Raid the Petrosahel

Started by JRD, March 18, 2009, 07:11:03 AM

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Browsing through the site I saw a description about how to approach mission in the Petrosahel. Eastern and western routes semms to be pzrzao's favourites.
Well, my approach is quite different, less subtle, but as much efficient!
Approaching from the south, you'll have a nice overview of the area

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Take out the guy at the sniping point first, as he can spot you.
You 'll see many propane tanks, fuel piles, red and yellow barrels in the area. Shooot them at will and watch as AI runs in panic.
Pick one by one.
Be carefull with the jeep to the right of the picture as someone might hop in and try to run you over. From where you are standing its easy to see them coming and take them out.

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There are always one or two mercs hiding somewhere, but you can walk in slowly and finish them easily. They'll be pretty scared by then.

Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Yeah, there's a sniping post way up the hill that gives a nice overview of the area, there's a diamond case nearby as I recall. I always start there when I need to attack that area. Hell, sometimes I don't even need to go there and I swing by on my way someplace else just to blow stuff up.  ;D
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Great story and excellent images jrderntl - I'll have to try that method next time I go there - on a somewhat related note regarding the missions pages on the menus, instead of my ramblings on how to do missions, have a link to these mission threads instead?  As long as we keep posting in the thread that the first person started, and keep the naming of the threads consistent so they are easy to recognize, that might be the best way to deliver advice on missions - from all of us, in one clear and concise place.  We could do similar to what D_B started with his journal entries:

Journal: [title]
Mission: [area title]- [specific mission]
In the case of the mission that jrderntl recently posted, the names could be
Mission: Raid the Petrosahel - [specific mission]



Thats excellent.
Create a standard post name so we can keep track of stories or add links to them.
At first I thought you could just add the screenshots to a crosshair in the maps.
Like you did in the Cattle Xing. I believe spaceboy mentioned it and you used a screenshot by D_B

You created a monster.......... and its growing fast!!!
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


You mean we've created a monster my FC2 friends!  Combining all the talent and experience we've collectively assembled into these forums can only end up being a good thing.  Everyone is contributing their piece - from great ideas to screen captures, to excellent questions, to corrections on the mistakes that are not infrequently made.  No one seems to have an ego issue here, and the communications are open and honest, unlike some of the flaming things I've experienced on other sites.  To sum it up, everyone is polite and considerate, characteristics that are sometimes lacking in these times.  [off my sappy soap box now]


Yeah, I think a link to the forum is a great idea, but still have a summary on the map page.

Here's a couple screens of the sniper post I was talking about:

[smg id=4829]

And a view thru the scope, taking out the sniper on the tank:

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There's a ammo pile in the little shack as well, which will be marked on the next version of the map, so you can snipe until there's nothing left to snipe at, refill ammo, move down to the rocks to the right, snipe some more, then move into the area.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Fantastic sniper shot D_B, can't wait to add it to the PetroSahel majorlocation map - because I'm a bit dense sometimes, what do you have in mind with a "summary" on the map?


  • Added sniper screen cap to PetroSahel majorlocation area.
  • Added distant view of PetroSahel to the Leboa Northeast region map
  • Added sunset screen capture to Bowa Southeast region map


For the summary on the map page, pretty much keep it the way you have it, a description of the mission/area, ways in, ways out, what's there, etc, then a link to the forum.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


... will do - thanks for the feedback


Josip Idromeno Buddy Quest: Fuel the Violence

Went to Mike's to get a buddy quest on a sunny morning and ran into Josip who wants me to destroy a large propane tank on the loading dock at PetroSahel.  Took the assault truck to Pala, indicated my bad attitude to the mercs in town and took the bus to the northwest stop and arrived late that afternoon still sunny, but oppressively hot.  Drove the buggy to the safe house east of the bus stop and then walked to the guard post east of my position - the guards must have been half asleep because the 6P9 took care of them all without sounding any kind of alert.  Stole an assault truck and worked my way southwest toward PetroSahel. 

My usual method is to enter the area from the northeast along the railroad tracks coming from the northwest bus stop, but this time I did something different (one of my merc pals jrderntl had recommended); I approached from the south along the sweeping downhill plane toward PetroSahel.

Stopped for a long range snipe of the merc atop the eastern fuel tank.  Somehow I must have alerted the guards because 5 to 6 of them came running up the hill trying to flank me, which they did with seemingly little difficulty.

Luckily, my reliable but now aged golden AK managed to take care of business, and I was able to stroll down into PetroSahel without further conflict.  Found the propane tank and threw a few bullets it's way, and a spurt of flame shot out of it's belly.  Turning around to find some ammo in the large building (and a few syrettes) I stumbled upon a merc that had been hiding somewhere...  Although he tried to run away, the AK barked it's trusty tune and he melted into the ground... just then heard a loud explosion and I knew that I'd finished another fine day in wonderland.

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Nice description of that mish. 8) I have always approached via the tracks @ night, and clambered up that small hill next to the tracks to take out the sniper.

About the golden AK. I started using one early on, after finding it, thx to one of your maps. It's a great weapon, but i noticed it was starting to look a little tarnished after a while.

I just happened to find another golden AK in a shed next to the desert on my way to a safehouse meeting, so i swapped out the old for the new one.

My point, and i do have one, is does anyone know how long these Golden AK's last before they start to jam?

Also, do they have the reliability and accuracy upgrades built in, as you cannot buy them unless you buy a standard AK from the shop.
Are you listening to the wind now? Tell the wind to bring me some beer. F*ck the beer, we need women!


I've used my golden AK nonstop until well into the Bowa missions before it started to jam - I too noticed a bit of tarnish.  I'm not sure about accuracy and reliability though, just in case, I purchased a regular AK and then the upgrades - did not notice a real difference, but I did not investigate thoroughly.


I guess I wimp out on this one. I sneak in from the north and go through the
hole in the wall, turn left and go up the spiral stair of the fuel tank and take out the sniper. (he never looks north)
Then its just casually taking most everyone out using his sniper, between sipping my drink.  :)
They never try and come up the stairs.
"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."


Your method is my usual favorite as well - I normally prefer sneaking in close range these days and do my dirty w@&k with the 6P9 and then go loud with the AK when I'm discovered.

🡱 🡳

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