Far Cry 6 member videos

Started by LowPolyOWG, October 16, 2021, 03:45:23 AM

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Yes that's what I've read various places, the first part was released early by mistake, whether a month or two, who knows, so yeah, it wasn't the complete mission (I thought it ended kind of abruptly) and I would guess you're supposed to be able to keep the motorcycle at the end.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Found out my issue with the wingsuit. Seems I'm in the habit of running forward, jumping off and then activating the suit, while still holding the forward key. Well, when using the wingsuit, the forward key is the dive key, so essentially I was jumping off something and diving right into the ground. Once I figured that out, I got the hang of it better. Though I still tend to hold the forward key, I have to get out of that habit. I figured this out while doing a treasure hunt where you have to feed a pelican and it then leads you to where the treasure is, by flying there. So you have to fly behind it to keep up. Let's just say I did more than a few face plants before I got it figured out.

Also did a mission with Lola where you retrieve the chemical weapon that tends to explode if it gets too hot. I did OK solo up until the last part where you have to fight off several waves of enemies before you can leave. This was a bit tricky to do while also keeping the package cool by running it under the water. This is where two players would come in handy where one could concentrate on killing the enemies and the other keeping the package cool.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on November 05, 2021, 07:47:26 AM
Found out my issue with the wingsuit. Seems I'm in the habit of running forward, jumping off and then activating the suit, while still holding the forward key. Well, when using the wingsuit, the forward key is the dive key...
:laughsm: that is absolutely what I usually do! I kind of remember something similar with the wing suit in prior FC games - I could never figure out why I always crashed because my instinct was to press forward to go forward rather than down.

I've not really enjoyed doing things like running back and forth chaotically. Too reminiscent of the timed events I dislike  :undecided-new:

Of course, as you mentioned, having two guys would make the mission easy  :thumbsup:


The Lola missions aren't timed, thankfully, except for the fact that the package you are carrying will overheat and explode, if you don't cool it down. You can do several things to cool it, stay in the shade, which is not always possible, crouch in water, or actively hold it under running water. I also should have equipped the clothes that let you run faster, that would have helped tremendously. I also should have brought some other weapons that are better suited to close up firefights. Next time I do one, I'll be better prepared.

Did some more live streaming, I won't link them because they expire after maybe a week or two and don't want to leave dead links in the thread, so anyone curious can look them up here https://www.twitch.tv/dweller_benthos/videos

I did try a clip, I think they are saved longer hopefully? Just for the funny or cool moments in game. This one is funny, I forgot there was a hole in the floor when backing up to get a running start to wingsuit to the next objective.


"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


 :D  That fall through the floor was a funny one D_B! Kinda nice how they zoom back so you can see your dead corpse  :gnehe:


Oh yeah any time you die they make sure to show you how you did it and failed so miserably!

And I realized watching Low Poly's video again, that I have that supremo with the weird spooky effect that lets you shoot through walls, but completely forgot to even use it! I'll have to equip that again and try it out.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."



Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on November 09, 2021, 07:41:07 AM
And I realized watching Low Poly's video again, that I have that supremo with the weird spooky effect that lets you shoot through walls, but completely forgot to even use it! I'll have to equip that again and try it out.

Remember to have the complementary rifle equipped aswell :anigrin:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yeah I tried it last night a little bit. Sure helps when you actually use the thing instead of wondering why it doesn't w0#k lol! I often forget about the supremo entirely until it pops back into my head and I remember it. But it does come in handy to be able to shoot the driver out of a tank and be able to then steal the tank. I'm a bit disappointed in how mushy the tanks are though, people shooting it with hand guns should not be able to do any significant damage to it, and definitely not the amount that does get applied in the game.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Had a little time last night to play and streamed it a bit. Nothing exciting except I was using the parkour set of clothes for fast running and sliding. When you slide your movement speed is increased so the more you slide the longer it takes effect. I was having fun sliding down a hill until it ended in a cliff. Luckily I popped the parachute before face planting into a tree. Here's the clip.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Of course any downward movement involves a face plant into a tree!  :D :thumbsup:

Funny thing - I lived in southern California for a long time and Del Mar looks much like what we see in your video  O0


Yeah gotta try to avoid those face-meets-ground (or tree) incidents.

One thing about the Far Cry games is the world is very accurate. FC5 was like that too, very close to what a northern woodland area looks and feels like.

A couple clips from this morning's live stream, mostly just to better figure out how the clip system works, and the highlight system too. You can do up to one minute clips or if you want something longer, a highlight, so here's a clip and a highlight.

Using the ghost mode supremo, forget it's actual name, the same one Low Poly posted, here on a ship where the enemies were just running around everywhere

And a funny highlight of an NPC altercation in the street:

Mostly I'm curious if they will expire or are saved longer. Find out in two weeks I guess.

One thing is the highlight will play in the forum but the clip won't.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


That ghost mode thing is really effective, and is one I would like using!

That NPC fight was quite good and very detailed!  However, the one gal kept periodically hitting her fist on the street because she missed he opponent. Het hand must have been a bloody mess  :gnehe:


Yeah the girl fight was funny and some nice moves by both, but I think the black girl was winning lol. The ghost mode supremo is very handy, and now that I've figured out you can just change them on the fly and don't need to be at a workbench, same with weapons, it makes for an easier time of it and I'll be using the different weapons more often.

I downloaded one of my live streams to edit out a video to put up on youtube, a little bit of an instructional video, a how to solve the puzzle type. I was being particularly dense trying to solve it and cut out about 20 minutes of wandering about saying "What do I do?" lol. But it's my first (I think) 60fps video on youtube, and I maybe should have adjusted the settings a bit when I exported it, ended up being 4GB for the 8 minutes runtime when the whole 3 hour stream video was 8GB! So yeah it took a long time to upload lol. Interesting tidbit, I had planned to use my new copy of Adobe Premiere Rush to edit the video but it did not like the Twitch video format at all. Would play in stutters and out of sync with the audio, making it impossible to use. Movavi worked fine with it, so I have no idea what tantrum Premiere was having with it.

"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Nice video D_B, and really smooth!  :thumbsup: Very helpful to see how intricate the puzzles can be

I like how the developers have improved on the puzzles, which I like. I first enjoyed them in the Uncharted series, and those were much like what you demonstrated - quite intricate, and it is very helpful to read the posted notes for hints!  I like how you can hitch/unhitch trailers, but it looks like you don't back up a trailer much in real life lol!

What is that device on your left hand/wrist?

🡱 🡳

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