Forza Horizon 3

Started by Art Blade, March 18, 2017, 01:42:55 PM

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Art Blade

Hehe  :anigrin: There are a lot of Japanese cars to choose from :) Albeit they come with the steering wheel on the right hand side.

Speaking of cars to choose from, here's a little rant:

Typically MS. It wouldn't be MS if they didn't try very hard to get their grubby, greedy mitts on our real life money. There are quite a lot of cars they keep releasing by the bulk on a monthly basis (around 50 cars since October 2016)  that you have to pay for if you want them. And not too cheap, of course. You can buy car packs, a car pass and a VIP membership, new festivals and areas.. You can spend easily over $100 on that stuff. And they're not finished yet..

Make that over $200, come to think of the details.


Art Blade

yep.. and they keep advertising their own to-pay-for stuff even inside the game let alone in the xbox app.

But I won't spend any money on that stuff. The base version of the game for €69 was already bloody expensive enough >:(

Art Blade

There is however a slight chance that you win cars that you cannot buy in any way -- you will have to win the lottery. It's called "Wheelspin" and happens every time you rank up and there are other occasions the Wheelspin occurs.

The prizes range from $2,000 up to $100,000 and may also be cars that range from, erm, rust bucket.. to really cool cars. I won mostly money, a fair bit actually, and a few *bleep* cars.

This is the jackpot. Obviously not a really cool car but unique. Yay. At least it got a drift bonus built in :gnehe:

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Art Blade

Here it is, after a little design overhaul. :gnehe:

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Art Blade

The car came upgraded and tuned to the MAX  ??? :anigrin:  AND also with a lot of upgrades to choose from, every one of those just $100. Cool :) Also the inside looks not like anything I would have expected.  O0

pic from the inside.
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Bloody MS, they never miss a trick, do they? :angry-new: Anything to make a buck...

Hehe, nice custom paint job :thumbsup: :anigrin: Byron Bay is a real place, and it is actually in NSW :gnehe: Can't say if it's accurately reproduced without seeing it. Judging by what I've seen so far, it probably isn't. I've never seen anything like that curved structure there (although it does look familiar, maybe on the Gold Coast).

Regarding your earlier query Art, there is a Silver Sands Beach in South Australia but it's not littered with shipwreck debris. Although there are the remains of a shipwreck there, it looks nothing like the one in your picture. There are a lot of shipwrecks along Aussie coasts, but most of them are on the other side of the country from NSW, off the coast of Western Australia.

The beach with a shipwreck that most resembles the one in your screencap is probably the one on Fraser Island, in Queensland again (net photo, not mine, I haven't been there :gnehe:).

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The Twelve Apostles are quite well recreated (despite being in the wrong state :gnehe:) I'm impressed :thumbsup:

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Art Blade

cool, and thank you +1 :thumbsup:  :)

Art Blade

your ongoing supply with Oz info deserved a kudo  :anigrin:

The game can't get it right because the game map is rather small. Most games that I know can't get it right because of the same reason. The only ones that are somewhat close are related to Los Angeles, it's L.A. Noir and GTAV.

Art Blade

Oh GEE!  ??? JACKPOT again, YAY!!  :D

And this time a NICE car, too! Woo-hoo!  :main_go-ahead:

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Art Blade

HA! WHOA!! ??? :gnehe: O0 :anigrin:

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OK, note the money count top right. I purchased a perk that allows me to buy another spin while the Wheelspin is triggered. So, I levelled up, got my wheelspin, and won a somewhat meh car. Only this time it said, collect prize OR collect prize and spin again. Took some time to realise that extra spinning isn't just THAT cheap, if I am not mistaken, it's some 50,000 per extra spin. However, I won a few bucks which reduced the losses but won another car and now THIS JACKPOT again  :D

I am pretty sure that those car prizes and the money I won in between made WELL up for the money I spent on extra spins. This car looks insanely expensive and note the SPEED BOOST it comes with :gnehe:

Art Blade

Turns out the Ferrari I won is worth over $400,000 and the Merc around $140,000 and the body w0#k and upgrades of the Merc are worth a lot more than just a few bucks. The other cars are worth a couple 100k, too.  It paid off to gamble  O0

Speaking about photo realism.. here a screenie I took during a replay. Yes, replay  :thumbsup: :) I love replays in racing games. Thanks to my SSD, loading is just a matter of like two seconds.. hehe  :gnehe:

this was a very close passing of a car (Abarth, almost like Fiat500) at rather high speed ??? :anigrin:

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"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

I found a better way of getting cars cheap.

First another rant.
Of course, first I had to use a MS web browser in order to access my account for my windows10 xbox app. WHY can't I change the app's settings from WITHIN the app? And, WHY doesn't the xbox web site accept FireFox (keeps causing weird errors) -- although to some extent I can understand that they support their own browser. However, it is bloody SILLY that my MS game, FH3, had the "auction house" feature greyed-out (inaccessible) because some weird xbox app settings prevented it from working and I had to go to the website to make changes. Also, I couldn't download car designs because my FAMILY settings for the xbox prevented the game from doing so. WHAT FAMILY?! And I never set that stuff up so the weird default setup causes their game to not fully w0#k. Of course, those family settings could only be changed online with a web browser.. :banghead:


So, the auction house.. players sell their stuff and you can really make a bargain if you get lucky. Here's my first auction and I won. :bigsmile:

first pic: just won the auction. second pic can be enlarged to original size -- check the price tag.. I got it for 10% O0

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