No Man's Sky

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 11, 2017, 05:32:06 PM

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NMS has certainly come a long way since the early days! I have to commend Hello for sticking with it through all the flak they originally copped. They could have just given up and walked away after they got lambasted by all and sundry, but I admire them for getting their heads down and persevering, even if I personally have no desire to get back into the game. At least, I don't think I do... :gnehe:

The Mech Suit looks pretty cool, btw.


The mech suit looks cool, and that's about it. Not much use really, and moves slow and is awkward to change direction in. It doesn't take much to build and upgrade fully, at least at the point of the game I'm at, with tons of extra materials I don't know what to do with otherwise. So I have one, and it'll sit there with the rest I don't use lol.

The really useful thing they added was a special room to add to your freighter that allows you to summon any of the exo craft you own at any time on any planet in the same system as your freighter. So no need to build a platform and then summon it, you can just call for it at any time which is really handy.

The base game hasn't really changed much since release, you still go from planet to planet finding stuff, there's just more to do in between. There's been a bit of discussion from players for an exploration overhaul even if it means a universe reset. I'd be for that.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

and players should be able to tell the game what to do with those flipping pirates. Like, none or a few or hordes.. they're one of the most annoying bits of the game in my book.


I very rarely get pirate attacks, it happens now and then, but nothing to even be annoyed at. Usually when it happens I'm in a system with my freighter and one or more of my combat frigates takes care of them. A few seconds later and I can continue on my way. Sometimes though I feel a bit restless and blow them out of the sky, my ship has shields and weapons that far outstrip what they have and they are really no match for me. I even preferably take pirate missions at the nexus just to go shoot some fools.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

alright, the other horrible thing I remember were those drones and sentinels or whatever they were called. The flying football-shaped things that kept calling all their friends up to the Star Wars type of Walker things and on some planets they'd shoot you and pursue you with armies of them if you so much as sniffed on a flower.


Yeah the sentinels are still annoying, especially on heavily patrolled planets. For the most part, I can ignore them too, having a lot of shield upgrades and weapons if I choose to fight them. Collecting materials isn't what it used to be, well not once you leave the early game. They still get mad at you and will investigate and if you keep mining they will attack, it also depends on the security level of the planet you're on. My home base planet has very few sentinels and you really have to be aggressive to make them mad, like actually attacking them, they've never bothered me for mining or collecting materials. On a higher security planet they will be more attentive and more prone to attack, but you'll know that from the scanner data on the planet. So they can be avoided, and once you get out of the early game, get some money, you don't have to mine for most materials at all, you just buy them at trade outlets.

Now there are the factories and material depots that they will guard pretty closely, but you know where they are and can avoid conflict by not attacking those places, and again, once you're at my level of the game, the stuff those places provide isn't worth bothering with. But again, even if I do attack a depot usually because of a nexus mission, they really can't do much to me, and I make short w0#k of them until I get bored and leave.

The only thing that still kind of annoys me about them is space battles, like when I'm fighting pirates, they usually join in and for the most part aren't too troublesome but sometimes they get in the way and I accidentally shoot one of their ships. That of course gets them mad and at that point all you can do is run for a planet or a space station and hide until they forget about you.

It updated last night for some minor things, and it seems it also fixed the issues I and a lot of other people have been having connecting to the online services to turn in discoveries and getting nexus missions. So at least that bit is working again.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

all the things one can say are bad about the game, there's that one thing that's not that bad: they try and keep fixing/patching stuff.


They do seem committed to getting out the updates, and bug fixes, so that is something. Eventually my interest  will subside, I'm sure.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

good point.. mine already has. So, as good as it may seem that they're fixing and adding and being committed, the whole process has been taking too long. The original mistake of releasing just a bare bone game can't be fixed by fleshing it out over the years.


Yeah plus the actual game part is still pretty thin, they've added bits to the skeleton here and there, but you can still see the bones in a lot of places.

Online system is down again today, so that still didn't get fixed, not sure if it's just overloaded servers, or what.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


Last time I fired it up I got hassled by pirates almost as soon as I left my starting system, and that wasn't real long ago - well, about a year or so, maybe. They did that thing where they pull you out of Pulse Drive when you're between planets and I couldn't re-engage the drive until I'd dealt with them. And at that point I had almost no weapon/shield upgrades to my ship, so I quickly got blown up and what stuff I had collected ended up drifting in one of those canister things in interplanetary space, requiring me to fly back to retrieve it after I'd respawned at the station. I went and got my stuff back and proceeded to the planet I'd been trying to get too, but later on my way back to the station the pirates pulled me out of Pulse Drive again and I got blown up and lost my stuff again :banghead: That was when I gave up.

Maybe I just got unlucky and started in a bad galactic neighbourhood :gnehe:

Art Blade


Could be, Fragger, just bad luck. But then it's been so long for me at a starting point in the game that I don't recall there being a lot of pirates so soon. Usually you have to be carrying something valuable and a lot of it for them to attack. A starting player isn't going to have that really, unless it's a scripted part of the game, after a certain number of jumps, you get attacked by pirates. That would be a dumb design decision, that's for sure. Either way it is frustrating to say the least. I'm also pretty sure there's a mod to get rid of pirate attacks completely.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Haven't posted a weird creature pic in a while, because I haven't seen any really different ones in some time. These guys though are a new variation, devil horns and all!

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Even the baby is bigger than me!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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