from what I'm trying to do, which I suppose is a good thing, there's a lot going on in the game. I've read some reviews that complain there's not much new in the game and that's pretty much true, like I said it's a Far Cry game with a new coat of paint. Good thing I like Far Cry games so I'm having fun with it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Nice video D_B  :thumbsup: The graphics are incredible!

I like the little dog with the wheels for back legs.

Just because I'm curious, why are you using Twitch instead of YT?


No reason, I think I started doing live streams on twitch before youtube was even doing it so I just kept with twitch.

Speaking of:

Nothing really exciting, though I have an amusing time with my helicopter at about 10 minutes in. Just gotta be careful putting those things back upright I guess. Then at 20 minutes I have an encounter with a tree while using the wingsuit that didn't go my way, then at 30 minutes another wingsuit problem that also doesn't go my way. Then at about an hour and 20 minutes I try the cockfighting minigame which is just so stupid.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Those wee some good "funny moments" D_B  :gnehe:

The player is as strong as Hercules being able to pick up a helicopter - too bad you died in the process!  The wing suit scenes are priceless - that could have been a video of me using that wing suit - it reminded me so much of how my flights usually go.  :D

I am still amazed by the graphics - so detailed I am even more encouraged to get the game.


I enjoyed your videos, D_B :thumbsup:

It's a great-looking game graphically and indeed, appears to be a classic Far Cry adventure, with all the usual elements. That little doggie with the wheels has got some stamina in him, lol

I'm glad to see they're back to showing the "healing" animations (did they have those in #5? I didn't play that one). Pity they don't bring back the rescue-buddy thing, I quite liked that in FC2.

I may get into this in a while. I got hammered a bit financially this month with one thing and another (annual car rego and insurance being in the mix, which is never a cheap spend), so the budget didn't stretch to any new games. But I'm over that road bump now and I can start making some dough again. I'm not exactly strapped for cash, but I like to keep a good dollop on hand in this current uncertain climate.

Anyway, thanks for the vids, they're a fun watch :)


Quote from: fragger on November 02, 2021, 12:32:06 AM
I'm glad to see they're back to showing the "healing" animations (did they have those in #5? I didn't play that one). Pity they don't bring back the rescue-buddy thing, I quite liked that in FC2.

They had them in 5, but dumbed down to one animation (wrapping a bandage around your arm). 6 has a more destrucitble environment, you can destroy some trees and fire last longer. Also, you can puncture water barrels, which will run empty, depending on where they are shot :anigrin:

After you have finished the campaign, insurgency operations will be available, giving you access to earn moneda and a weekly signature weapon. The Monedas can be spent at Lola, giving you access to overclock weapons which supports Mk. 2 mods.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yep I got the hang of the wing suit after a while, but mostly it's my own fault of jumping off something that's not quite high enough, lol. And trees, they are always in the way.

I didn't recall what they had for healing in FC5, thanks for the info. I still find it kind of funny that since I'm using the Blood Dragon kit, the left hand is a robot hand, and snapping the fingers back in place or pulling a nail out of it looks funny. I have the extra healing syringes as a backup in the supremo, and those are just an injection animation.

One thing I do miss is the rescue buddy, or any human companion at all. There are only animal companions in this game and though it's fun, it's not quite the same. I still recall my favorite times in FC5 was bow hunting with the other companion who used a bow, Grace I think her name was? That was a really cool activity, and you could even recruit just a random person and have three people in your party. That's one thing I really miss here.

I did do the Danny Trejo mission last night, which was OK as it was mostly just a defend the outpost activity. Survive several waves of attackers, etc. At one point I was downed and Danny comes over and picks me up, so the mechanic is still in the game, it's just not used much that I've seen. Then after it's done, you get his special motorcycle sidecar with the minigun attached, but it doesn't look like you can keep it. I drove it all the way back across the map to park it at my base in the vehicle claim area and it didn't pop up as a new vehicle to choose when you call for one, so I guess you only have it for that short time and you don't really even use it. That was a bit of a bummer.

I still have to do any of Lola's missions, and of course, the insurgency missions are a long ways off as I'm nowhere near close to completing the campaign. I think I'm something like 11% done? so it will take a very long time until I'm at that point.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


That Danny Trejo thingy must be a bug. Like, someone at UBI*bleep* forgot to program the date for its unlock correctly, as it's supposed to release in December or January 2022.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

🡱 🡳

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