No Man's Sky

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 11, 2017, 05:32:06 PM

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Some more exploration in a new system. This one was actually discovered by someone else, but they apparently never landed on the single planet, so I've been discovering everything there.

Including this guy who I think falls under the category of "absolute unit".

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Then I met his cousin, who is a bit more .... horny.

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Sorry. lol

Then I hung around a trading post for a while until this exotic S class ship showed up, my first, so I bought it.

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I need to transfer most of what's in my base to the freighter to prepare for the next part of the Atlas mission which will send me to a new galaxy thus leaving the old one, including my base, behind. Too bad though, I like the planet it's on.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I came across that type of exotic ship before and owned one for a short amount of time. They're looking funny but I didn't find them useful. Generally speaking, anything with extremely protruding wings and whatnot is a horror to fly through any asteroid belt because you steer between those rocks and every once and again, you bump into an asteroid with those wings. Not cool if you're speeding..

lol @ sorry for using "horny"—I found it very descriptive, anyway :anigrin:


Yeah the exotic ships are like the super cars in GTAV, you take them out for a spin now and then, but mostly they sit in the hangar looking cool, and you use the workaday ships that have more cargo or better weapons more often.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


A bit of live stream, going through a black hole, which I thought might be more exciting, but isn't really that much different than normal warp speed travel, you just go much farther. 200,000 light years more, at least. Then, we fight some attacking ships and look at a new freighter, and it was tempting, as it's a higher class than mine, but I already have a bunch of stuff built in mine and I don't think it transfers. So, I take a look at a couple of the ships in my fleet, and recruit a new one, and look over my freighter.

While exploring the ocean I've come across these things, and I first thought they were some sunken technology or a cool steampunk diving bell, but no, they are plants. Go figure that one.

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"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

that vid was interesting because I haven't played this game for some time now. It reminded me of Wing Commander III now and the graphics of NMS look dated compared to recent titles. Already it looks dated and it still looks as if it wasn't finished. Notably on those stations, the aliens must have been glued to the ground and look like randomly placed, like on an abandoned chess board. It doesn't appear lively at all. Landing on big ships still looks confusing and pirates all over the place are silly. I think the game was cooler when it was just released, now it appears to deteriorate with each update.


I can agree on the aliens and how they just stand/sit there like dunces, and when you talk to them, the dialog text completely doesn't match what the actual figure is doing. But it's been like that since release, I guess they just never had a chance to animate all of them and let them walk around. Maybe eventually. There's also the graphics issue of the atmosphere of planets showing through when you're inside ships or stations. This appeared in one of the last couple updates, I presume they are working on fixing it. I hope anyway.

Pirate attacks on freighters when you warp into a system are the same as they've always been and are now actually part of the "story", as that's how you get your first freighter when starting a new game. You fight off the pirates and get the freighter for free, to get you going on that story line.

Landing on ships or stations has always been weird too, as I guess they don't expect everyone to be a perfect pilot (I know I'm not) and approach the landing zone in exactly the right direction and speed to land correctly, so they made it suck you in when you get kind of close enough.

And now for a sort of funny picture, I call this "Is that a copper deposit in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?"

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"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

copper deposit, eh? :anigrin:

regarding landing: I can't tell how often I saw that icon on this side of the ship while the actual landing area was on the other side of the ship, or station for that matter, and I kept flying around to get to that blasted area. Particularly nasty when you're in a hurry.

And oh, you get a free freighter now? That's generous. Nice, too.

When I watched you fight off pirates around a freighter, you were at least damn close to it and I think you may have hit the freighter at least once. In the early days, one stray bullet to the freighter and you were toast. I'm glad they are not that strict anymore. If I got that right, that is.

The graphics were indeed always like that but the hype was bigger than the realisation ;) Now I notice it, especially since I'm playing newer titles. Man, that's a big difference. However, the graphics are still OK.


If you mean the warning triangle icon on the ship's HUD, that's just to tell you you're close to something big, like a station, freighter, or planet. Landing at landing pads or designated areas on planets is now much easier as the landing zone is marked in blue when you're in range of it and turns green when it's selected as the landing spot. That is a big improvement at least.

I think you can still get the other ships angry at you, but I think it takes a bit more than one stray shot to do so, it was way to easy to get them all mad, so much so that I stopped bothering to help in freighter attacks, it wasn't worth it. The pirates also don't fly so crazy anymore, they are actually going a speed a human can keep up with, where they used to fly 100X faster than you and could out maneuver you at every turn. That's why my old ship was just a brick with a ton of shielding that could take a pounding as they flew by and I'd shoot them once I got aimed at them. There was no chance of doing a dogfight of any kind. At least now you can chase them down and sort of keep up as long as you have a semi-decent fighter.

I don't think they will ever live down the hype of the release, it was just to much. But it has come a long way, but there's still issues, for sure.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

thanks for the info. Turning from blue to green sure is cool. Before, I had several accidents damaging my ship badly and I really was fed up with that. Also cool that they slowed down the pirates.. and yes, I had given up on helping freighters because trying to help them usually made me their enemy #1 :anigrin: I'm happy to learn that they fixed that as well.


One other thing that makes it a bit more enjoyable are a couple of essential mods that I must have in order to play the game. Well, maybe not must have, but it sure makes some of the stupid decisions they made go away. One is the instant actions mod, which removes the delay in selecting things in menus and when interacting with stuff in the world. The delay is just a stupid concession to console controllers that is a huge annoyance on PC with a mouse. Each time the game updates, of course, I have to wait for the mod to update, but it's usually pretty fast and there are a couple versions on nexus so at least one of them will update in a reasonable time.

The other is the hover in flight mod. One of the biggest complaints yous see from anyone playing the game is that there's no way to stop your ship while in flight, at least while near a planet. In space you can decelerate to zero or even go backwards, but not while near the planet's surface. I understand why they did this, at least I think, was that you can hover over a locked door or sentinel walker and just fire away at them with the ship's weapons and defeat them with little effort. You can do this in the normal game as well, you just have to make several "bombing run" passes at your target to do it. Hovering makes it simple. So, their fix for it was to not allow you to hover, instead of something else like, maybe making ship's weapons ineffective against ground targets, or not w0#k at all in atmosphere? Anyway, another mod that is updated pretty fast is the hover mod, and there are a couple with different options.

That and manually editing the controls config file to get the customization I need has made the game much less annoying to play.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

I'm glad that you found a way to change the game to your liking :)

From my point of view, I miss my very first playthrough before the updates broke everything. Remember how we used to buy and sell that one item to get rich? It was good that there was a way we knew worked. However, apart from modding the multi-tool and ships and all that, I never found my way back into the game after all those patches. I tried, but nope, it's not sucking me in.


Yeah that's how it is with a lot of people, the new updates are either a fresh start or just a stale coat of paint on an old house that will never be fixed right. Just the way it is.

There are other items in game now that you can buy and sell, and it even tells you what the current price is against the market value, and I think if you kept track and monitored which ones are up in some systems and down in others so you can buy low and sell high, you could probably make some money at it. But at this point I have millions from growing stuff and making items from the result that are worth a good chunk of change. Then there's the fleet missions where you just send off some of your ships and they go find stuff for you that's worth money or they just make money outright. A decent fleet mission can get me 1-2 million in cash and in some cases some valuable materials that I can sell outright for another couple million or just combine with some other materials that are fairly easy to get and make even more. I think my record for a fleet mission was something like 10-12 million in total from money and goods sold.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

alright. There is a chance that I return and then it will be your turn to teach me all those things :gnehe:


I'd be glad to if you get the urge, you can join my game any time and we'll shoot pirates or something. Ganging up on sentinels would be fun too. I need the servos from the walkers to make upgrades for my fleet missions, so I'm always starting a fight with them when they even remotely annoy me.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

sounds good :) However, it's likely going to take some time because of HM2.

🡱 🡳

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