No Man's Sky

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 11, 2017, 05:32:06 PM

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Yeah I added a tech slot to my ship but still no option to create a scanner of any type. I wonder if you only get that after a certain point in a quest line or my save is bugged?

Ah, looking on the wiki, you have to buy it from a Gek trader at a station for nanites. I don't think I've been to a Gek system since that stuff was implemented. Time to use some of those nanites for something aside from trading for real money from a traveler.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I had this Gek-tool that gave me access, it's called "savegame-editor" :anigrin:


LOL, yeah I might do that, the last two Gek systems I went to, they weren't selling anything like that.

Oh yeah, total space monies now over 220 million, getting there.....
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Well, I went and did it, bought a freighter:

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Not crazy about the color, and it's only a class "C" but even then it cost 220 million. Has no tech slots, and no hyperdrive that I can tell, which the others I looked at had, but the ahem, save game editor will take care of that. I had over 52 million left over after I bought it too, so if I add a zero or two to that in the editor, that will take care of any expenses for a while, like buying ships.

I was out doing quests for the Artemis line when I warped to a system to find a battle going on, and killed the pirates then bought the ship as it was the kind I wanted. This is a shot of my active quests:

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Whenever I have to do one for the main quest, I see what others are available, and if any of them are similar, I take those on as well. For instance, I have three running that require killing creatures of various types, and two for scanning stuff. One visit to a new planet with some creatures on it, and scanning the new stuff that I would be anyway, and I got over 2 million in payouts for those five quests, and advanced the main story as well.

I'm now on the merchant's quests which are Gek, so maybe I'll be able to buy the scanners I need to install in my ships, and buy stuff to put in my shiny new freighter.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

The freighter is nice, I too like that type. Have you already summoned it while on a planet? You can see it from down there, looks great.

Size is relative, especially from a galactic point of view. That freighter might look like a urinal cake in size and ahem, colour, to someone who's really big. I hope you have windscreen wipers on that thing.. :anigrin:


Haha, yeah I've summoned it while at my base as I wanted to get a screenshot of it hovering in orbit looking cool but the clouds are in the way and you really can't see it well. I still have to actually do anything in it, but I did look at the building menu and there's some stuff you can't build there looks like. A save point for instance, unless I missed it on the menu.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I did it the other way round, started building in a freighter, so I was surprised how much more there was to build when on a planet / moon.


Well done, D_B :thumbsup: Cool Freighter, but it's a shame you can't choose a colour for it, nor for ships in general (or can you? I haven't kept abreast of NMS developments). Maybe a future update will allow.

Art Blade

no, all of these ships are generated procedurally, albeit they follow some kind of pattern. Colour is one of the things I wish we could choose, but you can't choose anything. Just only get lucky.


It's actually changed color since I bought it. I think it was red when I first encountered it, now it's blue. Getting it to change color the way you want is one of those holy grails that people really want. I still haven't done anything with it yet, been playing other games the last week or so.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

same happened to my ship that I think was the same type as yours. It was kind of crazy pink and turned into kind of baby blue. :banghead: Which is why I decided to trade that freighter for a different one which is yellow and stayed yellow.


It's been a good while since I played this. Apart from my initial short-lived bout of enthusiasm when the game was released, I've tentatively only taken NMS out to play once. But since I have a somewhat more advanced PC to run it on now, I thought I'd give it another go. After all, one of the biggest enthusiasm killers for me had always been the atrocious frame-rate I had to put up with. So I downloaded and installed the game from Steam yesterday and gave it another go.

Well, it appears that my old frame-rate issues were definitely due to my old graphics card because the game runs like magic on this new rig. All options are maxed out, and the whole thing runs as smooth as glass. For me, it's almost like a new game.

When the game started up, it turned out that I still had a save on Steam's cloud, but I couldn't remember much of that one except for the fact that I got started on a pretty crappy planet, so I'm starting from absolute scratch this time. I got a decent start planet, quite verdant with some animals on it, but no predators. Atmosphere is a bit toxic, but only mildly. I lucked out early in the piece once I finally got to the local Space Station when a successful chat with a Vy'Keen warrior resulted in me acquiring a gift from him - a free 23-slot "rifle" style Multitool to replace the crummy 5-slot pistol type I started with. Some of the slots are damaged, but I'll fix them as I need them.

I've been playing for the last couple of days and I can't believe how much the game has changed since release. Looks like the devs have finally grafted some meat onto the mere skeleton of a game that this thing was when originally released. The flying mechanics have been greatly honed, so that it's a lot more controllable and fun now to fly around (I'd still love some joystick support though). So much has changed in the game actually that there is quite a lot to learn and take on board.

For now, I'm staying in my home system and grinding my way towards buying a bigger ship while I absorb some of the changes. It really is quite a different game now, and from what I've seen thus far, greatly improved. One thing I notice is that it's a lot harder to come by upgrade blueprints now. Those wall-mounted doodads inside shelters that used to dispense blueprints now give out the Nanite Clusters to buy them with instead, and the blueprint vendor on the station doesn't have much of a selection. The only ones I've gotten from him so far are for the Multitool - a Sigma Beam Intensifier and the Terrain Manipulator. Looks like the upgrading of equipment and such will be a more stately process than it once was.

Anyway, I must say that it's somewhat more enjoyable to play NMS when it runs like a game and not like an interactive slideshow :gnehe:


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

thanks, G, for the info :thumbsup:

It is kind of funny how the news about NMS's NEXT correlates with fragger's "next" step in playing this title :anigrin:

However, after all they did, or better: didn't do, that news is worth nothing to me until it's released and evaluated by the paying testers players.

🡱 🡳

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