Far Cry 6 member videos

Started by LowPolyOWG, October 16, 2021, 03:45:23 AM

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Quote from: fragger on September 28, 2022, 05:55:20 PM
Needless to say, I've never heard of "Goody powder" in this corner of the world. I have a feeling that if I walked into a local pub and asked if anyone could sell me some "Goody powder", I'd either be offered something entirely different or I'd be visited by the local constabulary :gnehe:

:D same!

Goody powder is a new one for me as well


Hey D_B.  Cry For Me Far Away was another enjoyable installment.  O0 +1

Best quote: (about a damaged windshield) "Bullet holes give it character"  :D

Now about Primal but I need to refer back to FC2.  There were occasionally enemies that would spawn inside a rock whom the OWG gang took to calling solid rock (or was it rock solid) mercs.

In your mission to burn the village and fields you encountered a female who was a solid rock Izla that you couldn't get at to kill.

In case you encounter that situation again as I recall in an earlier video a few weeks ago there was a sole surviving solid rock Udam or Izla that you needed to kill to complete a mission.  Rather than reset and start the mission over I believe you switched to Hunter Vision to pinpoint their location and killed them by hitting the face of the rock they were trapped in with one of the bee bombs.  It seemed that the bees (not having clipping issues with edge detection) were able to swarm right through the rock face getting the job done.  ;)

Also when you were looking at your skill table you passed over the Take Down skills saying "I can never get close enough".  There is a Silent Running skill that could possibly help you close the necessary distances to make the Take Downs a powerful character asset.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


haha, glad you enjoyed it Mandru!

As for the woman stuck in the rock in that village, I was thinking of doing the bee bomb thing but the marker on the minimap was green meaning she was friendly, so I think she was a Wenja captive who got stuck in the rock. As it was, the mission completed so either that was the case or she was a Izila woman who changed teams.

As for the take down skills, I should probably have rephrased that from "I can never get close enough" to "I can't be bothered getting close enough"  lol. Much like the owl, I just forget to try to do it.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Heh heh, I missed that she was a green marker.  The bee or gas bombs would have been a mistake.  :-[

Right now I'm forcing myself to be more focused time wise (grinding some least favorite skill levels) on the mmorpg I play.  That said I'm enjoying your much more interesting play in Primal.  I'm not trying to get you to change your preferred play style.

Sorry if my suggestions sound like I'm being a backseat driver.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


haha no worries! I'm not as sensitive as it appears some people are to the whole "backseat" gaming thing, as I've seen some streamers get all bent out of shape when someone makes a simple suggestion. I can see if the same thing keeps getting mentioned over and over might be a bit annoying, but for the most part just making an observation shouldn't be cause for feathers to be ruffled.

It's nice to have a second set of eyes on things, and I appreciate getting tips and thoughts on doing things differently.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Something that may interest you D_B.

I was browsing Primal vids on youtube and watched a player who was intentionally antagonizing woolly rhinos and mammoths that were grazing near a safe lake that apparently contained no crocs because for all the time he was in the water he was not attacked by them or bitefish.

He must have had the Silent Running skill because he could run up behind them, stab them in the butt a couple times with a spear, and then draw them out into the water.

The rhinos would only venture out into the water to where it would just reach their stomachs.  The rhinos would then stand there in the shallows and scream in rage at the player for a while.  Then they would turn away (ambling off) allowing the player to easily do a rinse and repeat assault until the rhino died.

The mammoths on the other hand would chase the player into the water where the player who was much more agile swimming could easily avoid their wrath. 

Once in the water the mammoths would continue to swim around and eventually lose interest in the player at which time they continued to swim around and make little attempt to go back ashore.

Because the player seemed more intent on making the animals angry instead of actually killing them I was left wondering about the possibility of whether or not the player could have come up behind or along side the swimming mammoths, and climbed up on their back where (because of the safety provided from the mammoth's loss of agility) using whatever is their most powerful weapon make an easy kill.

Other than the Mash (X) situations I've not seen the use of a weapon used while swimming and I'm not sure the mammoths even have an aquatic Mash(X) mechanic programmed for them but I wouldn't want to find that possibility out.  However if you can't climb up on them (mammoths as slow swimmers) it would be very easy to scramble ashore and put a lot of holes into them with arrows or spears.  ;)

A stray thought occurred to me.  I believe I've seen your bear companions swim with you when crossing water.  Can you use hunter vision to spot/mark bitefish or crocs and set a bear on them.

Hmm... :confuse:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Interesting tactic. I usually try to avoid both rhinos and mammoths unless it's not possible. Usually it's my animal companion who picks a fight with them and I have to go back and rescue them lol. Usually I'm just trying to get from point A to point B and don't want any trouble in between. Doesn't always happen that way though hehe.

You can use hunter vision to spot bitefish, but I never thought of making my animal buddy attack them. I'll have to try that. I know in Far Cry 6 they will swim in the water and fight the sharks, and I think I once sent them to attack the sharks, so it may be possible to do the same in Primal.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Another good good week of Don't Cry Far D_B.  :anigrin:

In FC6 (October 30th)  "A Cry Too Far" I thought Aluso was a gonner there for a bit @ around 00:57:04 when that croc had her held helplessly by the throat and was shaking her limp body like a rag doll.  But once you administered a fatal dose of lead poisoning to the croc Aluso (with out needing resuscitation) was ready and willing to get right back into the game.

Also in Primal.  :o

Opening that new area with your extended battle through the heavily defended Udam canyon so you could establish a fast travel point for further exploration was a monumental task.  I was impressed.  :)
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Glad you enjoyed it Mandru!

Those crocs are always a pain, luckily they are not as common in FC6 than the other games, but still there. The one that really surprised me was as I was walking on a bridge no less and still got chomped on by the croc that somehow magically warped through the bridge to grab me. Sneaky devils they are.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yeah, that croc in Primal really did seem to come out of nowhere.  :huh-new:
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Hey D_B.  :bigsmile: :thumbsup: +1

I've got to give you a plus one for this last Twitch video if only for the title "Who is number one? You are number 6, Far Cry 6".  The irony of that insistent question and the overlooking tone of the respondent to put the prisoner in his place in the show's opening credits was a masterwork of clever scripting.

In the old Windows 95 one of the wallpaper options was called Tiles.  There was an option in Tiles that allowed users to modify and create their own tile variants.  On my computer at w0#k I created a tile in black and white that filled the screen with a repeating #6.  It stirred up a lot of discussion among my coworkers.

The last two Far cry 6/Primal videos were epic as well.  There was so much involved with the overall plot being moved forward (in Primal) that it's hard to pick a favorite or most impactful moment but the battle with Batari was wild.

Also the pathos in the outcomes for the characters Dah and Ull was a pair of gut punches.

Thanks again for sharing your gaming on Twitch D_B
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Hey, glad you could stop by for a bit! That ending battle was tough for sure, and really they could have mentioned breaking those bowls of fire a little earlier, might have been nice info. I realize watching the VOD that they were glowing the whole time, meaning that you could do something with them, but that wasn't obvious as to what. Plus they were hard to hit with the club, either I was doing it wrong or it was just meant that way. Along with the glitch at the beginning where my helpers didn't get in position right to drop the bridge and I fought off the guards for 15 minutes before I figured I had to restart didn't add any good vibes.

But yeah the fate of the Neanderthals was a bit sad and goes with current theory that they didn't really go extinct, they just merged with modern humans and passed along some DNA so they didn't really die out completely. The end video of the child taming the bear though was a surprise, wonder what they meant with that. I doubt there's any more to go with that story.

Oh yeah that cave I tried to get into at the end is part of a mission you get from a person in the village after you've done a certain amount of the open world side missions. So trying to get in there before that is pointless. Seems a lot of people at the time the game was released had the same question. I'm just 7 years late lol.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Hey D_B this weeks FC vid "Some more of Far Cry's biggest mistakes" was another enjoyable watch.  :)

I had a question about this weeks assignment that Lola gives you about the doctor who thinks they are a singer.  ::)

Have you ever tried shooting down (with something incendiary) the blimp shaped balloons flying above over that base?  Besides shutting up that croaking toad it would be interesting to see if they might be filled with hydrogen adding a little extra flash to the program.

You even had a check point that you completed air dropping in before you ever touched the ground.  And yes as you said it is a good thing that the game remembers that you are hanging from a parachute when it resets the check point to the revolutionist's alignment.  :anigrin:

In Primal you hit an XP cap.  Does that mean that there will be no further development to your Skill Tree?

Also another thought/observation about your encounter with the leopards in The Cave of Claws.  When being attacked in total darkness I would think it might be worth while to try engaging Hunter Vision to see if you can spot what ever it is that's coming after you.  It looks like there's a limit to the time you can keep that asset engaged with a possible cool down but I would think that every little bit of an edge you can use would help.

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Thanks Mandru!

I never thought of trying to shoot down those balloons, that would be interesting if they did do something, but I expect they are static decorations much like any other building in the game.

As for the XP in Primal, that is it, no more XP, but I believe it mentioned that some side quests will give skill points directly, so since there are a few of those left, I'll probably be able to level up a few more skills, but really at that point, I'm pretty much just picking them out for the sake of using the points. I've activated all the ones I want that have good perks I find useful, so now it's just a matter of getting the rest for the sake of finishing the tree.

Hunter vision probably would have been useful against the leopards, if I had thought of it in time, which I didn't lol. The thing with them is they come right up to you and bite you on the ankles and you have to look directly down to be able to see them and shoot them, and they are fast doing it, so the attack is quick and hard to predict and awkward to defend against. I can't imagine how hard that part would be using a controller with it's slow and cumbersome response time. Having said that, the controller is much better when driving for it's analog response as opposed to the keyboard's binary all on or all off throttle and steering, as well as when using the mortar which is a huge pain with the mouse as you have to constantly walk the mouse around to see anything but the controller is smooth and easy to aim with. But that is really how they designed it, they could make the mouse response much quicker when using the mortar, they just decided not to for some reason.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


New expansion coming out next week, Lost Between Worlds, plus a new update dropped yesterday with new game plus, switchable ammo types, progress tracker, etc.

The Lost Between Worlds expansion takes place in a distorted version of the island that you get transported to when you encounter an alien space ship that crash lands nearby, and for some reason, you shoot it, so go figure. Reveal video:

Skip to 4:40 for the expansion info as the beginning is explaining the new features. I'll probably get it, I don't see a reason not to, though it's premise is a bit far out for fitting in with the regular game, I'd have rather had it be like Primal or New Dawn where you get the island either in another time period or a follow on to the main story. But we shall see how it goes. One thing I'm concerned about and they didn't go into too much detail was that it appears to get through the story of the expansion you might have to play through sections multiple times to get everything you need to progress that section of the story. Not too fond of that, as it was the main focus of the three DLCs as well, where it seems they expect you to replay it several times to get the highest tier stuff, which you could ignore and just play them once like I did. But it seems from what they said is that you may need to do some sections more than once and that doesn't interest me too much.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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