Weird glitches today . . .

Started by mmosu, October 24, 2009, 07:30:18 AM

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Interesting weird glitch this morning - was doing an underground mission at the house west of the dental clinic.  Unlocked the house as usual but when I went inside, the cash register was lying on the floor and the cell phones were marching off off the counter top toward the cash register.  In turn, each phone fell off the counter with a distinctive "clunk".

Art Blade

that's why in some countries they call 'em "mobiles"  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Yes!! That's it!!!  That's exactly what I saw way back at the start of this thread!  That's awsome that someone else finally saw it!  :-X

Art Blade

That is really crazy stuff, spooky  ;D Still, haven't seen any of that myself.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I can understand how it might be a rare occurrence to observe - I can't even begin to recall how many times I've played underground missions, and this "glitch" was definitely the first for me - and it's not like it is easy to miss - the cash register is lying on it's side right where you'd turn to look back into the room after receiving the medication.

Too bad I couldn't capture it - was on the console this morning.

Art Blade

Hmmm, mmosu is on a console, too. Maybe this is only a console related glitch?
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Possibly, I've never seen it on my PC game. But that's not to say it doesn't ever happen on PCs.

In a slightly similar vein, I remember a time when I was at UFLL HQ in Leboa, talking to Gakumba and one of his cronies (can't remember which one). There's a circular table there, Gakumba standing to one side of it, the other guy sitting in a chair on the other side. While they were talking, they both promptly changed places - by sliding quickly through the table, and each other, simultaneously. They also shifted to their respective opposite poses en route. I've only seen it once, it looked really weird.

Another oddity. The other night I was attacking the GP that's north and west of the Airfield in Bowa (the one at the bridge with a rocket guy on the small hill next to it). I was approaching the GP from the east. Generally I'll stop just past the crossroads before I get there, tag the rocket merc with a dart, then deal with the other two guys, which is what I began to do on this occasion. Rocket guy down, and one guy at the GP down. Where's the other guy? Then I spot him as he pops up from behind a barricade. He takes aim at me - but before he can shoot, he catches alight! He flails around on fire, goes "Wo-wo-wooaaahh", crashes and burns.

Spontaneous merc combustion, apparently! There was nothing else on fire there, before or after. ::)

Just thought - maybe he knocked a kero lamp over on himself. I'll have to check if there's one there next time.


Quote from: Art Blade on November 25, 2009, 06:51:37 PM
Maybe this is only a console related glitch?
Hmm, hadn't thought of that.  Guess we have to wait until someone else sees it for a "best out of three" . . .  :-\


This is not really a glitch, but I recently noticed in the APR headquarters office that there are two Bowa maps on one of the walls - one is right side up and the other is upside down.

I hit that GP exactly the same way you do fragger - is the easiest (and quickest) way to get past that spot to my favorite cell phone tower.  I also love playing with the mercs near the crossroads.


That big rock right at the crossroads is a perfect spot to park your AT out of reach of the Carl G. on lookout. When coming in from the north or the previously mentioned cell tower, I drop my AT off in the hollow provided by that rock then creep around, dart the missile launcher and sneak up onto his knoll to catch the other two mercs napping.

Sometimes literally if it's late night. Just look out for what appears to be a pile of rags on the ground on the river side of their shanty there close to the ammo cache. I actually tripped over the sleeper one time before I knew what to look for. I'm not sure who was more surprised.

With the Dart rifle I can usually get all three with out a single shot of return fire, though I like to use something good and loud for the last merc (AS50 is best) because if there is a boat on the river below they will stop and gawk up towards the CP like plumbs waiting to be plucked.
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade

hehe, I basically do the same with that GP, and I too love fat ripe plums for desert, served on a hot grenade  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


When coming in from the east and I want to Rambo it, I'll race my vehicle into a spot on the east side of the big rock east of the RPG guy - hop out, then dodge the rockets as I charge him until he draws his Mac-10.

When coming in from the north (usually from the Polytechnic), I'll take the foot path leading directly to his spot, take him out with the 6P9 (or machete), finish off the other mercs and then steal the Carl-G to take out the boat crew (icing on the cake).  ;D

Art Blade

hehehe, icing on the cake :)

I'm just playing that cell tower assassination mission with a target in Sefapane. Maybe you remember I once found out that there seems to be a border across that village, when you kill mercs around that HQ area, the mercs near the river/towards Dogon village don't care. You can actually kill all mercs around HQ and get a safely escaped message although there are still mercs in the other part of the village. Right now I accidently (again accidently) found out that it works the other way round, too. I killed even using flammables and M79 (loud w@&k) all mercs in that part of town, and the mercs around HQ didn't care. lol

The only rule seems to be, that the respectively other half of town must not see you while you kill the mercs in the opposite half.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Yes, I noticed that the last few times I was there - from the roof top, I could see mercs peacefully patrolling while there was a furious fire fight in my area.


I'm sorry I didn't note exactly where but there is a guard post in Act II that is seriously fubared. I've played through it twice and seen weirdness both times.

The first time I kept getting shot but couldn't find the shooters. Two of the mercs were inside a rock and could shoot me but my shots appeared to have no effect on them.

The second time I played through the same guard post, the was a FN FAL rifle and a a sidearm suspended in mid air above the level of the Unimog I was driving. The muzzle was pointed downward as if it was being carried on a  merc's back. -- bit no merc. I walked over to the rock in question and there was a single merc inside, the tip of his hat and butt of his rifle sticking out of the top of the rock. He didn't react to my presence.

I even tried shooting and slashing him from the top of the rock. Blood spattered but he didn't yell out and refused to die.

I got the Hell away from that guard post -- damn place is possessed by an AI Debil or sumthin'.

"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar

Art Blade

lol, nicely put  ;D

Welcome to OWG, eor123  :)

Great you started posting right away, we like reading stories  :-X
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Crap Art! You're too fast!  ;D

Welcome to the forums eor123.  Your Merc-stuck-in-a-rock story seems reminiscent of a location that's well known around here.  Maybe you should take a look at some of the maps created by none other than our own Dweller_Benthos, who has gone to the trouble of mapping out some of the more recurrent oddities in the game, along with just about everything else you would ever want to find. 

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: eor123 on November 30, 2009, 06:32:20 PM
... Two of the mercs were inside a rock and could shoot me but my shots appeared to have no effect on them.

I know this place well - the only way I've been able to kill the embedded merc is via grenade.

Welcome to OWG, eor123   :-X


Ah yes, Act II N.E. corner of the 9 map grids. The Check Point just west of Sepoko. Aye, we all know that devil.

He's supposed to be a second set of long range eyes (is the other an RPG? dim memory in the way lol) for that CP working from that rock ridge against the back of the hut protecting the approach from the S.E..

When I'm in smash and destroy mode and I've got to get him, I've found if I stand almost right on top of him absorbing the damage he's handing out and then with the 1 shot kill ability of my Dart or AS50 I wait until I catch a moment of his exposed hand or the very top of his head and let him have it.

Usually though, my next stop is the nearby armory and gun shop to refill my first aid kit being cautious of the Grenade Launching Assault Truck (GLAT - just so we're all on the same page with our acronyms  :P) that circles that loop of roadway from the Cp to the Crash Site the gun shop and back round again.

I have found if the GLAT arrives while I'm up on that earlier mentioned rock ledge gunning for the guy inside the rock where the driver and gunner can't see me but can hear my efforts, they will dismount the GLAT and come looking for me on foot.

Good for me! I get their ride. Bad for them. They get ME.  :-*

- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


You're correct about the RPG guy - on the west side of the GP.  I was traveling to that GP from the southern approach not too long ago, and was a bit too cocky - managed to take out RPG, but not until his rocket did some damage to me (lost my 'mog).  Then, the hidden rock merc kept plinking at me further decreasing my health - and finally to top it off, I heard the vroom... vroom... of a racing AT.  Only then did it dawn on my pea brain that this was the site of a couple of patrols, the GLAT being one of them.  Like piranha, they descended on me... needless to say, I was lucky I had a buddy that was rescue ready.  ;D

Art Blade

[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: mandru on December 01, 2009, 10:37:23 AM
Good for me! I get their ride. Bad for them. They get ME.  :-*

Nice  :-X ;D


Ran across more amusing glitches / oddities

When accepting a mission from Gakumba and Canbonell, I opted not to listen to Gakumba's spiel and hit "Y"

It happened very fast but it seemed like Carbonell and Gakumba instantaneously switched positions, a glass that was on the table fell and smashed, and Carbonell ended up in Gakumba's lap for a split second before snapping back to his original position to my left.

All the movement knocked a trash can over and it kept rattling around when the guard opened the door for me to leave and closed it behind me.

A real WTF moment.

After blowing the bridge, I wandered down to the trashed barge to look around. I ran into more resistance than anticipated and got myself shot up. Hakim Echebbi  came to my rescue. After being healed up, I swept the area and started searching for diamonds.

I heard Hakim scream, ran back and found him lying on the ground with the blue smoke flare. I healed him and he acknowledged with the "I'm all right now" dialogue.

While I was looking around trying to figure out what had happened to him, I heard him scream again and saw him stumble and eventually go down.

I healed him again. He got up, took a few steps and went down again, with a scream.

At this point I figured the AI was determined to kill this  guy off so who was I to argue?

At Sefapane, after killing everyone. I went to the UFLL HQ  to see if I could get back in and kill Voorhees. I killed the guard at the door, tried to enter the building but couldn't.

While standing in front of the door, a different guard spawned right in my face. I killed him. Another different guard spawned. I killed him.

I then stepped back and went through all the weapons at my disposal killing each new guard as soon as he spawned. Went through pretty much the entire catalog of mercs. By the time I got bored, there was a massive pile of weapons at the front door.  ;D

"Seriously...f@#k it. This place is like an airplane with the engines falling off. The pilots are too busy choking each other to see there is a problem. "  -- Marty Alencar


Good stories eor123,  Your tale of the guard at the door while trying to kill Voorhees reminded me of killing buddies inside Mike's place - stick 8 IEDs on the outside walls of the bar, and then hit the detonator - kills most of the people in the bar.  I wonder if you might get Voorhees that way (kind of doubt it though because the game knows which characters are essential).

🡱 🡳

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