*bleep* PUTIN

Started by BinnZ, March 07, 2022, 01:38:02 PM

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Hello gents, I couldn't find the shout box, so I make my shoutout to the Ukrainians here! Long live Ukraine, *bleep* Putin, in his arse preferably. With a massive thing, as long as it hurts.  :evil2: :evil2: :evil2:

I am not against 'the Russians' since there's loads of peace loving innocent people in that country, but I am outspoken against any who support this *bleep*'s regime.

"No hay luz"


Totally agree BinnZ

Putin is bringing the world close to another world war, just like we saw in the early 1900s and in the 1940s. Because that worthless *bleep* is mentally deranged and entirely amoral and corrupt, countless thousands will suffer.

I recall reading some time ago that he was a low level KGB minion that virtually everyone thought was a loser. I feel bad for the average Ukrainian and Russian people, because as always, the people suffer their worthless dictators.


"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yes it is horrific. The bastard is making a lot of progress in the south of Ukraine. Although the Ukrainians do good things holding them off in the North and East, they are heavily outnumbered. Seeing the grief of the people there is really awful.
And indeed, we are at the brink of another worldwar. It's not a question if, but when. I am glad the west is united once more, although debil. We should get rid of all sick influences that *bleep* has in our societies and the evil fucks letting him.
The good thing is, we can both accomplish climate goals and block putler, since we should really cut his income of gas and oil. America had already done the right thing, but in Europe we've grown horribly dependent on his energy. I hope for the best
"No hay luz"


Total agreement here too, BinnZ. Putin is an obscene human being and I hope the economic/supply measures taken by the US and NATO will hit him hard. Unfortunately, it will be the "ordinary" Russian people bearing the brunt of those measures, but short of engaging in a shooting war which would be utterly disastrous for the world, I don't see any other way that the West can respond.

Ukrainians are putting up a stiff resistance and I think Putin greatly underestimated Ukrainian resolve, but whether Ukraine can hold out remains to be seen. I'm sure Putin thought he could conquer the country in a couple of days, but that certainly hasn't turned out to be the case. Therein lies a grave danger - that Putin is becoming so increasingly desperate to pull off a victory that his acts will (and are) getting more and more indiscriminately rash and destructive, and I dread to think of what he may resort to. As it is, the way he's going there will be nothing left in Ukraine but rubble and wreckage. What a complete bastard that guy is.

I really thought I would never see the spectre of authoritarian aggression and war in Europe rise again in my life, at least not so relatively soon after the last such.


The biggest thing worrying me is all these sanctions will unfortunately be too late to save Ukraine.
He has to be stopped in his tracks soon, how? I don't know!!!
Unfortunately SA has a "Brown Nose" President who could have convinced most of Africa to vote against him
but Putin already sent him to the corner of the room and behave himself.
Respect is earned, not given.


Quote from: fragger on March 08, 2022, 09:43:03 PM
Unfortunately, it will be the "ordinary" Russian people bearing the brunt of those measures, but short of engaging in a shooting war which would be utterly disastrous for the world, I don't see any other way that the West can respond.

Very true. However, because the putin regime has muted all news outlets except for his, the Russian people are left somewhat in the dark regarding what that asshat is doing. Fortunately people are not as stupid as their dictators - the people realize that the only reason to stifle news is because the government is corrupt. Dictators rely upon the fact that ordinary people are mostly honest, and you can lie to them without consequence. Seeing the world institute these sanctions will help the ordinary people rise against him. Unfortunately it is often human nature to sit back and do nothing until governmental behavior becomes unacceptable.

I too never thought that something like this would happen in my lifetime. One would think that the devastation of the past world wars would have taught humanity something. However, when you have an egomaniac like putin at the helm of a country all reason is gone. The moron thinks of nothing but his own ego. You can easily see the stupidity in his lifeless eyes.


I planned on staying out of this but war crimes are war crimes and  crimes against humanity are crimes against humanity.  Up front I will say that I am not a fan of either Biden or Putin.  I see both of them as being equally corrupt and dangerous (each in their own way) for their actions due to how they have impacted and will impact our world.

From what I understand Poland wants to contribute fighter jets to their bordering country Ukraine.  But they want to shift them first to an American air base in Germany which is further away from the jet's intended destination.  Once that is done then the jets will be delivered into Ukraine.

What I don't know is if it is expected to have American pilots deliver the jets or if the plan is for Ukrainian pilots fetch them home from there.

It seems to me that this is an unnecessary and overly dangerous step for the pilots.  It will bring those jets being transferred in to a situation where the jets will have depleted fuel supplies at the precise point where they will need to be fully fueled.  With all of the televised news coverage surrounding this matter it is highly likely that the transferred jets will encounter a force of alerted Russian fighter jets who will attempt to block them.

Is this NATO attempting to force American pilots or at least with the involvement of our air base into a deeper and more direct confrontation between America and Russia?

And I still haven't figured out what the U.N. is doing (if anything besides sitting on their thumbs and watching) to add a cooling of the heat that is roiling up off of all this conflict.

All while China sits back and enjoys the show.  :angry-new:

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Quote from: mandru on March 11, 2022, 06:41:01 AM
All while China sits back and enjoys the show.  :angry-new:

As their representatives claim that Russia is one of their best friends.


mandru, I was hoping you would weigh in as you always offer interesting perspectives and touch on aspects of which I'm unaware, or may not immediately occur to me. I know you don't like discussing things of a political nature on the site (and that's probably wise :gnehe: ) but I always welcome your input when you do.

Quote from: mandru on March 11, 2022, 06:41:01 AM
Up front I will say that I am not a fan of either Biden or Putin.

I'm not a fan of national leaders in general, unless they can actively demonstrate beneficial policies and leadership (don't get me started on our current PM...) But almost without fail it's the same old story - if a position of power is advertised, only those who crave power will apply, and very rarely is "altruism" anywhere near the top of such peoples' motivational lists, if at all. I think it's he@lthy to assume the worst of leaders when they gain office until such times as they may prove themselves otherwise. Expect the worst, but hope for the best.

In Australia, for about the last 50 years our federal elections have been less about deciding which of the candidates will most benefit us and more about deciding which of the candidates will cause us the least harm.

But then, ever since our forebears got kicked off ships and onto these shores just over 234 years ago, we have had an instinctive mistrust of authority figures :gnehe:


Quote from: fragger on March 11, 2022, 03:22:26 PM
But then, ever since our forebears got kicked off ships and onto these shores just over 234 years ago, we have had an instinctive mistrust of authority figures :gnehe:
"No hay luz"


Quote from: PZ on March 09, 2022, 09:56:52 AM
I too never thought that something like this would happen in my lifetime....

I actually was afraid the past few year that something like this would happen sooner or later . Trump showed that to me in a way   :undecided-new:
"No hay luz"


The only truism that I subscribe to in politics is that those who desire a political position the most deserve it the least, and of course, the higher the position the less we want those people in those positions. Just take a look at the world leaders. I can't think of a world leader I respect.


As I've said before "Cream rises to the top, unfortunately scum rises faster."
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


🡱 🡳