Short Video Clips (from Youtube, etc)

Started by fragger, March 13, 2017, 07:25:43 AM

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Art Blade

OK, after getting a good giggle out of that stuff, I went on and ended up (again, I admit) watching the following. It's not about the candidates, it's about the judges, once they crack up, I find it's very contagious :bigsmile: I must have watched the entire vid at least half a dozen times :laughsm:


Once was enough for me :bigsmile:

I know the focus is on the judges cracking up, but those contestants - seriously? :huh-new: :D I never watch those talent things, and now I'm glad I don't.

Those two berks who were up second... I just wanted to knock their heads together. Especially that entitled little tosspot on the right :angry-new:

I don't know whether to feel sorry for these hacks or get angry at them. They look so crestfallen when their pathetic delusions of grandeur are shattered, but they deserve whatever scorn they get for wasting people's time. Someone really needs to tell them they stink before they get anywhere near an audition.

Art Blade

Simon: "Ant and Seb, I mean.. it was just crazy bad." :anigrin:

I suppose it is one of those times you best completely and utterly ignore any political correctness and for that, good manners altogether, and simply give in to laughing at those people. :gnehe:

Before those two: when "Madonna," who used to be an apprentice race jockey, caused Louis to utter, "I just can't see her riding a horse," it cracked me up hahaha, he was probably envisioning the horse collapsing :laughsm: And the sound her leather jacket made when she "looked up the words" while otherwise there was total silence, LOL :D And then Louis and Sharon had to leave the table, Sharon running into the door and bouncing her head off it laughing so hard, OMG :laughsm:

The best line I think was from Sharon, when she said "YES" to Andrew Muirhead while slowly sinking under the table laughing like crazy and going, "I love this job so much, I really do!"  :laughsm: :laughsm: :laughsm:

And damn it, you JUST made me watch the vid ONCE MORE :laughsm: I mean, come on, it is one of the funniest vids I know :anigrin:


I totally despise those shows, so much so that I couldn't watch 30 seconds of that video even knowing it was supposed to be funny. I just can't.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


I can't stand those shows either, D_B. Apart from some of the dregs of humanity that they lure out of the woodwork, to me they seem to be more about giving the "judges" a chance to posture in front of a crowd and snap up some more fame for themselves than they are about finding talent. And even when someone wins, what do they get? Forgotten within a year, that's what. They think if they win it will be their big ticket to international superstardom, but the reality is that they are inconsequential and they don't realize it. They are not the stars of the show - the judges are. Does anyone remember who won, say, three years ago? So much for a long glittering career in showbiz.

Art Blade

Apart from the obvious failures, there may be a few with talent. They may have a voice, they may be singers, but that doesn't make them artists. So I agree, nothing serious has come of any of those "talents."

I don't watch those shows, either. Actually, I don't like/watch any type of TV show and furthermore, I don't watch TV at all, for more than two decades now :gnehe: Sometimes I just come across something on YouTube, especially if the video title promises an exceptionally interesting or brilliant episode of whatever show, I might watch them. That doesn't make me a fan of them. I do fondly remember a couple of show episodes like those with Penn and Teller about some magicians who fooled them, and there were one or two of those singing talent show episodes with people singing who were indeed absolutely amazing. But I've never ever heard of any of those magicians and singers again. I don't even remember their names, so I wouldn't even know IF they made a name for themselves :D

In the end, whichever one you watch, it's merely just a show and not a concert or some such. But that doesn't make some select vids less entertaining :anigrin:


And now for something completely different :anigrin:

We talked about Mad Max a little while ago. Here is a lesser-known installment in the series that was never released, possibly because it was deemed too confronting:


Now that's funny. The one guy who explodes after he puts the pipe in his tire ....

"We fought a war over gasoline using muscle cars, big rigs and whatever this is" LOL
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


This is one of the very few times when I'm proud to be a South African
The second clip got them into the final, the first clip is my favourite, we all hope they win.
Hope you guys enjoy it

Respect is earned, not given.


That's pretty good, I watched both, and considering how I usually feel about these types of shows (see comment above) that's saying something. A very talented group of young people there. Hopefully they do win and not some wanna be rip off rapper or whoever they are up against.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade


They're quite impressive, great sound and presentation. Hope they go well :thumbsup:


Thanks guys, sadly they or the group from India (which I and thousands of other viewers thought would win) didn't
even get third. A stand up comedian came third.
Respect is earned, not given.

🡱 🡳

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