No Man's Sky

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 11, 2017, 05:32:06 PM

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Expedition finished last night but with a catch. There are two choices at the end, and you get a different reward for each and you can only choose one. So of course, if you want the other one you have to run the expedition again and choose the other. So that's what I started, got the first phaze done pretty easy and should be able to finish this weekend probably. Early next week tops. BUT! Of course there's a w0#k around and if I'd known about it, I could have both items and be done with it. Apparently loading your save game from just before the choice is made will let you choose the other one and you get both. I didn't know about that, so off I go to run it again. Ah well, it was still fun I'll just do it faster with a couple shortcuts this time.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Quote from: Dweller_Benthos on June 15, 2023, 07:52:33 AM
... Early next week tops. BUT! Of course there's a w0#k around and if I'd known about it, I could have both items and be done with it. Apparently loading your save game from just before the choice is made will let you choose the other one and you get both. I didn't know about that, so off I go to run it again. Ah well, it was still fun I'll just do it faster with a couple shortcuts this time.

Funny how these w0#k arounds are discovered. Reminds me of the gold bar (I think it was bars) w0#k around in RDR2 (not sure if this is the exact method) where you could get the bars, then transport to another area and come back to do it again as many times as you wanted.


Yeah I really should have looked because I suspected there might be something like that but just went ahead and did it because I wanted to get it done. Completed phaze two last night and could probably have gotten a good amount of phaze three done but gave it a rest for the night, will definitely finish over the weekend easily, then next Tuesday the new scoreboard starts up in Fallout 76 so that will take up some of my attention.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I've never played FO 76 (only FO3, FO4, and maybe some kind of offshoot). These days I'm working on getting PC versions of the games I like onto external SSDs so I can use them on laptops. It allows me to play games in my comfy recliner in the living room while my wife watches her shows.  :gnehe:

It still astounds me that a standard Surface 4 Laptop will play all of my old games so far which is why I went to the potential laptop solution in the first place. However, I might get a gaming laptop one of these days, so having the games on SSD makes it an easier switch.


Not a bad way to go. I sometimes wish I could get into the comfy recliner and play games but holding a mouse and keyboard on my lap doesn't w0#k so well, lol! I do use a controller for the games that have driving cars in them but can't stand using one for first person stuff, so the desktop is where I'll be.

As for Fallout 76, it's essentially Fallout 4 only you see other players now and then. It's 99% playable solo (well maybe 98%) as there are a few quests that can not be completed on your own, and a couple that are easier with other people but can be done solo with effort. One person just doesn't have the fire power in a reasonable amount of time to take down the biggest bosses. Plus it's really fun to hop onto a server event and see what everyone is using for weapons and wearing for costumes and armor. You'll see low level players who are dressed in the clothes you get at the beginning of the game taking pot shots at the boss with pipe guns and level 1000+ people in super tricked out power armor with high level gating laser guns and perfect perk loadouts doing the lion's share of the damage, and it's all just fun. You'll see high level players after an event drop most of the loot they get from the event just because they don't need it and it's there for the picking so you can grab it and use it or sell it. I do that with a lot of stuff, just drop it as it doesn't match my perks or can't be bothered to go sell it myself. A few rare times you'll come across a player that just wants to be a jerk but that's not often especially on PC, on the consoles it happens more often if the posts on reddit are anything to go by. Just be sure to turn on pacifist mode which makes you invulnerable to most damage from other players and go about your business.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


I need to get back into the Fallout games. I recall enjoying FO3 quite a bit, but do not recall much about FO4. I do remember heavily modding one of the two for loads of cool things that helped me get past the somewhat cartoonish graphics.

Below is a pic of me this morning gaming in bed. The laptop is certainly not even remotely approaching the quality I would get on my desktop, but it sure does give me loads of flexibility, and I can even game while waiting in the doctor's office, or while waiting for my wife's appointment to end (I wait alot)  :gnehe:.  The flexibility is the main reason I'm now using that portability.

All my games are on the 2tb SSD plugged into the type C port on the left.

That laptop platform works great being in bed, a recliner, or anywhere.

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That's pretty nice. And I could probably tolerate something like that since it uses a mouse and not a controller. Unlike the Steam deck and other PC portables nowadays that are essentially a small PC welded to a controller. They are cool and all and very portable but just not how I am comfortable playing a game. 99% of the games I play wouldn't w0#k for me on those things.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Same. I've tried using various controllers on my gaming PC since way back in the FC2 days, and it is not the same. I like my PlayStation controller just fine on that platform, but nothing beats the mouse on the PC, including this laptop.

One nice thing about the external drive - I can tell at a glance when I am using a drive with installed games because the desktop icons to start the game are blanked out when the drive is not plugged in. I need to get a second SSD (running out of space on the current unit) so I can install GTA5 and see how that works for me.


.... or just get a bigger drive? LOL I haven't touched GTA5 in over a year or more. There wasn't much in the single player game for me to do anymore and after a few visits the online game got tiring with all the hackers so it's on the shelf so to speak.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


The price of the new 2 TB SSD was the same price as the 1 TB drive so I couldn't pass up the good deal  :gnehe:

I'm not sure I'm going to play that much of GTA, but because I already have it I put it on the SSD.

On an aside, when I used Steam to add the game  Something interesting happened. I had left my gaming PC on while I was doing file copies etc. When I looked at my game adds in Steam, it allowed me to stream the game when it was not installed on the SSD. I assume that if you leave the original install PC on, you can simply stream to another PC on your network. I'll try it and see what happens.


Yeah I haven't looked into streaming from one PC to another, or I think you can stream to TV if it's capable or to a phone as well? You'd have to figure out controls somehow too I would think, so not sure how that would w0#k. It's not something that I would find much use for so I never looked into further.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Yeah, I would think if your computer can connect to your TV, you'd be able to stream. However, I like playing on my laptop just fine, and am even thinking about getting a gaming laptop because I now game almost daily.  I mostly do not play on the console any more because my sweetie and I are usually in the same room watching TV, and I can game at the same time..


Watching TV and gaming at the same time? Mr Multitasker here, lol!
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


lol, no! I'm not really "watching" but it keeps my wife happy  :gnehe:


Happy wife, happy life!  O0
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

🡱 🡳

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