No Man's Sky

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 11, 2017, 05:32:06 PM

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Funny how that thing has hooves yet lives underwater :huh-new:

I'm wondering if the devs have added more animal parameters with their patches. Going by your pics D_B, there appears to be a more diverse range of creature attributes than I remember from when I played originally. Like that critter with the preying mantis front-end, I've never seen anything like that. Never seen an animal egg, either.

I like your screenies, they're always cool shots :thumbsup:

Art Blade


Thanks guys. The animals are a bit more varied now, and I think the creature gets built first, from the random parts that get selected, then it get attributes as to what it can do and where it lives, so you get cows with tiny butterfly wings that can fly, or live underwater but are totally unsuited for underwater life, or giant worms that can fly.

I'm taking a break from NMS for a while to play Astroneer which has had a few updates recently, but is still in development stages so there's not a lot to do once you've gotten all the machines you can build, so once I've done that, I'll bead back to NMS for a bit. Or kill Nazis in Wolfenstein II....
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

no no no no no no no no no. You can't stop now.


Have fun mate ;)


LOL! I'll be back in a day or two, depends how I feel about things. Astroneer is pretty much done, I think I've seen all the new stuff that there is to see, so I'll probably get back to NMS soon.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

about bloody time, too.



haha, yeah I'm back. Astroneer is an interesting game, but at this point, once you've built all the machines, there's nothing much more to do. You can explore, and there are plenty of planets to look at, and caves to fool around in, but beyond finding some crashed space ships, there's not anything else to do. So, I've done that, and went back to NMS for a little while and explored a new planet.

Met up with this guy, a giant teddy bear

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Taller than my ship, so he's big.

And a little while later, came across even more nightmare fuel, only this one flies.

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Luckily, also friendly. I still have a few more planets in this system to look at, then on to the next Atlas station to try and finally get the next Atlas pass.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

your posts certainly made it clear that the game changed in a way that I want to give it another try. Only I'm still busy with FO4 so it will have to wait a little longer. :)


Well, now that you have to wait for F4SE to update, you've got a bit of free time, no?

Anyway, my planet exploration continues. Landed on this one and as soon as I exited my ship I saw the hud icon for a hostile animal nearby and was attacked. I shot that one and went about scanning everything around me. Then I noticed this guy

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Just on top of a hill nearby. I scanned him and saw that he was also hostile. Thing is, usually the hostile creatures will not attack unless they happen to wander near you or you walk near them. Not these blokes. At least that's how it seemed, as he crested the hill, he seemed to look directly at me and make a beeline towards me in full on attack mode. I jetpacked up onto a nearby mesa-type structure, as he was tall enough to reach me if I was on top of my ship, my usual hiding place. I was a good 50m above him as he circled around below me trying to find a way to get up to where I was. Well, he must have learned how to teleport as he walked around the side of the thing I was on, he was suddenly behind me and attacking. So I shot him too and went on my way.

Not sure if I was just unlucky or the AI for these creatures has improved, but it sure seemed like he was intentionally stalking me.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

eeek ???

and yes, you're right, I'll fire it up. Last time I fired it up (just to see whether or not it worked) was June 17 this year. Last time I actually played it was November 28, last year. :anigrin:

Art Blade

OK. I..
..tried again :)
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After something that felt like five minutes of loading screen with a stop-and-go animation of a star flight simulator or should I say, star jam simulator with pop-ups of some random Eastern European star names, I arrived at a station. Turns out that my old ship is worth 59M ??? :) BUT. But the game must have changed something. I am pretty damn sure that I wouldn't have used a 45 slot ship when I already had 48 slot ships and the equipment didn't look as if I had maxed it out. It was my ship alright but what is in it now doesn't seem right. No cargo, either. It is a C class fighter. I also have a C class tool with 24 slots and a suit with 48 slots plus the default new slots. I still got around 6M credits. And I started in a space station, that's very likely where I left it. I was able to use my old save game on "normal" mode with around 130 hours of gaming time. My achievements were still all there in my stats and of course, the new stuff was basically set to zero. So far it all makes sense except for the ship. No idea why, I don't remember what I did, whether I actually left that ship the way I found it today or not.

I checked out the station. Four aliens in the "office" and some weird conversation options. My language skills were still working but they still didn't make much sense.

Then I decided to nip into space for a few seconds and saw a few of the old freighters pop up, got some on-screen messages that essentially asked me whether I wanted to free roam or to follow some other stuff, I decided free roaming was better and immediately returned to the station for fear of getting killed right in front of it :anigrin:

Then I wanted to find out about mods, god mode or save game editors and went to the nexus. Only *bleep* there, about 10 mods were updated this year. Forget it. Then I met D_B on steam who gave me the proper link for NMS mods

And there I found recent mods, yay. Only problem, I couldn't download a save game editor without registering first. So I tried.. and of course, my email was already in use. I was registered lol. Forgot password, yes, send a reset mail to me, yes, check my email, nothing. Several times, nothing. Alright, register a new account, yes, verify the link they sent to me to my other email account, nothing. Spam folders and rules modified so it won't be instantly repelled, requested anew.. nothing. Remember, I came here because I currently can't use mods for FO4 and now I can't use mods for NMS, either. I can't even download them because they don't manage to get my password reset done and they don't manage to get a new registration done, in a timely fashion that is, so I spent the whole evening NOT PLAYING, FOR *bleep*'S SAKE :angry-new:

At least I can show you an "old" screenshot from my last visit, almost the same type of aqua cows in my game as in D_B's game.
cow fish
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Maybe ask the admins of the site if they terminated your account without warning? Some sites does that if the account is inactive for a certain periods of time.
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


I hate online registration and all that stuff, precisely because of the kind of hassles you encountered, Art.

Dang, we really need a "thumbs-down" emoji. Pretend there's one here: " "

Art Blade

hehe :)

G, I see what you mean but I also tried to register a new account with different name and email, same prob. So it can't be it. Also, if the old one was deleted, they wouldn't know that my primary email addy was still in use.


That's weird and annoying... :angry-new:
"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

🡱 🡳

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