No Man's Sky

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 11, 2017, 05:32:06 PM

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NEXT update patch notes, I'm a bit excited about quite a few of these. If half of that is what they say it is, it will be quite a lot of fun I think.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

that is an enormous change-log. Interesting :)

Art Blade

that 6.5 GB download is enormous, too.


I played a little of it. My old save loaded but looked weird, like the colors were all washed out or something. I fiddled with the graphics settings and such but didn't make any difference. I was only on a station so maybe it would be different if I went to a planet or something. I'll fiddle with it more later.

I started a new game and you spawn on a random planet and have to repair your stuff, same as before, but you have to find your ship first. Mine was a little ways away, so I started hiking. Thing is, it was a toxic planet so I had to watch my toxic meter. Found the ship and repaired it:

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and got the heck out of there. Into space and to the station, planets have rings now!

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Everything looked OK on this station, so I don't know, maybe old saves have issues. I'm also having control issues in menus. Of course, the hold to activate is back, so until that mod is updated, I'll have to deal with that. I also can't back out of some menus unless I use the B button on the controller, right click, tab, or esc all don't do anything.

There's a lot of new stuff, so I have to still look into it, and the tutorial at the beginning of a new game is helpful as there's now more steps in making stuff, you have to build a refinery machine to create the material to make certain things, stuff like that.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

this turns more and more into Space Engineers


I haven't played Space Engineers in a long time, so I can't compare. But anyway, I spent some time in my old save game, and found that the weird color scheme is due to the sun in the system I'm in, I think. Even inside a space station that should have it's own lighting, the system-wide color cast takes over. At least I think that's how it works, I have to travel to another system to see if that holds.

But I went to a couple of the planets in this system to see how they look. Went to the ringed planet first (this is a different ringed planet than the one in the previous screenshot) and it was a "Glassy" planet meaning it's messed up. One of those weird places with strange objects all over:

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That's my ship now, the old one is gone, the one with the wings with the propellers in them. The entire universe was reset, meaning nothing is the same. Here's my multi-tool, though I think the exterior is the same, all of the tech I had installed is now "obsolete":

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You can dismantle all those to get some tech scraps which you can sell or I guess build new stuff with. I think there are replacement upgrades you can do now, I haven't really looked at what all is available. But pretty much everything in my suit and ship are obsolete. Which is kinda nice as now I have a lot more storage space in both.

So I went to the next planet in the system and it was pretty nasty. Toxic heat storms all the time and it's one of those "I wonder what this place looks like in the daytime?" planets. In other words, it never gets really daytime:

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That's the washed-out colors I was talking about, they are pretty much like that everywhere in the system. You can also see the large tree-like things that aren't rocks or trees, but part of the planet itself, I don't think you can mine them, I didn't try the terrain tool on them. But there's a danger there, since now you can fly low without a mod, you can crash into these, and if you hit them just right, you get stuck on them and can't get past them, can't back up and essentially have to load the previous save. Yes, it happened to me. They should really allow you to put your ship in reverse while on planets, you can in space, so not sure why you can't.

Anyway, there are the usual assortment of guys hanging out in the trading post, I talked to a few and got a mission from one of them. It was the type where you have to find an outpost, and raid it for technology. I thought it would be easy, like before. Nope, not even close. I get there and it's not the usual "blow the door open, take the stuff, shoot some sentinels, then leave" scenario. No. I get out of my ship and have an instant two star crime rating or whatever it's called. I think I never went above one star in the old game. Maybe two, anyway, one of the dog type sentinels comes around the building and starts stalking me while an airborne one starts shooting at me. I didn't even get to blow the door open, or look at the place, I had to get in the ship and leave. I now had a three star rating and hit the jump jets to get into space. As soon as I broke atmosphere, I get marked by a sentinel ship who starts chasing me. I shoot it down and two more target me but my crime rating has dropped back to one star. I lose them in the atmosphere heading back to the guy who gave me the mission, thinking I'm going to get nothing as the mission failed with the tech data being erased because I tried to access the facility. Anyway, I get there (after figuring out you can't back up after hitting one of those trees, reloading and doing the escape all over again) and just tell the guy I succeeded and I get something like 300 nanites for it. So quests are still a little buggy.

But speaking of sentinels, even on low activity planets, sentinels will seek you out if you mine stuff while they are nearby, and fighting them is no longer the piece of boring cake it used to be. You aren't guaranteed a win and it seems the more you fight them, the more angry they get and it escalates quickly and if you don't get out of there you soon have walkers on you. In the old game, you had to try really hard to even get the dog style sentinels to attack you and they were even pretty easy to get rid of. Could also be that my mining tool isn't as powerful as it used to be, the bolt javelin and grenades are much weaker now.

Then I went to one of the abandoned buildings where everything is wrecked and you usually get some fuel out of it and some info from the terminal. Well, all that is pretty much the same, but outside were these egg nests that I forget the name of, but I picked one up, and well, I shouldn't have. Out of the ground pop a bunch of nasty critters that kind of reminded me of the zenomorph in the Alien movies. A whole bunch of them, too. I ran to the ship and boosted out of there until they went away and I went back to loot the building, leaving the nests alone this time. Well, that was new and frightening.

So, it's still a w0#k in progress, and things need to be fixed, but it's definitely not easy any more.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

nice story :thumbsup:

a new 2.8 GB patch downloaded today.


D_B, I notice your Multitool has 32 slots. Is that a new thing too? Last time I played, Multitools were still limited to 24 slots.

Looks like there are many new additions to the game, but I dunno if I like the sound of all of them. Maybe - maybe - I'll give it another go sometime, but it seems that if I do I might be better off starting from scratch. Again...


I think I may have used the save game editor to *ahem* increase the slots on the multi-tool, but I'm not admitting anything. Now that the number of upgrades are less, at least it seems so, but are more powerful, at least I hope so, you don't need as many slots as you used to. I didn't have a lot of time last night, but I saw things like ammo and guns and I think a rocket launcher? But that might have been for the ship, something about rockets anyway.

I would say to try the game again, there's a lot of new stuff, but at it's core it's still the same game. I've been watching some live streams and a lot of people call it grindy, and it is, to some extent. And I'm not sure what the entire "story" is now, as I skipped over some parts in between updates last year. I should really just play from the beginning and see how it goes.

As for the color issue I was having, it is intentional, I guess. I landed in the station last night and the colors were normal for a few seconds until the ship stopped moving, then they got all desaturated like I'd seen before. It's the overall light in the entire system, so everything is muted. I need to explore one more planet in this system then leave. I'd like to find a place to build a decent base, as I can claim all my old stuff from the previous base and put it anywhere, so finding that location will be what I'm doing for a while. Then I need to look into the fleet management, there's a lot of stuff there that I haven't even looked at. My freighter is available, I just need to call it to get on board. I essentially bought it and stopped playing so I barely even saw much of it.

It would be fun to hook up with you guys in a game, I'm not sure how that works, if you join someone's game, do you spawn near them or just randomly in the galaxy and have to find each other? I think you can limit online games to friends or invites only, I haven't really looked into how it works yet.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

D_B, does the *ahum* save game editor, still w0#k? In case there was an update to it or a new one, I'd *ahem* like to take a look at how it works. Purely for scientific reasons, of course. Unfortunately I cannot access the stupid mod site (can't retrieve my password for the life of me and can't create a new account, either) but maybe there's a way of erm, pointing, me to it. Oh and, I never said that.

Also, as to the colours you mentioned, I remember there used to be an option to change visual filters like sepia and all that. Maybe it's an idea to check if there's something weird in your settings and perhaps change that.


Yeah once I get to another system and see what it looks like there, I'll see if there's any other options. I don't think I have a filter on.

I haven't tried the editor on this version yet, but I kinda think the format has changed enough that the old one won't w0#k. I'll send you a link once I find one that works.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


I haven't tried it yet, but supposedly supports the new version
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

thanks, d_b, got it. O0 and +1 :thumbsup: :anigrin:

Art Blade

downloaded another 29.2MB patch from steam

🡱 🡳

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